Ch.6 Not a Cave
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After wielding the wooden sword in his right arm and the knife in his left hand in a reverse grip, he started to slash the air in fluid but fast movement that it almost was impossible to catch its trajectory with the naked eye.

“It feels much better to wield weapons in two hands indeed.” Jack couldn’t help but be happy as having more than one way to attack made him feel even stronger, “Yeah let’s not lose it this time.”

<Master if you have done checking your weapon, I would recommend moving away from this area and checking the last feature.>

“Yeah but aren’t I looking cool tho.” With a grin on his face he started to slash the empty air even more, and with the combination of a goblin corpse, a young man wearing shades and waving a sword in the air, right in the middle of the forest couldn’t help but make a scene that one couldn’t be able to help but baffled by it.

“Hey, you gotta reply too?” After hearing his words, the system went silent for a few minutes while Jack was immersed in the feeling of his left arm that he got back.

<I was just waiting for you to end this ‘cool’ thing that you were immersed in.>

“Heh, anyway that reminds me why didn’t you guys give me an axe instead of this trash sword?” He couldn’t help but wonder as they should clearly know about the weapon he was most proficient in.

<The starting weapon was selected by the user’s luck so all you can blame is your luck.>

“Ugh, can’t you guys just manipulate it or something? It’s your guy's creation after all.” He was baffled by their decision to use his shitty luck to select his starting weapon, ‘At least it was not bow and arrows.’

<I don’t have the authority to give you that information.>

“That line again.” He was annoyed by this restriction but decided not to press the system as it was more stubborn than him, “Anyway let's check the last feature.”

“Mission.” While mumbling the word, he looked around the area to find something he was looking for when just like last time the same screen appeared in front of him but with different texts this time.

Active Mission 2
Completed Mission 3

“Ohh already completed some mission? I guess I am too good after all.” Before checking the completed one, Jack decided to check the active one as he wanted to claim after doing the thing he planned first.

<I am surprised you realised that you will get rewards for completing missions.>

“I mean I am sure you guys can’t be that incompetent to forget about such basic features like last aren’t you?” Jack replied with a smirk on his face as he finally found what he was looking for while checking his first active mission.

Mission Find a Shelter
Rarity Common
Description Arriving in this new world, the user should try to find a shelter to provide added security at night from the beast roaming at night in this fantasy world.
Reward 10 Endurance Points.
Failure If failed the user has to fight ferocious beasts at night while lacking sleep.
Tip It recommends the user to look for a cave nearby to hide in.

“No remarks this time?” Jack asked with a raised eyebrow as he was surprised to find none of those shitty remarks from earlier.

<Sometimes there will be no remarks master.>

“Ohh that’s great, also yeah no, I am not staying in a cave ever again.” Jack couldn’t help but remember those times when he had holed himself in caves due to danger and it was one of the worst experiences that he ever faced.

“And this will help with that task.” While reading the mission info, Jack arrived in front of a tree that stood out from the rest as it was one of the largest ones of every tree near it.

With one fell swoop, he started climbing the tree and within minutes he reached the top of the tree and couldn’t help but laugh, “This is so much faster with both hands.”

“Aren’t I too lucky?” With a smile Jack looked towards the hill at the east side to spot a small village which was just a few kilometres away from this area, ‘This vision is perfect skill for an archer but alas.’

<Master there’s been a change in the mission section, you should check it.>

“Oh really?” Opening the mission tab, he realised that the shelter mission had changed significantly.

Mission Find a Shelter

Reaching the village

Rarity Common Common
Description Arriving in this new world, the user should try to find a shelter to provide added security at night from the beast roaming at night in this fantasy world. Due to the user's quick thinking, he was able to find a village nearby, it is recommended to reach that area before sunset.
Reward 10 Endurance Points. 10 Endurance and 10 Dexterity Points.
Failure If failed the user has to fight ferocious beasts at night while lacking sleep. If the user failed to reach the village before sunset, he had to fight a ferocious beast on his way with limited vision.
Typ It recommends the user look for a cave nearby to hide in.  It recommends the user to move as stealthy as possible towards his destination.

“Damn, it is more dynamic than I expected but good for me.” He was happy with this revelation as he realised that he wasn’t just stuck in a way to complete the mission to get those rewards.

<Yeah it is recommended that master should try to do the stuff like he did in the last world.>

“Oh, also that reminds me how are those guys doing there? Even though I said goodbye I kinda miss them.” Jack couldn’t help but remember his companions and friends he spent years together and realised that maybe that time wasn’t so bad after all with those idiots with him.

<They are all alive and fine, and few of them are focusing towards the betterment of the world.>

“Ohh it’s most likely Albert and Raphaela, those two siblings were idiots but had good heart for that shit world,” Jack remembers those two royal kids that kept pestering him when he first came to the world, and was glad they grew up to be such great individuals.

“Well let’s focus on the task right now.” Just as he thought about another person, he couldn’t help but be sad so he decided to distract himself from all that with missions in front of him.

“The fuck is that?” The moment he checked he checked the second active mission, he couldn’t help but be amazed by it as it was so bad and the contents were,

Mission Save the World
Rarity ???
Description ???
Reward ???
Failure ???
Tip ???
Remark Just save the world, easy lol.