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177. Pattern Eye (2)

Lu Yao glanced in the direction of Chen Da. Chen Da stayed at the campus as Mu Yuanfeng's assistant. Others didn't know Chen Da's background, but Lu Yao knew very well that Chen Da was the one who seriously injured the three martial spirits of the Lu family before.

Ye Shi noticed Chen Da and waved his hand towards Chen Da excitedly. Chen Da smiled faintly at Ye Shi.

Ye Rong narrowed her eyes when she saw Chen Da in the stands. Saint Star Academy was a holy place in Ye Rong's mind. Ye Rong was always proud to be able to enter Saint Star Academy.

Ye Rong couldn't help but feel disgusted when Chen Da who once was a servant in the Ye family now appeared in the Saint Star Academy.



"Little Junior Brother, you actually have spirit pattern eyes." Xin Ruge said with interest as he looked at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi smiled smugly and said, "Am I amazing?"

Xin Ruge nodded and said, "You are amazing."

Ye Shi grinned and said triumphantly, "I think I am amazing."

Chen Da said that none of his daddy's family did not study formation techniques, but his father seemed to be good at formation techniques, and his spirit pattern eyes should have been passed down from his father. Ye Shi thought: my old man doesn't seem to be useless.

Xin Ruge looked at Ye Shi, and thought: Ye Shi has an eighth-level aptitude, and he has a congenital spirit pattern eye. How I envy him!

"Little Junior Brother, this time, you have made a big appearance!" Xin Ruge praised.

As soon as the formation competition was over, Hao Tu suggested Ye Shi to be transferred to the Formation School, but as a result, Jing Chiyan mercilessly kicked him out.

Hao Tu was such an idiot to take Ye Shi away from Jing Chiyan.

"I'm not as good as Mu Chen." Ye Shi lowered his head and said.

Even with the spirit pattern eyes, his formation progress was still one step behind Mu Chen.

Xin Ruge curled her lips. Mu Chen was amazing, but everyone was used to him being amazing.

Ye Shi was a new face in the arts and had attracted a lot of attention.

"Stone, won't your Mu Chen's inscription technique also reach level four?" Xin Ruge asked.

Ye Shi shook his head regretfully, "Not yet. Mu Chen said that the inscription technique is always one step away. There are too few high-level inscription books in the inscription school. For a while, he can't break through his inscription technique. If he competes with Lu Yao, he is afraid that he will lose."

Xin Ruge smiled, "No hurry. No hurry. Take his time."

Xin Ruge secretly said to herself: It's good that Mu Chen can't break through! Mu Chen is already a beast. If his inscription technique breaks through the fourth level, he will be a real beast. He is making others super jealousy!

"It's a pity. Since Mu Chen's inscription skills can't break through, he's always weaker than Lu Yao?" Ye Shi said a little depressed.

Xin Ruge rolled his eyes, "Little Junior Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Your Mu Chen is a fourth-level master in alchemy, talisman, and formation master! Lu Yao is just a fourth-level inscription master. Your Mu Chen is so much better than Lu Yao!"

Ye Shi nodded in agreement, "Senior sister, you are right. Lu Yao is not as good as Mu Chen, and he is much older than Mu Chen."

Xin Ruge: "..." Lu Yao is older than Mu Chen, but not much.


Inscription Academy.

"Sister, arrange Mu Chen to avoid competing against Lu Yao. Does this mean that we admit Mu Chen is not as good as Lu Yao?!" Xia Qingli said with a frown.

Xia Qingyan sighed helplessly, and said, "We have no choice. I have already asked. Mu Chen's other three arts have reached the fourth level, only the inscription is at the third level. Even if he is competing with Lu Yao, he will have a smaller chance to win."

"Mu Chen really doesn't live up to his expectations!" Xia Qingli said sullenly.

Xia Qingyan nodded and said, "Tell me about it."

"President Xia, if you think Mu Chen is unsatisfactory, you can hand him over to our Refining Institute! If Mu Chen enters the Refining Institute, I will definitely train him for you two." Lei Cheng clenched his fists and promised.

Xia Qingyan rolled her eyes and said angrily, "Lei Cheng, Mu Chen's matter is our internal matter. We can resolve it internally. You don't have to worry about it."

Xia Qingyan gritted her teeth. Since she accepted Mu Chen, the two old men from Alchemy School and Talisman School came to bother her quite often. The old man from the Formation School also occasionally came for the same thing. Finally, they stopped coming by. Lei Cheng actually jumped out again.

She could understand why Lu Han, Song Cheng, and Hao Tu came to steal Mu Chen. But why Lei Cheng now? Mu Cheng didn't know how to refine weapons at all.

She worked hard to keep Mu Chen as a student of the Inscription Academy. As a result, this guy had upgraded the other three arts to the fourth level, but his inscription was still at the third level.

The three old guys from the other three schools hadn't asked yet, mostly because they assumed that Mu Chen's inscription skill had reached the fourth level too. If they knew that Mu Chen's inscription skill was only at level 3, they must be gone crazy.


178. Rewards (1)

Mingyue Academy.

"Yao, you can't lose the next test." Kong Sha looked at Lu Yao seriously.

If Lu Yao lost, it would completely prove that Mingyue Academy was inferior to Saint Star Academy.

Lu Yao nodded and said solemnly, "Master Shifu, I understand. Don't worry. I won't embarrass you or the academy."

"Senior Brother Lu Yao, you must defeat Mu Chen and avenge us!" A student looked at Lu Yao and raised his fist.

Kong Sha frowned, sighed lightly, and said, "Mu Chen's inscription technique has not yet reached the fourth level, so Xia Qingyan arranged Mu Chen not to compete with Lu Yao."

When he knew that Lu Yao's opponent was not Mu Chen, Kong Sha was secretly relieved. Kong Sha had always had one percent confidence in Lu Yao. However, Mu Chen was such a big surprise that he couldn't help but subconsciously doubt his apprentices.

"It's a pity. If Senior Brother Lu Yao wins Mu Chen, Saint Star probably won't be so arrogant."

"That's right."

"No matter how powerful Mu Chen is, if he meets Brother Lu Yao, he will definitely lose."


"Enough, you have the guts to talk about the competition after you lost so many games." Hearing what the students said about, Kong Sha shouted with an ugly face.

The first five games have been tied, and the last game might be a draw.

In Kong Sha's eyes, Saint Star Academy was a rubbish academy that was declining. As a result, their academy actually drew a tie with such a trash academy. If other imperial academies knew about this result, he would probably be laughed at.

Hearing the words of Kong Sha, the faces of all the students showed a bit of shame.

Tong Yaoyao lowered her head and smiled bitterly. Before she came, she thought that Mu Chen did not deserve his fame and assumed that Mingyue Academy might be able to defeat Saint Star. As a result, the fight between the two academies actually came to this far. There were so many talented people in the world. She was wrong to underestimate others.

Kong Sha frowned, sighed lightly, and said, "Saint Star Academy, this year, has really a lot of talents."

Mu Chen, at a young age, had reached the master level in many arts, and Ye Shi's performance was also very good. He actually had the legendary spirit eye.

Mu Chen learned so many skills at the same time. Although he was performing amazingly now, it was hard to say how far he could go in the future. However, Ye Shi was different. Ye Shi had spirit pattern eyes. Nine out of ten, people with spirit pattern eyes could become a master of the formation. Plus Ye Shi was a person with eighth-level qualifications. He would have a bright future.

In the last inscription competition, Lu Yao easily defeated the second-level inscription master of Saint Star Academy.

Compared with Mu Chen's performance, Lu Yao's performance of the fourth-level inscription technique did not cause much sensation.

Mu Chen was lucky to win the third-level inscription master of Mingyue Academy. Compared with the previous three competitions, Mu Chen's inscription competition showed a really average level.

Although Mu Chen's performance was mediocre, the students of the Saint Star Academy felt less stressful. If Mu Chen's inscription skills also reached the fourth level, it would be too incredible. It was more real that Mu Chen was not so excellent in every skill.



Ye Shi's courtyard.

"The academy is so stingy! I won two games and won four places for the academy. As a result, the chief dean gave me such a piece of ragged clothes!"

"This dress is weird. It looks like it's a woman's dress. I heard that the dean is an emperor-level expert. Are the emperor-level masters so stingy?" Ye Shi asked while holding a blood-red silk cloth.

Xin Ruge said, "Little Junior Brother, you are wrong about the clothes! This is a fifth-grade blood silk treasured garment. It takes ten years for blood silkworm to spit out a ball of silk. You can't imagine how many years this treasured garment has accumulated."

"If you put on this treasured robe, even if you are attacked by a martial king, you will not die. This thing is the cherish collection of the dean. If the secret realm is to be open soon, the dean will not take it out... ..."

Xin Ruge gave Ye Shi a jealous look.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully, "Really? This thing is so good? I can't tell!"

"Shi Ziyu also liked this dress. Originally, he wanted to apply for Zhuang Yu, but your master Shifu got it." Xin Ruge clenched her fists and said with excitement.

"Shi Ziyu also liked it? He applied for Zhuang Yu?" Ye Shi's eyes widened, then he threw himself on the clothes and said ,"Well, it is indeed a good thing."

Xin Ruge rolled her eyes.

Originally, the dean was inclined to give Shi Ziyu the bloody silk clothes, but Jing Chiyan argued that Ye Shi won two games, and the credit was much greater than that of Zhuang Yu, and the dean of the Formation School praised Ye Shi a lot. After a round of comparing, the dean gave Ye Shi the bloody silk treasure robe.

Ye Shi squinted his eyes proudly, and said to himself: Zhuang Yu is very picky. What he is attracted to, it must be a good thing. Thinking of winning Zhuang Yu, Ye Shi was so excited.

Xin Ruge looked at Ye Shi, blinked, and said, "Little Junior Brother, you seem to be very jealous of Zhuang Yu!"

Ye Shi frowned and said, "I always feel that this man is destined to be my enemy, and he will take my man away from me."

"He can't win." Xin Ruge smiled disapprovingly.

Some people said that the easiest way to see who a man has in his heart is to see who he is willing to spend money on. Mu Chen was very stingy towards others. He spent a lot of money for Ye Shi, but not once or twice, but always.

Ye Shi nodded. He also felt that Zhuang Yu couldn't win. But subconsciously, he always felt that he was weaker than Zhuang Yu, even he might lose everything or die because he had to compete with Zhuang Yu.

Although Ye Shi thought such a thought was ridiculous, this feeling always haunted him.

If only Zhuang Yu were dead, it would be for the best. Ye Shi couldn't help but secretly thought.

"By the way, Mu Chen won five competitions. What did the dean give him?!" Xin Ruge asked.

Mu Chen was really popular now. Her junior sisters trembled with excitement when they mentioned Mu Chen.

Xin Ruge scolded them for being irrational.

Ye Shi curled his lips in disgust, and said dissatisfiedly: "The dean allowed him to enter the dark building of the college library for two days, but nothing else."

Xin Ruge's eyes widened. This was too much for an award. What else does Ye Shi want?

The library building was divided into the Bright Building and the Dark Building. The books in the Bright Building were basically common books, but the books in the Dark Building were the foundation of the Saint Star Academy. Every book in it was very precious. Mu Chen had identical memories. Two days was enough for him to read a lot of books.

"The dean is generous!" Xin Ruge couldn't help saying.

"He didn't send the book, but just gave Mu Chen a chance to read them. The old guy basically gave nothing." Ye Shi said with disapproval.

Xin Ruge looked at Ye Shi and shook his head helplessly. Ye Shi didn't know what he was talking about However, if it was Ye Shi who entered the dark building of the library, Ye Shi would not finish half a book within days, which was not an award at all.



179. Rewards(2)


"This cloud silk armor is for you!" Shi Ziyu handed the armor to Zhuang Yu.

Zhuang Yu's expression changed. Shi Ziyu told him before that the dean had a treasured level-5 blood silk robe, which was very powerful. Putting it on, he could fight even if he faced a nine-star martial artist.

Shi Ziyu said that he would find a way to ask for it, but now he came back with a cloud silk armor of level 4. Although this armor was not bad, it was far worse than the blood silk treasured clothes. Master Shifu once said that the dean hinted to give the blood silk clothes to him.

"Unfortunately, the dean's blood silk robe was taken away by Jing Chiyan. Otherwise, with that robe, if you encounter high-level monsters in the secret realm, you will have a better chance of winning." Shi Ziyu said regretfully. .

Zhuang Yu frowned and looked at Shi Ziyu, "Master, you mean that the blood silk treasured clothes was taken away by Jing Chiyan?"

Shi Ziyu nodded and said, "Yes!"

Zhuang Yu gritted his teeth, and a strong feeling of jealousy surged in his heart. Jing Chiyan wanted the bloody silk clothes, which must be given to Ye Shi. Why did Ye Shi want to do this?

He took everything away from, Mu Chen before and now treasure clothes. The dean didn't want to take out the treasure clothes in the first place. His master Shifu convinced the dean to give it as an award. But in the end, Jing Chiyan got it.

Jing Chiyan is way across the line, just like Ye Shi.

"Ayu, get ready. The secret realm will open in five days." Shi Ziyu said.

Zhuang Yu nodded and said, "Okay."

"There are many people who have found grand treasures in the secret realm and get improved to the top. If you are lucky, it is possible to catch up with Ye Shi or overtake Ye Shi." Shi Ziyu said.

In Zhuang Yu's eyes, a bit of fighting intent flashed, and he secretly said: He is already far behind Ye Shi, and on this trip to the secret realm, he must not be left behind by Ye Shi.

"Ayu, Lan Ruofeng will also participate in this secret realm." Shi Ziyu said.

Zhuang Yu's expression changed and he said, "I see."

Thinking of Lan Ruofeng, Zhuang Yu couldn't help sighing. Lan Ruofeng was too unmotivated. Obviously his start was much better than Mu Chen, but Mu Chen was now a fourth-level alchemist,  while Lan Ruofeng was struggling with making third-level medicinal herbs. There was a big gap between the seventh-level qualification and the eighth-level qualification.


"Master Shifu." A black-clothed boy quietly appeared in Kong Sha's room.

Kong Sha looked at the young man gently, and there was a hint of relief in his eyes. The young man was ordinary-looking, his eyes were restrained, but his cultivation reached the level of eight-star martial arts.

"Zong'er, your first task in entering the secret realm this time is to kill Mu Chen and Ye Shi, you know?" Kong Sha was cold, and there was a bit of hatred in his eyes.

The young man raised his eyebrows lightly, and said lazily, "Mu Chen and Ye Shi. Are they the only two that you want me to kill? I heard that there is another person named Zhuang Yu who is an eighth-level qualified person from the Saint Star Academy. "

Kong Sha said disapprovingly, "Well, you can't kill that one. He has to stay alive."

"Oh." The young man replied lightly.

"You haven't seen Mu Chen and Ye Shi yet. I'll give you their portraits."

The young man grinned disapprovingly, and a bit of madness flashed in his eyes, "No need. Master, I killed all the people of Saint Star Academy, and Mu Chen and Ye Shi must be among them, right?"

Kong Sha looked at the blood in the boy's eyes, and couldn't help but feel helpless. When he was young, he was also a little bloodthirsty, but compared to this apprentice, he was even not so much.

"Zhuang Yu, you can't kill." Kong Sha said.

The young man smiled indifferently, with a arrogance between his brows, "I know. I don't want to kill a stunning beauty with the body of Heavenly Yin. I am wondering if the body of Heavenly Yin is amazing like the legend says. I really want to try it." The young man licked his lips evilly.

Kong Sha looked at the young man and said helplessly, "It depends on your ability."

"Master, I heard that in the competition between the two academies, our academy lost very badly!" The young man said with a half smile.

Kong Sha's face became gloomy.

The young man said indifferently: "Master, don't worry. So the Saint Star Academy has more people to go to the secret realm. The more people they go in, the more people die.It's not a big deal."

Kong Sha looked at the young man, sighed lightly, and said, "Be careful. Don't get yourself into trouble."

The young man smiled disapprovingly. The strongest student in the Saint Star Academy was Mu Chen, who had just entered the realm of martial spirit. Mu Chen was not his match at all.



Lan Ruofeng sat in the room, absent-minded.

Lan Da looked at Lan Ruofeng who was sluggish, and a bit of impatience flashed on his face.

"You're sad for a long time. You should cheer up. The family spent so much resources on you, not to cultivate a loser." Lan Da said gloomily.

Lan Ruofeng raised his head and smiled bitterly.

After such a long time, Zhuang Yu didn't even bother to look at him, and it seemed that he had completely abandoned him.

In addition to Zhuang Yu, the women who had been around him all day and said that they liked him were gone.

In the eyes of the academy students, now there was only one hero, Mu Chen.

In all honesty, Mu Chen really did a great performance. The fourth-level master in alchemy, talisman, and formation and he was a martial spirit. Lan Ruofeng thought to himself that if he were a woman, he would choose Mu Chen too.

When they first met, Mu Chen was just a playboy who he would never take seriously, but now, he has left Mu Chen far behind.

It's not that he doesn't want to catch up, but the gap is too big. The more he catches up, the more he finds that Mu Chen is out of reach, and the more desperate he becomes.

Lan Da looked at Lan Ruofeng and sighed, "I won the qualification for you to enter the secret realm this time. If you are lucky enough, you can find your chance in the secret realm. Surpassing Mu Chen is possible."

Lan Ruofeng raised his head, hope flashed in his eyes, "I'll go."

Lan Da looked at Lan Ruofeng and said, "Get ready."

Although there were many opportunities in the secret realm, there were also many dangers. Lan Ruofeng's strength was the lowest among those who enter the secret realm.



180. The news brought by Fu Yuanbao (1)

"Young Master Mu." Fu Yuanbao walked into Mu Chen's courtyard.

Mu Chen looked at Fu Yuanbao with deep eyes, "Yuanbao, are you looking for me?"

"I have news but I don't know if you are interested." Fu Yuanbao stood in front of Mu Chen and looked at Mu Chen with a smile on his face.

Fu Yuanbao's face was calm, but there was a bit of excitement in the depths of his eyes. Obviously, he was very confident in the news he got.

Mu Chen smiled, crossed his fingers, and said slowly, "Whether I am interested or not, it depends on whether the information you have is valuable."

Fu Yuanbao frowned and said sternly, "This news is just a guess by one senior of my family. But if the guess comes true, this news will be critical for the life and death of you and Ye Shi."

"How much do you want?" Mu Chen asked, looking at Fu Yuanbao coldly.

"Five million." Fu Yuanbao stretched out five short fingers.

Fu Yuanbao frowned and secretly said: If the news is true, then the news should definitely be worth more than five million. However, the Fu family's spies at Mingyue Academy is far inferior to that at Saint Star. He didn't have much confidence in his news.

"Tell me. I bought it." Mu Chen looked at Fu Yuanbao indifferently.

Fu Yuanbao nodded, "There is a student in Mingyue College named Yin Zong, who is very powerful, cold-hearted and indulgent."

"This person is about nineteen years old this year. Three years ago, Yin Zong was promoted to martial spirit and had a conflict with a martial spirit student in Mingyue Academy. Yin Zong accidentally killed the student. There was a big family behind the student. At that time, The big family put pressure on Kong Sha, and Kong Sha severely punished Yin Zong at that time to ease the anger of the big family."

"When Kong Sha was young, he acted recklessly. Yin Zong was one of Kong Sha's favorites. Therefore, one of my family's senior guessed that Yin Zong was severely punished by Kong Sha on the surface. In the past three years, Yin Zong disappeared. He has been secretly cultivated by Kong Sha. His strength should be appalling." Fu Yuanbao said solemnly.

Yin Zong was a martial spirit at the age of sixteen. It had been three years. It was conservatively estimated that this person was already a four-star martial spirit. Even worse, this person might be an eight-star or even nine-star martial spirit. If Kong Sha put this person into the secret realm, it would make no difference by putting a wolf in a flock of sheep.

"Yuanbao, thank you very much. Your news is worth far more than five million." Mu Chen said.

Fu Yuanbao smiled lightly and said, "I am glad I can help."

Mu Chen took out a bottle of elixir and threw it to Fu Yuanbao, "I'm short of cash now,. Here are three spirit-breaking elixirs which should be worth five million elementary stones."

Fu Yuanbao carefully caught the bottle. With his eyesight, he could tell that the three pills in his hand were all top-grade pills which could be sold for seven or eight million. Mu Chen was too generous.

"Thank you Master Mu." Fu Yuanbao nodded hastily.

It is said that alchemists were rich. They were indeed rich! Mu Chen gave three top-grade spirit-breaking pills for once.



Mu Chen walked into Ye Shi's courtyard with a gloomy face.

"Mu Chen, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Mu Chen's face was bad, Ye Shi hurriedly got up and walked to Mu Chen's side.

Mu Chen nodded lightly at Ye Shi and handed him a pill, "This is a spirit-breaking pill. There are still three days before the secret realm opens. Take the pill, and  improve to the martial spirit level as soon as possible."

Ye Shi stretched out his hand and took the elixir bottle, opened the elixir bottle and poured out the elixir, "Mu Chen, the quality of this elixir looks good!"

Ye Shi once went to buy a top-quality pill with Mu Chen. That elixir cost them several million. Ye Shi felt that the pill in his hand seemed to be of higher quality than the top-grade pill he bought before.

Xin Ruge looked at the medicinal pill rolling around in Ye Shi's palm, and felt amazed. The quality of this medicinal pill was way much better.

It was actually a top-grade medicine pill, and a top-grade medicine pill was a good thing that money couldn't buy! Where did Mu Chen get it?

"Stone, keep the medicine pill well. Don't lose it." Xin Ruge said.

"Yes." Ye Shi nodded.

Xin Ruge looked at Mu Chen, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Mu Chen, with Ye Shi's aptitude, in more than half a month, he should be able to advance naturally. He is too dependent on medicinal pills, which is not a good thing." Besides, this medicinal pill costs millions! Although Mu Chen didn't mind spending a lot of elementary stones for Ye Shi, there was no need to spend money like that.

"No, it's too late. Stone must be promoted to martial spirit before entering the secret realm." Mu Chen insisted.

Xin Ruge frowned and said puzzledly, "Why in such a hurry?"

Mu Chen took a deep breath, "I received news that Mingyue Academy might sneak someone to the secret realm and that person might exceed four-star martial spirit."

Xin Ruge frowned and said disapprovingly, "No way." With such a master, Mingyue Academy should have admitted him in the competition!

"Kong Sha may hide him on purpose." Mu Chen said.

"If there is such news, you have to tell the principal!" Xin Ruge said.

Mu Chen said disapprovingly, "It's useless to tell the principal."

It was imperative to enter the secret realm. The principal couldn't give up entering the secret realm because of his guess. The so-called genius might not be rare as it seemed.

Mu Chen said indifferently, "It's really just a guess. But I have to be careful. Stone has always used animal blood for bathing, and rarely takes medicine pills. So occasionally taking one will not be a problem, not to mention this pill is of the highest quality." Its impact on people was minimal.

Xin Ruge nodded and said: "You are right. High-quality medicinal pills won't have much impact."

"Kong Sha is insidious and cunning. This time Mingyue lost to Saint Star Academy so badly. It's hard to guarantee that the old guy will not use sinister tricks. We have to be guarded." Jing Chiyan walked in.