Chapter 68 – The genius catgirl Asteria (final)
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And Asteria’s story ends there, with her old world destroyed, and herself being corrupted by the evil god Kataros. 

Now you know why Asteria’s eyes are like that. Those are the eyes that were once corrupted with demonic energy. And it finally makes sense how she knows so much about the demonic realm.

But the haunting question remains: How long had she existed in that nightmarish state?

"Tens of thousands of years," Asteria confesses, her voice carrying a bottomless sorrow. "In that time, countless worlds, countless dimensions were swallowed whole by that loathsome deity. And I—I was an active participant in those abominable acts. I did horrible things. Millions of innocent people died because of me, Felicia…"

As Asteria delves more into her sins of the past, her emotional armor begins to crumble. Her voice quivers, her body trembles uncontrollably in a ceaseless torment. Yet, she does not shed a tear. She simply stays there, suffused in a sadness so profound it seems as if it could swallow her whole.

"No! It wasn't you, nya! It was Kataros who controlled you!" you interject. "You can't keep blaming yourself for actions that weren't truly yours. You were under his influence; you couldn't have acted any differently, nya!"

And the reason why you can say that, is because you now understand what it means to be corrupted more than anyone else. It’s absolutely impossible to stay sane under the influence of dark energy. Your mind and soul was almost crushed when you tried to control a fraction of the demon king’s soul inside you. And then, you even failed to withstand the darkness inside Nightingale’s world. Even someone so pure and innocent like Nightingale struggled. How then could Asteria possibly stand against a god of malevolence?

"But I should have stopped Caelius when the opportunity presented itself. I saw the changes the Dark Crystals inflicted upon the people. I saw the signs, but chose to ignore them."

“But how the heck would you know that the Dark Crystals contained Kataros’ power back then nya? You did nothing wrong, Asteria. It was just fate being unreasonable nya!”

“Then… are you saying that even after all of this, I am still innocent?”

“Of course nya!”

Hearing that, Asteria suddenly laughed. In split seconds, as if some divine switch has been flipped, she changes back to be the old Asteria, calm and collected. Her body visibly relaxes, the tension melting away as if it were never there. The torment that once clouded her eyes seconds ago is now gone, replaced by a new-found tranquility.

“Thank you, Felicia.” she murmurs.

"Wait, what?" You're flabbergasted, unable to reconcile the emotional swing you just witnessed. "You can't be serious nya! One moment you were drowning in guilt and the next you're as cool as a cucumber? You were toying with me, nya!"

Your outburst only fuels Asteria's amusement. Her chuckles echo around you, soft yet lingering.

"Well, of course I did feel remorse, but only for the first couple thousands of years," she finally admits. “Just like you said, perhaps it was just fate being cruel to me. Dwelling in a cesspool of my own guilt won't change the past or help me confront what lies ahead. To truly challenge Kataros someday, the first step is forgiving myself."

"Grrrr..." You growl, feeling a mix of irritation and relief. Annoyed that Asteria so skillfully deceived your emotions, yet relieved that, underneath it all, she’s mentally okay. "Fine, let's put that aside. Onto the next question. How did you manage to escape Kataros’ influence, nya?" 

"Ah, well, that's because I'm a geni—"

"No, stop right there, nya!" you interject, waving your hands dramatically in the air. "Don't even try that line, Ms. Cheeky Catgirl. I'm asking a serious question, so give me a serious answer, nya!"

“Alright, fair enough.” Asteria laughs softly. "It was Aquilonyan. She's the one who saved me. Ah, actually, it’s more like kidnapping me now that I think about it."

"Oh, Aquilinyan nya!" you acknowledge, nodding your head. Your suspicions had leaned in that direction, but having confirmation still delivers a sense of revelation.

So, it’s true that Asteria knows the Goddess of the Northern Lands.

You then ask about how exactly did the Goddess save Asteria, but Asteria refuses to answer that question, saying that it’s too soon for you to know, and she will tell you more about that when the time comes.

And by that, she clarifies to be when you reach level 13.

“Nyaarrrgh!” you exclaim in frustration. “Are you serious? I’m still level seven! It will take years to get to level thirdteen nyaaa!”

“Then you better train harder now, haha!” Asteria’s eyes sparkle with mischief.


You pout, a little mad that you don’t get to hear the whole story. You're tempted to wheedle more information out of her, but you know Asteria well enough to realize that when she chooses to keep something secret, not even the fires of hell could compel her to speak.

So you have no other option but to play by her rule and get to level 13. Then, you will finally be able to know more about Asteria and Aquilonyan relationships.

 “But… can you at least tell me what the Goddess looks like, nya?”

“Oh, that’s a secret too!”

“Nooooo!” you wail, and grab Asteria’s dress. And then, half crying half begging. “You know that I really really like catgirls nyaa! If you withhold that information from me, I won’t be able to sleep! I won’t be able to eat or fight anymore nyaaa!” you say.

And the thing is, that’s probably true. The Goddess of Catgirls’ true appearance? You need to know it! You DESPERATELY need to know it RIGHT NOW! You're not just curious; you're borderline obsessed! You need this morsel of knowledge like air to breathe!

“Alright!” Asteria yields. “Fine, fine. She’s really beautiful, with white hair and blue eyes, and feathery wings. She’s also very strong with ice and space magic.”

Huh? That’s just the description of a typical DeathWhizkersz! That’s not helpful at all!

“Then tell me about her personality nya!”

“Hmmmm, she’s very kind and wise, but can be childish and quite annoying sometimes. She eats a lot of meat and hates vegetables. Her favorite foods are steak and sushi. Yep! That’s all I can give you right now! So level up to know more!”

“Aaa! Darn it!!! Still not helpful at all nyaaa!”

You groan in exasperation, throwing your hands up in the air. The elusive image of the Goddess remains tantalizingly out of reach, obscured by Asteria's tantalizing half-truths and withheld secrets.

You are about to push for more information, but then, you suddenly realize something…

Aquilonyan… if the legends are correct, has some sort of bad habit, isn’t she? The Goddess is famous for her sexual activities and love for catgirls.

So, Aquilonyan and Asteria… did they…

Suddenly, for some reason, you don’t feel so good anymore. Your stomach turns, and the air feels thick.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Seeing the changes on your face, Asteria asks, her eyes narrowing in concern.

"N-nothing, nya…" you stammer, your voice wavering as you force a laugh.

But Asteria can’t be fooled that easily.

"Hold on a second," she interjects, her gaze piercing.“Are you perhaps wondering if we had that kind of relationship?”

“Hah?” Your eyes widen. “Of-of course not! Why would I even think that, nya?”

Ignoring your feeble denial, Asteria leans in closer, her eyes locking onto yours. You avert your eyes to avoid hers, but that catgirl suddenly pulls you closer, and puts her hand on your chest. 

Hold on! What is she playing at?

A wildfire of emotions blazes through you, pushing your internal alarms into overdrive. Your heart pounds like it's in a race it didn't sign up for, your face flushes as though you've been caught in a compromising situation, and sweat beads form on your forehead as if you're standing in an oven. The air between you crackles with tension so palpable, it feels like it could ignite at any moment.

"Then..." Asteria begins, her voice softening like a lullaby, "what would you do if it were true?"

You feel your heart plunge into your stomach, your inner self wailing a soundless scream. Stupid Asteria… why did she ask you like that? You don’t like that question! You don’t like it at all!

"Why—why would it matter, nya? It's not like I'm jealous or anything, nya!" you stammer, tripping over each syllable.

“Oh?” A mischievous grin stretches across Asteria's face. "Is that so?"

You are now having teary eyes. Oh Felicia, it’s time to admit. Yes, you are jealous. Insufferably, irrationally, heart-wrenchingly jealous. You can’t hide your emotions anymore. This catgirl is wicked, and yet, you know that you have somehow fallen in love with her.

You love the late night talks.

You love the time that you spent stargazing at the night sky.

You love how she really cares about you, how she always wants to keep you safe.

And the moment that she went mad and scary because you were taken away for a few minutes, now thinking back about it, you love that as well. 

Damn it…

You have been defeated—utterly, sweetly, devastatingly, defeated.

"Then," you murmur, barely mustering the strength to push back, "who is more beautiful? Me, or Aquilonyan, nya?"

"That's a secret as well," Asteria coyly replies, sidestepping your question yet again. A flicker of disappointment clouds your eyes.

But just as you're processing this, Asteria takes a sudden, decisive action. She leans in and presses her lips to yours in a deep, lingering kiss that steals your breath and your reason.

You're completely floored.

What—what on Earth is happening?

A kiss from Asteria? The sensation is overwhelming, as if your very soul is folding in on itself, and your mind becomes a blur of emotional chaos. Your heart is seized by an almost unbearable yearning, a painful sweetness that you never knew existed.

And then, when she finally pulls away, her ruby eyes locking onto yours, it feels as if time itself has halted. The stars, the sky—every other wonder of the world fades into insignificance before her transcendent beauty.

"May I have more, nya?" you whisper, your voice tinged with desperate longing.

"No, you need to recover from your injuries first. So sleep well," she says.

Asteria snaps her finger, and you instantly feel your consciousness slipping away.

Darn it! That catgirl! She is forcing you into a deep sleep again!

You want to taste those enchanting lips again, to ask her what that breathtaking moment meant. You ache to pour out your own feelings, and want to know more about her feelings as well!

But her spell is too potent; your resistance is futile. 

Everything once again becomes black.