Ch: 24 [Unrest in Gotham]
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Travis and Sarah walked along the familiar streets, their footsteps accompanied by the soft rustling of leaves and the occasional distant sound of a car passing by. Max trotted happily beside them, his tail wagging as he explored the scents that lingered in the air.

As they strolled, Travis couldn't help but feel happy. In the past, he didn't have the liberty to stroll around due to his lung cancer. Most of the time he was lying in his room.

The simple act of walking, of feeling the pavement beneath his feet and the gentle breeze on his skin, was a luxury that Travis had come to appreciate in a way he never had before. He glanced over at Sarah, who seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as she walked beside him, a serene expression on her face.

"You seem lost in thought," Travis remarked with a smile.

Sarah looked at him and grinned. "Just enjoying the moment, you know? It's nice to have you back, Travis. And it's even nicer to see you doing something as ordinary as taking a walk."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess 'ordinary' takes on a whole new meaning after everything we've been through."

They continued walking in comfortable silence for a while, allowing the tranquility of the neighborhood to wash over them. As they passed by familiar houses, memories of their childhood and teenage years came flooding back.

"You remember the time we tried building that treehouse?" Sarah said with a laugh, breaking the silence.

Travis laughed as well, shaking his head. "Oh yeah, how could I forget? We thought we were going to build the most epic treehouse in the history of treehouses."

"And then it ended up being a wobbly platform with a crooked roof," She added, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

"But we were so proud of it," He said, his tone filled with fondness. "Even though it barely held together and I'm pretty sure we scared away more birds than we attracted."

They both laughed, the memory of their childhood escapades weaving a thread of connection between them. It was moments like these that made Travis grateful for his return to this world, a world where he could relive these ordinary yet cherished moments.

As they walked, their conversation shifted to more recent topics—the changes in the neighborhood, updates on local shops they used to visit once in a while, and plans for the coming days.

The time passed as they strolled, their conversation flowing effortlessly. The houses and streets around them seemed to hold a sense of familiarity that was both comforting and nostalgic. They paused at a park they used to frequent, its swings and slides triggering memories of carefree laughter and shared secrets.

Sitting on a bench, Travis glanced around the park, his gaze resting on the old oak tree that had witnessed countless childhood adventures. The tree's branches swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

"You know," He began, his voice reflective, "I never thought I'd have a chance to experience moments like this again."

She turned to him, her expression soft. "Life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?"

"Yeah," He agreed. "After everything that happened in the alternate world, I thought I had lost my chance at a normal life. But being back here, with you all and in a place that holds so many memories… it's a second chance I never thought I'd get."

Sarah reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, her touch warm and reassuring. "You deserve this, Travis. You've faced challenges that most people can't even imagine. And now, you have a chance to embrace the simple joys of life."

He smiled at her, his heart full of gratitude. "I'm lucky to have you as a friend, Sarah. Your support means a lot to me."

She chuckled. "Well, someone has to keep you in check, right?"

He chuckled too, appreciating the lightness she brought to their conversation. They sat in companionable silence for a while longer, the park's serene atmosphere enveloping them.

Suddenly, the sound of sirens took their attention. A couple of police cars went toward the north, followed by two ambulances.

As the wailing sirens echoed through the air, Travis and Sarah exchanged curious glances. The sudden commotion drew their attention away from their nostalgic conversation and toward the source of the urgency.

"Something must be happening nearby," He remarked, his brow furrowed as he watched the police cars and ambulances speed past.

She nodded in agreement, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "It's unusual to see this many emergency vehicles all at once."

Max, sensing the change in atmosphere, lifted his head and let out a low, cautious growl. His ears perked up as he followed the movement of the vehicles with alert eyes.

Travis stood up from the bench, his instincts kicking in.

"Let's check it out," He said noticing the nearby civilians gossiping and some even started following the police car.

Travis and Sarah exchanged another glance before quickly making their way in the direction the emergency vehicles had headed. Max, sensing their urgency, trotted alongside them, his senses on high alert.

As they walked briskly, the distant sound of sirens grew louder, indicating that they were getting closer to the scene. The streets were abuzz with speculation, and several other residents of the neighborhood had also gathered to see what was happening.

As they turned a corner, They saw a small crowd gathered near an old apartment. Police cars were parked haphazardly, blocking the road, and paramedics just rushed inside.

Travis and Sarah approached the gathering, their expressions a mixture of concern and unease. The atmosphere was tense, the onlookers hushed as they exchanged speculations and theories about the tragic incident.

From the tits bits gossip Travis picked up, thanks to his super hearing sense, it seems that around six homeless people died in that abandoned apartment.

"Did you hear what happened?"

"Someone said they found the bodies in the abandoned apartment."

"Six people, right? All homeless."

"Yeah, and apparently their chests were ripped open."

Travis didn't even flinch at the grim details he overheard from the hushed conversations around him. He has seen enough death to last a lifetime or two. But he was worried about his family and Sarah. He exchanged a concerned glance with Sarah. The brutality of the incident was unsettling, and the mystery surrounding it only deepened his sense of unease.

He watched as paramedics hurried in and out of the apartment building, their expressions somber as they worked diligently to respond to the emergency. The police officers on the scene were speaking to witnesses and trying to piece together what had transpired.

Travis's mind raced with questions. What could have caused such a horrific event? The mention of the victims' chests being ripped open sent a chill through his veins.

'Damn these memories!' He thought as he remembered the Quirk that one villain used to rip out the hearts from people's chests.

"Hey, what do you think happened?" Sarah whispered, her voice hushed as she leaned closer to Travis.

"I don't know," He replied in a low voice. "But this seems... unusual. I mean, how often do you hear about something like this happening in our neighborhood?"

She nodded, her expression mirroring his concern. "I mean, gunshots, murder, and robbery are well you get used to it in Gotham, but busted chests... It's definitely not something you'd expect. I hope the authorities can figure out what happened."

As they watched from the edge of the crowd, a middle-aged woman approached them, her face pale with shock. She seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"I can't believe this is happening," the woman said, her voice trembling. "I used to see those homeless folks around here all the time. They didn't bother anyone."

Travis and Sarah exchanged a glance, sensing the sadness and disbelief in the woman's words. The victims had been part of the community, even if they lived on the fringes, and their sudden and brutal deaths were a tragic loss.

"Do you think it could be some kind of attack?" Sarah asked, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Travis nodded, his expression serious. "It's possible. Maybe some kind of cult is involved. We need to be careful."


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