Chapter 21: Morning after the Goblins’ Concert
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Say, is incest or self-cest the appropriate tag if a doujinshi featured Mizuki and I had, you know, that? Was the stupid thought inside my head, looking at my twin sister with only the bed sheet covering her. We had our usual routine at night, and we came out exhausted but satisfied. 


Anyway, it's now the morning after we had our concert outside of Frontier City, Ardonia. So let's have a brief account of how everything went.


Aidy had exhausted herself, purifying the dark orbs Mizuki had surreptitiously collected before the concert. Despite the exhaustion, our maid only managed to cleanse one more orb. She was only Level 6, a Grand Master in Energy Manipulation, so that was to be expected.


I know it sounds grand with the "Grand" in its appellation, but in reality, Aidy's proficiency in energy manipulation was still in the lower tier of this skill level. Furthermore, unlike us twin sisters, she was formerly human and is currently a dog beastkin, so the total amount of Aether stored inside her was significantly less compared to ours.


Well, Mizuki's darkness stores were just enough for our purposes, so it's better that we had a way to replenish my sister's energy reserves than not. Like they say, there is no use crying over spilled oji-tan milk. Wait, did I use the right phrase? 


Back to the topic at hand, once Mizuki used All-Consuming Darkness to ingest the purified orbs, we promptly executed the next stage of our plan. We had little time left when we saw that the armies were about to clash, so we acted quickly. With Mizuki's replenished energy reserves, we were confident in our ability to execute the next phase of our plan effectively.


Above the skies, Mizuki used her Manifestation of Darkness to fly and conceal the two of us with an optical illusion. The subsequent stage of our scheme involved making it as dark as night on the battlefield. 


The concert could be held in broad daylight, but the dazzling and colorful lights were much more beautiful and captivating when experienced in the dark of night. It's just a matter of our preference, so we decided to create an atmosphere that would enhance the visual impact of the performance. 


Additionally, the darkness may have stopped them from continuing their battle, although it didn't diminish their determination or willingness to fight. As such, with her Manifestation of Darkness, Mizuki had a faux divine lightning hit the place where they were going to fight.


It stopped them, but as insurance, I had my twin sister plant a sakura tree with calming and peaceful energy on the spot hit with the faux divine lightning. It would also be the stage where we will hold the concert, thereby creating a unique and captivating atmosphere for our performance.


When we succeeded in soothing the tension and aggression of the fighters, the concert could finally begin. Mizuki and I sang and danced to a song that the two of us had written together, expressing our hope that the humans and demihumans of Ardonia City would come together in harmony and understanding.


It was titled The Chuunism of Harmony, and its lyrics conveyed a powerful message of unity and acceptance. As we performed, the crowd's energy shifted from hostility to pure joy, as if they were experiencing a moment of collective enlightenment. 


Well, duh, Mizuki was surreptitiously using her Purgatorial Darkness and collecting the darkness in their hearts, so that outcome was to be expected. Another goal of ours was to gather darkness, not just stop the war, and spread Chuunism as a religion. But our heavenly voices and enchanting dance shouldn't be discounted in banishing the animosity inside their hearts.


"Mm. Miyabi?" It seems my twin sister was finally awake, her eyes fluttering open as she let out a soft yawn. "You're up early," she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.


"How about breakfast?" I suggested, feeling my stomach growl in agreement. Anyway, that wraps up the discussion of yesterday's events.




Breakfast that morning consisted of an extravagant feast fit for royalty. The table was adorned with an array of delicious dishes, from freshly baked pastries to savory omelettes and a variety of exotic fruits. The aroma filled the room, enticing our senses and making our mouths water.


Do we have the funds for this? That concern is unnecessary. I mean, we're not the ones footing the bill as well as our lodging's expenses.


After our impromptu concert outside the city, Princess Ruri herself and her knight, Mara Freyr, personally welcomed us to the Frontier City of Ardonia. She insisted that we stay at the high-class inn that she owns, assuring us that all expenses would be taken care of. The inn turned out to be even more luxurious than we could have imagined, with spacious rooms and exquisite amenities. We couldn't help but feel grateful for Princess Ruri's generosity and hospitality. 


I don't know if anyone still remembers the princess and her entourage from whom we saved the old men, but it was Ruri who graciously offered to cover all the costs. She's not a sadistic princess anymore after being subjected to Mizuki's then-Dark Purification.


In fact.


"Priestess! Is the food to your liking?" Ruri asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She had gone above and beyond to ensure that the menu was tailored to our preferences. 


"Yeah, the food is absolutely delicious! Thank you so much for taking the time to make sure it suits our tastes," I replied with a smile, genuinely impressed by Ruri's thoughtfulness.


She has become the kind of princess I like, with her thick-rimmed glasses and her kind heart. I couldn't understand why some had a preference for tsundere princesses, but to be honest, I like geeky princesses more like Ruri. She looked cute with her glasses and blue hair in braids, giving her a unique and charming appearance.


Licking my lips, I thought, Ah, I want to pin her down and have some yuri time with her. With that thought in my mind, I suddenly felt a chill go down my spine. I glanced around and found my twin sister gazing back at me with a chilling smile.


Smiling wryly, I pacified Mizuki by saying, "Now, now, let's not jump to conclusions. We're just talking about preferences here."


Mizuki expressed her skepticism with a scoff, crossed arms, and an averted gaze. "Preferences, huh? Well, Miyabi, my dear twin sister, your eyes tell a different story." She paused for a moment, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But sure, let's just call it 'preferences'."


"Sheesh, you're too possessive, but that's what I like about you," I replied, patting her head gently. "But seriously, Mizuki, you don't have to get jealous over something as trivial as this. I mean, you know how much of a womanizer I am, right? It's not like I'm going to leave you for someone else just because I found someone attractive. You're still my legal wife, okay?"


Through narrowed eyes, Mizuki glared at me, her lips pursed in a thin line. Although she does not overtly express it, I am confident that she appreciates the attention I give her. You could say she's like a cat—aloof and independent, but secretly craving affection and reassurance.




After breakfast, Mizuki and I enjoyed tea with Princess Ruri in her room, catching up on each other's lives and sharing stories of our adventures.


"Goddess Miyabi, I was seriously worried when not even once did you contact us with the figurine that you had given us," Princess Ruri exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "And when the figurine suddenly broke and turned to dust, I was devastated. But now that you're here, I feel a sense of comfort and reassurance knowing that you're safe."


I seriously wanted to avert my eyes and whistle nonchalantly, pretending I hadn't heard her. But no, I can't; almost all of them—Aidy, Harthela, Ruri, and Mara—were convinced that Mizuki and I were goddesses. 


Well, not yet officially; nevertheless, I am unable to tell them the simple truth behind our inability to contact them. I mean, I gave them those figurines, hoping to give them oracles in the form of streaming, like livestreamers on Earth.


But how? How could I tell them that I forgot about it because I was always excited to have milking sessions with my twin sister!? Every time I tell myself, "Tonight, definitely, I'm going to stream," I remind myself of the responsibility I have to our followers.


But even so, each night, I got so caught up in the milking sessions that I completely forgot about the figurines and our plans to stream. I mean, look! Don't you know how beautiful my twin sister looks while satisfied after drinking the milk from my chest and crotch? It's even more breathtaking because both of us are so beautiful.


I know I'm a bit unfaithful and easily attracted to new women I meet, but it is only with my twin sister that I feel a deep connection and a sense of fulfillment. It's like having sex with myself! I can't get enough of the intimacy and closeness we share.