5 ♡ Comfort Zone
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My fingers hovered over my laptop’s keyboard, my mind racing with ideas for my next story. Since becoming a girl, I hadn't found the time to write, and the longing to create a story had grown insistent. With a determined spirit, I began typing, eager to transcribe my thoughts onto the screen.

Yet, as I typed, frustration stealthily crept in. It started as a subtle unease, a nagging sensation that something felt off. It was my writing speed—what once felt fluid and effortless, now felt sluggish. And it felt as if the words struggled to find their way from my brain to my fingertips.

“Gaaahhh, this is so annoying!”

I forced myself to continue, pushing through the frustration. However, it felt like my fingers couldn’t keep up with my ideas.

I paused, staring at the words on the screen. It was a noticeable difference, and it bothered me. I had always prided myself on my ability to churn out stories quickly, but now it seemed I was at a disadvantage.

Glancing at my hands, I muttered, “These tiny, girly hands, screw ‘em! It’s like my writing speed got nerfed1A term often used in gaming to describe when a character, weapon, or ability is intentionally weakened or made less effective in a game update or patch. by… Hmm, like 15 percent!? Seriously, what were the developers thinking?

I shook my head.

No, this is not a game!

With a sigh, I saved the document and closed the laptop. Maybe I needed a break, or perhaps I just needed to get used to this new body.

I left my room and found Miho in the living room, engrossed in her own work. She glanced up when she saw me.

"Hey, Kaede-chan, what's up?"

I shifted uncomfortably, the remnants of my frustration still gnawing at me. "It's nothing. I'm just having trouble finding my words today."

Miho nodded understandingly. "Ah, writer's block, huh. I see. Even the most successful authors get it every now and then. Don't be too hard on yourself."

I sighed, feeling a bit defeated. "I know, but it's just frustrating. I used to be able to write so easily, and now it feels like I'm stumbling over every word."

Miho's expression softened as she reached out to pat my shoulder. "It's okay, Kaede-chan. Writing is an art, and sometimes it takes time to find your rhythm, especially after you’ve been so busy with moving in here. Maybe you just need a little break."

Well, it actually is because I’m not used to this body of mine.

I appreciated her words of comfort, but the frustration still lingered. "Y-yeah, maybe you're right. I'll try taking a break and continuing later.”

Miho smiled reassuringly. "Remember, I'm here to support you. If you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of or require feedback, just let me know. After all, I am an editor."

I nodded, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Miho. I'll keep that in mind."

"Oh, by the way," I continued, "If I write a story that you find promising, would you be willing to help me get it published?"

Miho nodded. “Of course. If I think it’s promising, I’ll do my best to make sure it gets published.”

My eyes lit up. "Thank you, Miho. I appreciate it."

She affectionately patted my head. "It's no trouble at all. Just show me your story whenever you think it’s ready."

“Yeah, I’ll do that!”

“However,” Miho continued.

I shifted my gaze back to Miho.


“I think it’ll be quite a while before you’ll be able to show me something promising.”

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "Why do you say that?"

Miho leaned back in her chair. “You’ve got no experience.”

“E-experience? I’ve been writing for… a really long time now!”

I started writing twelve years ago, but it’d be quite hard to believe when I look like a twelve-year-old…

“I wasn’t talking about your writing experience. I think your writing skills are already good enough.”

“Then what are you talking about?”

“Real-life experience. You don't have many real-life experiences to draw from, and it shows in your writing.”


I felt a pang of disappointment, but couldn't deny the truth in her words.

"…I see what you mean. So, you're saying I need more real-life experiences to become a better writer?"

Miho nodded.

"Exactly. Real-life experiences not only enrich your own life but also help you create more vivid and relatable characters and scenarios in your stories. I hate to say it, but you don't have much social experience either. You don't seem to have any friends or anyone you care about, so your characters come across as one-dimensional."

I sighed.

To think that even after twenty years, I don’t have enough real-life experience to write interesting stories. I guess that’s what I get for always holing myself up in my room.

 "I guess I've always been more focused on writing than on making friends."

It’s just that… making friends is hard, scary even.

Miho patted my shoulder sympathetically. "It's not a bad thing to be passionate about something, but remember, life experiences can also be a valuable source of inspiration. Maybe it's time to step out of your comfort zone and explore new experiences.

I gave an unmotivated nod. I didn’t like the idea of stepping out of my comfort zone too much. Being social after twenty years of isolating myself seemed way too intimidating of a task. But Miho seemed to notice my hesitance.

“Of course, you’re not alone. I'll do everything I can to help you step out of your comfort zone and eventually get your story published.”

My eyes teared up. It was the first time I allowed myself to rely on someone, and it felt good.



The next morning, I groggily stretched in my futon after a good night’s sleep.

I felt a renewed sense of purpose after my conversation with Miho the previous day. I was determined to gain more real-life experience so could improve my writing.

As I made my way downstairs, the smell of breakfast wafted through the air. Miho was busy in the kitchen, humming a tune to herself as she prepared a meal.

"Good morning, Kaede-chan!" she greeted me with a cheerful smile.

"Morning," I replied, trying to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

I went to settle on the couch.

“You don’t have work today?” I asked.

Miho chuckled. “Nobody has work on a Sunday.”

“Ahh, right. It’s already Sunday…”

Miho glanced at me and then at her gym clothes that I was still wearing.

“I have a surprise for you."

With my curiosity piqued, I raised an eyebrow. "A surprise?"

Miho nodded. "I ordered some clothes for you online. They arrived this morning. So no more having to wear my old gym clothes all the time."

“I see… Thanks,”

Miho went to her room and returned with a package in her hands. She then handed it to me with a grin.

"Here you go, Kaede-chan. Go ahead and open it."

I eagerly tore open the package, revealing three dresses.

"These are for me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Try them on and see if they fit," she encouraged.

She wants me to wear a dress?

Hesitant, I changed into the first dress and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious. It was a style I had never worn before, and it looked undeniably girly.

I walked back into the living room, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Um, Miho, I don't really feel comfortable wearing dresses."

“I know. That’s why I got you them. This is the first step to stepping out of your comfort zone.”

I fidgeted with the hem of the dress, feeling like I was in unfamiliar territory. "If… if you say so."

“Don’t worry, you look really cute!”

I looked into a mirror. “I do?”

“Yes! You’re so cute, I feel really proud to call you my little sister.”

Secretly, also thinking I looked cute, I posed in front of the mirror.

“W…well, if you like it that much, then I guess I’ll wear it.”

Miho chuckled. "That's the spirit, Kaede-chan! And don't worry; we'll go shopping together soon, so you can choose clothes that make you feel both cute and comfortable.”

Grateful, I nodded.

“Thanks, Miho!”

Finally introducing a new character next chapter, yaaaay