Chapter 1
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Excerpt from Endbringer Leviathan Timeline from NOPI Agent _________ Section 24

Published: May 5, 2001

Endbringer, code-named Leviathan, appeared for the first time, targeting New York City. Damage was minimal, especially compared to future attacks. It took some investigation; however, we were able to get a clear timeline of the supernatural events surrounding the Miracle of Ellis Island and the first appearance of an old Gray Ghost.


January 1st, 1995

A crowd of tourists was crowding the tour guide as he led them into the Statue of Liberty. The weather had turned sour, and most wanted to get into a shelter. None noticed a woman walking to a park bench. If they did, some would call Stranger, others an old ghost, to the Sailor on leave with his kid, a stubborn carrier.

"So you made your way back here; how was the Pacific?" spoke a grizzled old man with a coat from the age of sail sitting on a bench. 

"It was peaceful, Ari is– content after Mo took vigil. Her reminder that the wrongs were righted, and the past can rest. But you aren't here for any of that, so why are you here, Davy. If it is a rest within your Locker, I will still pass on it." The woman spoke before sitting on a bench with the man.

"Ha, I know better than to keep you confined to my Locker. Neptune himself wanted you sunk, and yet it was the scrapper's torch that did you in. I am here to inform you. However, there is something new in the water, and it is coming here." Davy said, looking out towards the ocean.

"Why are you telling me? The Navy can." The woman responded only to be cut off.

"Because the nearest ship is still 4 hours away, and I doubt they can target the thing with jets. Other than that, I am fulfilling a promise I made with Columbia. It's here, by the way." Davy said as he faded into mist. Dispersing around a giant creature that burst out of the sea, controlling the waves like he was a deity of water.

"What the hell!" The woman asked as panic spread amongst the crowds. The beast settled on the statue breaking off the torch. The thing looked around before jumping off, decimating the head as it went to Long Island. The Island flooded, and the humans drowned as they were forced under the water. The unseen woman, upon seeing the body of a sailor and his daughter. The scene was replaced with oily water everywhere; fire and smoke settled amongst the steel behemoths that sat unnaturally in the water. "No, I refuse. This will not be a second Pearl Harbor." The woman swore as the flashback faded.

"You may be a legend. But you are not old enough to stay on the physical plane. You will fade to his Locker." Spoke a woman's voice, one that shifted accents with every word.

"Then I will break out; I refuse to sit idle as my people get slaughtered." Now kneeling on the water's surface, the silver-haired woman growled out.

"I will give you the energy to perform your task and help you stay out of the Locker. But you will live as a human, born to a mother's womb and raised like all humans. No memory, not until it will be needed, although some of your personality will probably persist." The accented voice spoke again, and the white-haired woman nodded in affirmation. The first woman took a step, and the sound of glass breaking was heard; as a runway formed on her left arm, with a singular numeral painted on it. A longbow formed along with a quiver of arrows resting at her hip. Pulling one arrow out, she saw the squad VF-10, her grim reapers, ready to sally forth and defend their home. Nocking the arrow and drawing it back to fire.

"Enterprise Engage!" Enterprise shouted as she let loose the elite fighter group.


The capes in New York were immediately on the back foot. Hero, Rogue, and Villain all stood against the Leviathan. Half of their numbers were dead, and a number crippled; Brookland was half flooded, and a few thousand people were already dead. Hope was gone, as not even the Protectorate had shown up. Suddenly the beast stopped as a droning sound was heard throughout the Naval Yard. The noise faded for a second as it was replaced by the sounds of bombs falling.

"GET DOWN!" one of the capes shouted as a veritable hailstorm of rockets and thousand-pound bombs rained on the giant beast. Pockmarking the seemingly invincible outer skin. One of the capes, a thinker, noted a skeleton with a scythe painted on the leading planes.

"Anyone know of a tinker who likes reaper symbology?" he asked the surrounding capes, getting a series of no replies. The next question died in his throat as from the clouds prop planes dived while planes flying low to the water thundered on in a pincer movement. Dropping their ordinance in series, forcing Leviathan to get hit by either the bombs or torpedoes. Leviathan looked out to Ellis Island and the neighboring Statue of Liberty when the smoke cleared. Some of the capes noticed this and followed the thing's gaze.

"Umm, not to freak anyone out, but am I the only one who sees a woman standing on the water?" one questioned.

"Yes, and she looks angry." another responded, while the figure in the distance pulled out another arrow and notched it. 

As Enterprise drew her bow back, Leviathan dove beneath the waves swimming out to the open sea. Her strain finally got to her, causing her to fall to her knees as she faded into the mist. As her consciousness faded, she asked through the fog, "Columbia, is New York safe?"

"Yes, for now." The accented voice whispered out. Enterprise smiled as darkness overtook her.


Brockton Bay, 

October 3, 1995

"Push Annette. Push!" a nurse ordered Annette Hebert. After a long process, the sounds of a newborn life cried out in the Hospital.

"Congratulations Mrs. Hebert, it's a girl. Do you already have a name picked out?" The doctor said as he passed the baby over.

"Taylor. Taylor Gráinne Hebert.” Annette said as she smiled.