Chapter 18: The Twin Goblin’s boring journey to the Frontier
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The abandoned fort became a hive of activity as the slaves who had homes and families to return quickly gathered their belongings and bid farewell to their fellow captives. They were given small bags of provisions and a small sum of money to help them start their journey back home. Of course, Miyabi and Mizuki made sure to preach the word of Chuunism to the slaves before they left.


Unlike humans on Earth, suspicious of new beliefs and religions, the slaves were surprisingly receptive to the teachings of Chuunism. This is due to the Church of Purity's long-standing reputation for oppressing people who weren't Aether folk or humans and treating them as lesser beings. The slaves saw Chuunism as a beacon of hope and equality, offering them a chance to break free from the chains of oppression and discrimination. As they embarked on their journey home, they carried not only their belongings but also a newfound faith in Chuunism, ready to spread its message far and wide.


Days had passed since the twins had settled on their plans for the meantime, and they used this time to train in combat and attempt to increase their Ki. But they had only made marginal progress, as their natural abilities were limited.


Miyabi only learned the Dagger Mastery skill, whereas Mizuki acquired the Bow Mastery skill. Their combat skills were only Level 1, Beginner, in stark contrast with their overpowered skills before.


On the other hand, their Energy (Ki) Manipulation skill had reached Level 4, Expert. High? Not really. Levels 1 to 3 are for Spirit Energy whereas Levels 4 to 5 are for Soul Energy or Ki. And Spirit Energy wasn't supposed to be controlled, so once someone began learning to manipulate Ki—even just a little bit—their Energy Manipulation skill was automatically elevated to Level 4.


Their new Main Skill,  Miyabi's Thief Lv. 1 and Mizuki's Archer Lv. 1, served as a clear indication of their inadequate martial arts proficiency. The system governing skills in this world was quite strict; they had to have an equal level of Auxiliary Combat Mastery and Energy Manipulation in order for their Main Combat skill to level up. If these conditions were not met, their Main Combat skill level would mirror their lowest proficiency level.



Auxiliary Combat Mastery (Low) and Energy Manipulation (High) = Main Combat Skill (Low)

Auxiliary Combat Mastery (High) and Energy Manipulation (Low) = Main Combat Skill (Low)

Auxiliary Combat Mastery (Low) and Energy Manipulation (Low) = Main Combat Skill (Low)

Auxiliary Combat Mastery (High) and Energy Manipulation (High) = Main Combat Skill (High)


Anyways. Miyabi and Mizuki were finally ready to set off on their journey to the frontier. Accompanying them were the elf Harthela and the redhead cat girl Aidy.


Harthela was the elf who had asked for an audience after Miyabi's Ninja Girls had freed them from the demihuman traffickers. Ever since then, she had been under their care, and she was the only one among the slaves who knew their "Lady Reiko" and "Abyss" identities.


On the other hand, Aidy, the redhead dog girl, was actually the former General Aiden. After Miyabi and Mizuki attacked the military base, the demihuman traffickers' main base in Leasaitolia, they altered her to her current form as a dog girl. Aidy had not lost her memories as General Aiden, but her human supremacist beliefs had been replaced with a newfound zeal for Chuunism. As was the norm for anyone who came under the influence of Mizuki's Purgatorial Darkness.


"Wan! Miladies!" Aidy barked excitedly, wagging her tail as she approached Miyabi and Mizuki. "Aidy finished loading our luggage into the carriage, wan!" 


Miyabi and Mizuki exchanged amused glances before Miyabi patted Aidy's head affectionately. "Good girl, Aidy," she said with a smile. "We appreciate your help. Now let's get going; we have a long journey ahead of us."


In the coachman's seat, Harthela sat patiently, reins in hand, waiting for the signal to start the carriage. Once the three ladies were settled inside, Harthela flicked the reins, and the carriage began to move forward, the sound of hooves echoing on the cobblestone road. As they embarked on their journey, Aidy curled up at Miyabi's feet, content and ready for the adventure ahead.


From the woods obscuring the fort and to the forest that Miyabi had first woke up to when she arrived in this world, the carriage followed a winding path, surrounded by tall trees and the occasional glimpse of sunlight filtering through the leaves. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers, and the sound of birdsong provided a melodic backdrop to their travels.


Before night came, Miyabi and Aidy decided to make a stop near a peaceful river, where they could rest and enjoy the tranquility of nature. As they settled down, they marveled at the vibrant colors of the sunset painting the sky, grateful for the beauty that surrounded them on their journey. 


Leaning into Mizuki's shoulders, Miyabi admired the beauty of the flowing river, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. They watched as a family of ducks glided gracefully across the water, adding to the serene atmosphere.


"Sights like these are becoming fewer and fewer in Earth's modernized cities," Miyabi remarked, a tinge of resentment in their voice.


'Even beautiful scenes like these make me remember the ugliness of mortals,' Miyabi thought, her mind drifting to the greed and destruction that often accompany human progress. 


She snickered to herself, thinking about how humans often prioritize material gain over the preservation of nature's beauty. 'How laughable. To think Librarian really thought that my disgust towards humanity's ways would ever change.'


"Lady Miyabi, Lady Mizuki. Dinner's ready," Harthela called from their camp in the distance, interrupting Miyabi's train of thought. Between her thoughts and savoring a tasty meal, of course Miyabi would choose food as her highest priority.


The twins made their way back to the camp, their footsteps blending with the rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds. As they approached, the aroma of freshly cooked food grew stronger, enticing their senses and momentarily distracting Miyabi from her contemplation.


"Ah! Miladies, welcome back, wan!" Aidy's cheerful voice called out as the twins entered the camp. "I've prepared a delicious feast for you both. Please sit and enjoy, wan!"


Watching them while she ate, one thought crossed Miyabi's mind: 'Only once all of humanity has had its darkness purified, will harmony be achieved.' No trace could be found of the former General Aiden's human supremacist ideologies in Aidy's behavior, only kindness and genuine care for others. It was a testament that Mizuki's Purgatorial Darkness is the only true path to enlightenment and unity among all beings.




The next day, they continued their journey towards the frontier, the carriage wheels clattering against the rugged terrain. As they traveled, different sights and sounds of nature greeted them along the way.


For the first handful of days, the wide forest stretched out endlessly, with towering trees that seemed to touch the sky. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the melodic chirping of birds.


Nothing like the incident on Miyabi's first day in Arentha, like the boar that had charged at the Princess' carriage, happened this time. Only peaceful encounters with friendly woodland creatures and the occasional glimpse of a graceful deer crossing their path.


In the light novels that Miyabi liked to read, there were always monsters, magical beasts, or bandits lurking in the depths of the forest, ready to ambush unsuspecting travelers. However, in the world of Arentha, such things as monsters do exist, although only when a Demon Lord rises and brings chaos to the land. But right now, any news of a Demon Lord rising was nowhere to be found. 


As for magical beasts, they were to be killed on first sight on this continent, as they were creatures with mana inside their bodies. Nothing as impure as mana was allowed to roam freely on the continent where the Church of Purity held great influence.


Only on the other continents of Arentha, where the Church's influence was weaker, could magical beasts be found living in harmony with nature. These continents were known for their lush landscapes and thriving ecosystems, where magical creatures roamed freely and were even revered by the local inhabitants. 


Bandits, on the other hand, are an endangered species in Leasaitolia, at least, ever since Miyabi and crew went to attack every demihuman trafficker base they could. It seems that the local bandits were recruited by the demihuman traffickers, and together, they fell when Miyabi and her crew launched a simultaneous assault on all their bases.


And so, the twins Miyabi and Mizuki and their two companions, Harthela and Aidy, enjoyed a peaceful and tranquil journey to the frontier. By the time they exited the forest, separating northern and southern Leasaitolia, a week had passed since they started their voyage.


A few more days of travel brought them to the bustling city of Ardonia, but instead of encountering the bustling city they had anticipated, they were met with a frontier in the middle of war.