Chapter Twelve; “Ya shouldn’t a’ done that!!”
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General POV

"This fucking stupid." Kane hissed to Aisuri for the fifth time in the hour.

From her perch up in the air, They were watching Rukia fight the Quincy, and she was, to her credit, doing the best she can. But Rukia hasn't even unlocked her Shikai yet at this point, and she was struggling to land anything more than a few shallow cuts. The Quincy, on the other hand, was similarly having a difficult time, his arrows nicking Rukia, but never landing any decisive blow. Aisuri shared the sentiment, but shook her head at her Zanpakuto's impatience. 

"Our job is to make sure she doesn't die. Not do to everything for her. If this doesn't go anywhere, soon, then we'll intervene."  She replied, but her own annoyance was growing. Watching a battle of attrition was as dull as watching paint dry. Kaatei has repeatedly stated that all it would taken is a single strike from them and the Quincy would be dead. And they can go home. 

Aisuri frowns as she watches the pair, Rukia apparently having enough of this game of cat and mouse as she holds a hand forward. 

"Bakudo Number Four: Hainawa!" She said, abbreviating the spell. Chantless spells are a sign of enhanced Kido training, but under a certain level, they're not as powerful as when the chant is completed. 

The Quincy reacted swiftly, attempting to dodge the incoming binding spell. However, before he could fully evade it, the Hainawa struck, ensnaring him in ethereal ropes of reishi. His struggles were in vain as the Kido spell immobilized him, rendering him temporarily defenseless.

But just as it seemed like victory was within reach, a powerful spiritual presence emerged nearby. Another Quincy, stronger and more formidable than the one Rukia was facing, appeared. This new arrival wasted no time and shattered the Hainawa binding, freeing the trapped Quincy.Aisuri's heart sank as the situation escalated. It was time to intervene. "Rukia. Fall back."

She ordered as she drew Kaatei from it's scabbard, then landed on the ground, kicking up dirt as she did so. 

The new Quincy, a rather curvy female opens her mouth to talk, but is interrupted by Aisuri holding a finger up before her lips.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"

Then with a flick of her finger towards the weaker of the two adversaries, she cries out, "Hado number thirty-one: Shakkaho!" 

A basketball size orb of red energy formed and shot forward all at once, and the two Quincy moved too late. One too late to save the other, and the other too late to save themselves. An explosion of fire and force rang out, blasting the Quincy into bits. 

"Finally!" Kaatei hissed, as if brought satisfaction by the slaughter. Aisuri had to admit, after such a shameful display of fighting earlier, it was a bit cathartic to just end it. 

"You anorexic bitch!" The female Quincy  screamed, charging at Aisuri, who was now thoroughly pissed off. 

"Anorexic...? I'm not that skinny, am I?" 

Kaatei laughed in her mind, "Cow tits here thinks you don't eat enough. She'd probably drop dead from jealousy to know you eat more than anyone else to feed your workouts." 

Aisuri nodded mentally, vindicated by her sword. Truly, they were a lot alike. 

That doesn't spare the Quincy from the visceral response the Shinigami unleashed on her. A combination of Hakuda and Zanjutsu, accentuating sword strikes with punches and kicks. It wasn't even a contest, the Quincy simply could not muster up enough reishi to activate her Hirenkyakku to escape, and even when she could, Aisuri's Shunpo closed the gap. The close quarters was where the Shinigami intrinsically thrived, as their powers are focused on closing the gap and using their swords. Quincy were the opposite, where they trained to use their reishi to form bows and arrows. 

The woman couldn't even keep up with Aisuri. 

Once Aisuri had finished venting her spleen, the other woman was an unrecognizable mess of swollen knots and dark purple bruises. The Shinigami finished her with a swift stab to the heart. 

Rukia, having watched all this, nodded. As a slim figured woman with sparse curves herself, she identified with such indignation. In the eyes of the two soul reapers, the beating was justified.

Kane, for his part, reminded himself that above all else, it was prudent never to comment on a woman's form unless she flaunts it. Pride is easy to feed, and insecurity will cause you more problems than necessary.