Episode 20
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Lauren’s sight ended up bathed in warm light in a place away from everyone else.

This warm feeling. Did I die? Is this heaven? No, it can’t be. I don’t deserve this.

She looked over and found she wasn’t the only one in this strange white world. Troy floated a few feet away from her. He looked over and frowned, knowing full well that she would want an explanation for all this.

“Lauren, I’m sorry.” Troy said, “I don’t know how to face you or the others again.”

“I trusted you, but you used me.” Lauren thundered. “What were you doing behind my back, and why?”

“I’m sorry for lying to you about who killed my parents.” Troy apologized as he bowed his head. “I just wanted to help my dad. It was selfish, I know. I didn’t even think he was evil, but he promised to teach me dark magic. Why else would I ask someone I didn’t know for help?”

“You mean me?”

“Yeah, you didn’t question why I asked you for help specifically.”

“I don’t remember...”

“Well, I didn’t care for anything else, but as we spent time together, I felt sorry for—”

“Quit lying!” Lauren interrupted. “How can I believe what you’re saying when you’ve been lying to me all this time?”

“Lauren, I know you’re upset, understandably so, but I—”

“Get out.”


“I don’t want to see you ever again.” Lauren turned her back.

Tears in his eyes, Troy gave up trying to excuse his actions to her. He turned and walked away, but not before leaving her some small words. Lauren spun around; however, Troy had already left, and a brighter light overcame her and covered the area.


Opening her eyes, Lauren found she had returned to Streterra, still destroyed, just like all those years ago when she lost everything. This time, it was all her fault. She looked around and realized that, despite the state of the school, nobody had died.

She wasn’t sure how many were injured, but one thing was for sure: she felt betrayed — putting all her time and efforts into helping Troy’s selfish desires come true.

The Principal was right, wasn’t she? Why didn’t I...? She thought as she stared at the ground. “I’m sorry, Mom and Dad, I failed you both.”

“It’s all right.” A male and female voice told her.

Startled, Lauren looked up and saw that both her parents were hovering before her. Was she dreaming? Was this a figment of her imagination? Lauren felt her face and realized that her shades were missing. Glancing to the floor, she saw them, now broken. She was seeing crystal clear now.

“You... forgive me?” Lauren reiterated as she looked back up to face her parents for the first time in years. “But after all that I did, how can you still—?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Lauren’s father interjected with a shake of his head.

“All that matters is our love for you. And that will never disappear no matter what.” Lauren’s mother added. “Besides, you’ve learned your lesson, right?” She placed her hand on Lauren’s head.

“Mm-hmm?” Lauren nodded slowly. Her eyes got watery as she rushed over to embrace the two. “I wish I could be with you guys, just a little longer...”

“Don’t worry; we’ll always be with you right here.” Lauren’s mom smiled reassuringly and pointed to her daughter’s chest.

The three said their goodbyes as her parents slowly vanished. Lauren watched from the heavens and waved. Once they disappeared, Lauren collapsed to the ground. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed quietly to herself. She then heard someone walk up behind her. Lifting her head, the Principal approached her as she extended her arm towards her.

“I am so, so sorry.” Lauren choked on her words as she took the Principal’s hand, pulling herself up to her feet.

“I am, too.” The Headmistress replied. “Unfortunately, you will not get away with this. You were still an accomplice and committed crimes, and for that, you’ll receive a punishment, understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Hmm, I wonder where Troy is now...”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about him...”

“Why do you say that?”


On the other side of the school, Benjamin laid down on the grass and closed his eyes.

“Master, Master!” A pair of squeaky voices cried out in unison.

Benjamin opened his eyes and glanced over to see Harry and Chi-Chi beside him.

“We were awesome, weren’t we?” Harry asked.

“Yeah!” Chi-Chi chimed in.

Benjamin smiled as he got up to dust himself off. Bridget and Sebastian walked over to congratulate him.

“I hate to admit,” Sebastian commented as he scratched the back of his head, “but you were cool back there.”

“Really? Thanks.” Benjamin smiled softly, relaxed after the chaos. However, he realized who he talked to and changed his tone. “I mean- Of course, I am the great dark magician.”

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Regardless, I still won’t lose to you.” He warned him.

“We’ll just have to see about that,” Benjamin said.

Bridget watched as sparks flew between the two. This time, though, it didn’t seem to be malicious, it was much more like they were having a friendly competition. She couldn’t help but smile to herself.

A clap soon interrupted the conversation. The three turned to see Glenda walk up to them.

“Bravo,” Glenda complimented them, “you all showed the powers of teamwork and magic wondrously.” She returned the notebook to Bridget before continuing. “I just wanted to tell you one thing: You all passed your assignment!”

“Hooray!” The students cheered.

“But, wait,” Benjamin said as he pulled out his wand from his pockets, “I still don’t have my wand fused with my crystal ball...“

“No need to worry about that.” A voice assured him.

The others had joined in to congratulate each other, including the Principal.

“Headmistress, what are you—?” Glenda was about to ask when the Principal pulled out a crystal sphere and handed it to Benjamin.

“No way, you’re giving me another one?” Benjamin asked, his eyes widened.

“But, of course, you more than earned it.” The Principal replied.

Benjamin looked over and couldn’t help but smile again. “Hey, could you teach me how to fuse the two and make it more powerful?” Everyone laughed. “I’m serious.”

“So, what do we do now?” Nicholas asked.

“Beats me.” Isabelle shrugged.

“Well, now you can continue onto the second step: Finding partners/teammates.” The Principal replied. She looked at Benjamin. “However, it feels as though groups got formed during this adventure.”

“Huh?” Benjamin and Isabelle questioned, tilting their heads in confusion.

“I hope you two get along well.”


“I’ve been watching you guys for a while now, even while stuck in the human world.”

No wonder her presence in that office room didn’t feel right. Benjamin thought as a shiver ran down his spine.

“Wait, are you saying that I can enroll here?” Isabelle asked.

“Yes.” The Principal nodded.

“Awesome!” Isabelle jumped up and down, squealing. “Wait until I tell my mom about this!”

“But what about our school back in...?” Nicholas mentioned.

“Don’t worry; I’ll take care of that.” The Principal replied.

“Guess we’ll need to find partners ourselves,” Bridget told Sebastian.

“Well, about that...” Sebastian muttered.

“Hey, miss,” Midoricha said to the Principal, “I would like to stay here, just a little longer, if that’s okay with you.”

“But we were supposed to go back to our world, remember?” Akapin mentioned.

“Yeah, I know, but I want to protect Bridget and stay by her side. I mean, we made a Pilkon Pact.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Is that wrong, though, to think like that?”

“No, it’s not. The choice is yours, but ask Bridget and make sure it’s okay with her.”

“Is, is it ok with you, Bridget?” He turned to ask her.

“Yeah, I don’t mind.” Bridget chirped.

“I see.” Akapin said as she watched Midoricha cheer in joy, “Then, I guess it’s time we part ways.”

“Yeah, goodbye. I’ll see you soon.” Midoricha said.

A small portal opened up as everyone said goodbye. Akapin and Aoguro floated through it before it closed up and disappeared.

“So, what was it you were going to say?” Bridget turned to ask Sebastian.

“Nothing, just that, I think I’m better off going solo,” Sebastian replied with a smirk.

“Not to worry,” The Principal replied, “you still have plenty of time to decide on one if you change your mind.” She turned to Benjamin, Bridget, Isabelle, and Midoricha. “as for you guys, we’ll get your assignments ready, so please be patient. For now, though, we need to fix the school and treat the wounded.”

“Affirmative.” Glenda and Clause responded, saluting.