Chapter 18 ‘Under the Ruler’
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Ariel had been on high alert for the past five years. 

Life had decided to send its most challenging chapter yet. Five years ago, he was blessed with two heirs. Children destined to take his place if he led them well. The pride of his house, the joy of his home and the fuel of his heart. From the moment they were born, he sworn to himself. His duty was them. He would live a life of more glory and honour for their sake.

Life must have heard his vow and decided to put him to the test. War broke out. The return of the old queen signalled the start of something new.

'There must be something ironic about that, huh...'

The queen was the only creature alive able to rally all the demons. Diverse were the demons. So numerous that they outnumbered all the other races combined three to one on the continent of Somnium. The demons, despite being more than able to wipe out the other races with a full force invasion, never did. The level of infighting among the demons was ridiculously high. So high in fact, that they actually lost sizeable chunks of land. The other races had attacked them and instead of helping each other, they fought amongst themselves.

'We really are a sad excuse for a kind...'

It was because of this reason that he had come to respect the reigning queen. She managed to unite the bickering race. There was something about a Yalery that commanded respect. Maybe it was the grand tales that surround them, or their imposing bodies that did the trick. Whatever it was, it was enough to get a truly unified race. The Yalery kind had some sort of unique influence over the demon race. That was no secret. It was something Ariel had come to enjoy.

Ariel was glad that the queen had come to rule. In his eyes he always thought the queen as a conqueror. The stories he had heard about the past had filled him with hope. He was not disappointed after the queen had announced an official state of war. The queen merely stated she was in search for something. Ariel had so naively believed the queen was searching for conquest. That the something in question was the lost land. That was why he was so surprised with the sudden treaty.

'Not being made aware of such plans is so infuriating, if our soldiers are so disorganised... we'll become the fools the other races believe us to be'

Ariel was one of the four appointed grand generals. An honour granted to him by the queen herself. He was the army field grand general, meaning he would lead the armies into battle. His speciality was battling prowess and leadership that had been cultivated by the queen. As such, he wasn't in the know about the overall battle strategy. That was for the Strategic grand general to figure out.

As much as Ariel wanted to blame the strategic grand general for this, he knew it was not really his fault.

The queen was to blame.

She had made a rather odd random move. She went to the frontline of the west battle formation. Most of the army didn't know about this until she already left.

Something happened on that battlefield.

Something occurred that appeared to change the queens mind about the invasion.

Nobody was there to witness the moment.

There were reports and rumours going around as to what happened. Some more ridiculous than others. Some actually believed the queen sustained a serious injury fighting a great human hero.

'As if such nonsense was true'

What could hurt a Yalery?

"Master, I have an urgent message to report."

A maid walks up to the magma pool. 


"The queen sent a formal personal summon." 

"She is requesting your presence at once."

A loud silence filled the room.

'A personal summon?'

As much as Ariel admired the queen, he wouldn't want to meet her on his best days. Let alone his short break. He still remembers the power of the queen.

Getting out of the bath a quick thought passed his mind.

'Hopefully I can come unscathed' 



Ignavus was trapped.

It was the kind of trap one couldn't escape easily. An awkward situation.

His body still felt jumpy after waking up, and he finally understood why. Mana was flowing in his body once more.

'Why is it so erratic?! I don't feel like I can control it!' 

The mana flowing through his veins was his. He couldn't explain it. He just knew.

'And it's so little!'

Ignavus believes himself to be one of the best, if not the greatest warrior to exist. To not be able to control such little amounts of mana was insulting to the point he was starting to question his memory.

"Little Navy, are you bored?"(C)

A familiar playful voice sounded behind him.

'I wish she'd let go...'

Ignavus was currently sat on the laps of a Yalery and it was not by choice. Anytime he'd try to move, the two arms wrapped around him would tighten.

"I-I don't think so..."(I)

"Are you sure? If I remember correctly, you were in search place to play, right?"(C)

The Yalery threw him the same look she gave him in the changing room when he refused to wear the dresses.

"O-Oh y-yeah, Vultur wanted to play some game..."(I)

Mentioning his name made him think back to the bird.

'What did she do to that dumb bird...'

The Yalery, on who he sat, sent a smug glare to his "mother".

"I bet you would love to have many friends your age"(C)

"Y-yep, most definitely..."(I)

'I can't even say no! Damn it! When did I become so pathetic...'

The Yalery's hands moved to massage his wrists.

"W-what are you doing!"(I)

Ignavus started to thrash about trying to free his wrists. After a solid minute of pure struggle, he was beginning to feel winded.

"Now that you are done. We want to inform you of a decision we have reached"(C)

"Navy, as punishment for blatantly disrespecting your aunt and me, you are going to wear your golden bracelets until you have learned your lesson."(G.Q) 

'They've put me in chains! Like some slave!'

"You can't do this to me!"(I)

"I can't?"(G.Q)


Silence followed, letting the statement hang.

The queen got out of the bath. Before quickly making an exit

"It's been a while since I bathed anyone, Navy, how about it?"(C)

'Why ask if my response don't matter...'

Before he could answer, something lightly touched his tail and just from the feel of it, he already knew.

'This is going to be a long one...'