United States Paranormal Agencies
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The PRT:

Mission Statement: Various. Due to the different hot spots around the country, some PRT offices have different mission statements.

Objective: Due to the rise in Parahumans, the PRT is to help integrate Parahumans into regular society.

ROE: Due to the PRT operating as a Paramilitary Policing force, the Standard ROE is similar to SWAT or Marshal ROE. However, as an organization, they operate under a non-lethal only unless permission is given from the Head Director.


  1. Watch Dog: Thinker group that investigates Parahuman White Collar Crimes and establishes threat ratings.
  2. Protectorate: Combat-rated capes investigating and arresting Parahuman Crimes.
  3. Wards: Jr. Branch of the Protectorate to provide a safe place to train their Powers.

Notes: The PRT has shown a remarkable ability to look good while being worthless. Several Federal Agencies and the US Military Intelligence Agencies have come to the almost unanimous agreement that the PRT is using Thinkers to keep relevancy. They currently have the second largest budget in the US, only behind the US Military by 300 Billion.


Section 24 and Division 13 eyes only:

The PRT is noted to be guided by a secretive cabal code-named the Witches Pot, as to say its true name is to bring their attention. They are to be treated like the Fair Folk; do not invoke them unless it is by code names. Investigation teams are already searching for more data on their members and objectives. However, it should be noted that they are crucial to the PRT’s rise and incompetence in the modern world. 

Threat Level: Dangerous.


The Naval Office of Paranormal Investigation:

Mission Statement: To investigate and protect Naval Servicemen from Parahuman aggressions.

Objective: To Ensure that US Navy and Marine servicemen and women are safe from Parahuman threats.

ROE: A similar ROE to Police and SWAT, with a unique escalation clause. NOPI is never to hesitate to put down a Parahuman if they are deemed a threat. The PRT often criticizes this, only to be rebuffed with the raw data. So far, NOPI has been confirmed to have killed 6 Parahumans.


  1. NOPI is divided into regions, often near US Navy bases.
  2. Section 24 is dated all the way back to March 1918 to Investigate the Bermuda Triangle. Returning, they folded themselves into the Office of Naval Intelligence as Supernatural Division 24. After the advent of Parahumans, SUPDIV 24 has been transferred under the guise of NOPI Section 24. All Investigations are of Eyes Only Classification. The only known case where someone can say Section 24 acted Overtly was a missing children's case in 2004. The official report stated that an unknown NOPI Special Agent had stabbed a Case 36 with a cast iron knife before returning the child to the NOPI task force sent to apprehend the subject. The agent in question is not on any of the NOPI Personnel Databases.

Notes: NOPI was originally going to be scrapped and folded under the PRT; however, due to its often surprising successes despite its limited budget, NOPI continues to run as a separate organization.


Department of Homeland Security:

Mission Statement: to secure the nation from the many threats we face.

Objective: secures the nation's air, land, and sea borders to prevent illegal activity while facilitating lawful travel and trade.

ROE: Varies.

Subsections: Various

Data Classified, Eyes Only

Division 13:

Mission Statement: Classified.

Objective: Classified.

ROE: Investigate and eliminate any threats to Human Lives.

Notes: Division 13, also called The Division, is a classified group founded around WWI under a similar guideline to Section 24. While Section 24 investigates Nautical Supernatural Events, Division 13 deals primarily with Land-Based Supernatural Events. What is known is that the Division was formed from 12 US Army Divisions to handle a Supernatural Threat. Division 13, the ragtag survivors of all 12 divisions, was the only surviving unit. What should be noted is after Experiment MK-Ultra and Project Blue Bird, active members of Division 13 lost their names, often referring to each other with nicknames or codenames. They work as a secret off-the-books group of the DHS.