Ch 02 – Awoken at Night
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Anon was abruptly awoken from a vivid dream when he heard on of the girls climbing down from her bunkbed and rushing through the hallway. An attempt to go back to sleep, Anon closed his eyes and he could distinctly hear Haruto snoring in the bed opposite him.

When she returned from the bathroom, Anon assumed that she would be making her way back up the ladder to her bunk bed. But instead of scaling the thin rungs, she confidently pulled back his blanket and climbed directly into his bed beside him without a word. It was unlike anything he had expected; it left him feeling surprised and unsure of how he should respond. His heart started to pound in his chest as he felt her warm body next to his own and he was suddenly aware of every inch between them, making it difficult for him to focus on anything else.

Anon felt the vivid joy of having her close as he inhaled her beautiful scent, but she didn't stop there. With her back facing him, she slowly leaned into him until he could feel her warmth. Then she grabbed his arm and draped it around herself so that they were now snuggled up in a proper spooning position.

With his arm around her, he noticed how petite she was. His muscles rested just under her small breasts, the warmth of her chest radiating onto his skin with each breath. He could sense her struggle with comfort, as she would periodically readjust herself and wiggle her butt to find a better position against him. Before, only his chests was directly touching her back - but now he felt every curve of her bum pressing into his crotch and rousing a reaction from his body.

Yuki hadn’t seemed like the type of adventurous woman who took many risks, in fact she seemed to be quite shy. Even their playful flirting earlier had been more on the subtle side, and he never anticipated that it would end up with her snuggling up to him in bed like that. It seemed out of the blue and completely unexpected. Especially considering that her sister Mio and Haruto were still in the same room with them.

He felt her warmth against his skin and the sound of her heart pounding, when she suddenly started to move her small bubble butt and grind it along his now half erect shaft. It was clear that she was enjoying the feeling of arousal emanating from him. Of course this was a situation that Anon could not say no to. He started gently pressing his hips against her back while simultaneously sliding his hands around her waist.

His movements were tentative yet passionate, timidly exploring the situation as if it would break at even the slightest touch. He was worried that he may go to far, he still unable to see Yuki as someone who would come to his bed solely for physical pleasure.

It was a moment of tension and anticipation for him, with so much uncertainty that he wasn't sure what to do next and how far he could go with her.

But Yuki wasn't so hesitant, taking his hand and sliding it below her broad t-shirt to place it on her perky breasts. They felt so incredibly soft to the touch, Anon thought in amazement as he began massaging them gently. His fingers slowly found their way towards her small nipples, which gave a tiny jolt and made her moan with pleasure.