Clefairy and the Moonstone
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Luneth, Alain, Mairin and their Pokémon were on their way to Cerulean City.

"According to my PokéNav, we're headed to Mt. Moon where we'll pass onto Cerulean City." Alain informed Luneth and Mairin as the gang were walking along the path to Cerulean City.

Luneth remembered what had happened in the episode with the Clefairy. She wondered if it would be a different kind of plot twist in this part. She hoped to catch a Clefairy and a Sandshrew at Mt. Moon.

"Mt. Moon?" Mairin asked.

"From what I know, a very long time ago a meteor crashed into that mountain. The meteor is called the Moonstone." Luneth replied.

"Moonstone? What's that?" Mairin asked.

"It's an evolutionary stone," Alain replied and glanced at Mairin, "I thought you were listening when dad was talking about the Moonstone."

Mairin chuckled nervously as Chespie sighed. "So what Pokémon can evolve with the Moonstone?" She asked.

"It turns a Clefairy into a Cleffable, Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff, Munna into Musharna." Luneth replied.

"Nidorina into Nidoqueen, Nidorino into Nidoking, and Skitty into Delcatty." Alain added.

"Wow. Now I want to find a Skitty. It sounds like a cute Pokémon." Mairin beamed.

"I'm afraid you'll find that kind of Pokémon in the Hoenn region, Mairin." Luneth pointed out.

Mairin pouted at that fact.

Soon enough, they arrived at Mt. Moon.

"Here it is. Mt. Moon." Luneth said.

"Let's go then." Alain added.

The three brought out their flashlights and went down a path in the cave.

At least an hour later, the three managed to catch some Pokémon as they walked. Alain caught a Zubat and Luneth caught a Sandshrew. They also found a few Moonstones that were lying around. Soon enough, they came out of the cave and decided to take a break. Luneth brought out the food for the Pokémon and Alain brought out some snacks for them to eat. Halfway through, Luneth sensed a presence nearby.

"You can come out. We won't harm you." Luneth called out.

The bushes rustled for a second and a Pokémon appeared; a Clefairy.

"Wow, a real Clefairy." Mairin said.

Luneth took out her Pokedex and scanned the Pokémon:

[Clefairy. This impish Pokémon is friendly and peaceful. It is believed to live inside Mt. Moon, although very few have ever been seen by humans.]

"Look what it's carrying," Alain pointed out, "It's a Moonstone."

"Are you hungry? We have some food to share." Luneth offered.

The Clefairy looked at the bowl of food and back at the group. Ginko nudged her bowl towards the Clefairy. It stared at it for a moment and took a piece and placed it in its mouth. Then Clefairy smiled at the taste.

"Looks like Clefairy likes your food, Luneth." Alain commented.

"It seems so." Luneth agreed, smiled.

A few minutes later, the gang decided to head back out.

"Well, time to go." Luneth said, "See you later, Clefairy."

"Clefairy! (Wait!)" Clefairy called out.

The three trainers turned to Clefairy.

"Clefairy, clef clefairy? (As a thank you, would like to see the ceremony?)" Clefairy offered.

"Ceremony?" Luneth asked.

"Clefairy clefairy. (For us Clefairy's to evolve.)" Clefairy replied.

Luneth turned to Alain and Mairin, "What do you say, guys? Do you want to see the Clefairy evolve?" She asked.

"Sure, I would love to see more Clefairy!" Mairin beamed.

"It might be fun." Alain added.

Luneth turned to Clefairy, "Alright, lead the way."

Clefairy nodded with a smile and led the group to the location of the ceremony.

Clefairy led the group to a crater in the cave where they saw a full moon shining on a giant Moonstone in the middle of the crater.

"It's the Moonstone." Luneth awed.

"So beautiful." Mairin was enchanted.

"This is an amazing display. I didn't think a Moonstone could get this big." Alain stared at the amazing sight.

"Fascinating! I've never seen such a magnificent sight!" A male voice beamed.

Luneth, Alain, Mairin and the Pokémon turned to the voice and saw Ash and his friends along with Prof. Seymour.

"Ash?" Luneth blinked.

Ash and his friends turned to Luneth.

"Luneth? Mairin? Alain? What are you guys doing here?" Ash questioned.

"We're on our way to Cerulean City. Then we met a Clefairy who wanted to bring us here." Luneth answered.

"We met a Clefairy as well." Misty said.

Just then a bunch of Clefairy, Cleffa and Clefable appeared just as a blue light shined on the giant Moonstone, they approached it and began to dance and pray to it.

"Wow, look at all of the Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable have gathered around." Mairin spotted the Fairy Pokémon as Luneth took out her Pokedex and recorded the dance.

"I see," Luneth realized, "the Clefairy pray to the Moonstone so that they can evolve into Clefable."

"So the Moonstone is really a giant evolutionary stone." Alain added.

Seymour watched in amazement, "It is said that humans are supposed to ride the stone to the stars."

"Oh really?" Misty's brow arched, skeptical about that.

At that moment, an explosion came out from the ground.

"What just happened?" Seymour shouted.

Then laughter was heard.

"Oh no." Luneth groaned. "Not them again."

"Thank you for leading us to the Moonstone," Jessie chuckled, "Now we'll just take it for ourselves and be on our way."

"You can't do that!" Seymour protested as he stood in front of the Moonstone, "Leave the Moonstone alone! It belongs to the Clefairy!"

"We can and we will." James smirked.

More explosions went off, causing smoke to cover the area. Once the smoke cleared, the Moonstone was gone.

"Oh no, the Moonstone!" Seymour panicked. Then he became determined, "We have to get it back!"

"Maybe that big hole will lead us to them." Alain suggested and released his Steelix, "Let's go Steelix!"

Steelix roared as he appeared.

"Steelix, follow the tunnel that Team Rocket left behind and stop them!" Alain pointed to the big hole.

Steelix dove underground and followed after the criminals.

"Let's follow it!" Luneth shouted and everyone followed with the Clefairy behind them.

Team Rocket was sliding down the hill on a sledge, the Moonstone tied to it.

They easily believed that their plan worked, when suddenly Steelix came out of the ground in front of them and stopped them.

"Hold it right there, Team Rocket!" Luneth shouted, "You're not taking the Moonstone anywhere!"

"Why you! You'll pay for that!" Jessie growled, having Ekans out of his Pokéball already.

"That's right!" James said, doing the same as Jessie already having his Koffing out.

"It's payback time!" Meowth got his claws out.

"With pleasure." Luneth said and took out Digger's Pokéball (Sandshrew), "Go Digger, Ginko!"

Ginko jumped in front of Luneth as Digger appeared beside her.

"Ekans, use Bite!" Jessie called out.

Ekans slithered towards Ginko.

"Ginko, dodge and then Zen Headbutt!" Ginko dodged Ekans's attack and then the top part of Ginko's head glows blue and her head becomes surrounded by a see-through reflective shield. She then jumps at Ekans and slammed her head into Ekans who cried out in pain as it was sent back towards Jessie and it landed right at her feet.

"You'll pay for that!" James declared.

"I doubt it." Luneth said, "Digger, use Fury Cutter!"

Digger charged at Koffing, slashing it repeatedly with its claws, knocking it into James, sending him to the ground.

Jessie and Meowth managed to get Koffing off of James, but the man was knocked out cold with swirls in his eyes.

"Come on James snap out of it!" Jessie shook him, trying to wake him up.

"He's knocked out cold." Meowth stated.

"That's it!" Jessie exclaimed annoyed, "Meowth!"

"Rrrighttt!" Meowth growled and charged towards Sandshrew.

"Digger, Rapid Spin!" Luneth ordered.

Digger curled into a ball and rolled towards Meowth who got rammed into the face and was sent flying until he fell at Jessie's feet. Digger jumped and uncurled itself as it landed in front of Luneth.

They were about to continue the battle when the Clefairy appeared out of the hole that was created by Steelix.

"It's the Clefairy." Brock said.

Mairin sweat dropped when someone else's head stuck out of the hole, "And Professor Seymour."

The Clefairy stood in front of the group, sending mad looks at Team Rocket. They were not happy with what they had done. All at once they began moving their fingers back and forth chanting.

"What's going on?" Jessie asked, looking at the Fairy Pokémon.

"They're moving their arms." Meowth replied, "This way, that way."

Team Rocket and their Pokémon soon moved their heads, following the Clefairy's hands.

"The move is called 'Metronome'," Seymour explained, moving his head left and right following the Clefairy attack, "It makes a Clefairy do an attack, but you can never tell what attack they'll do."

"What's Metronome?" Ash asked as he and the others followed the Clefairy's movements as well.

"It randomly selects a move using it at full power." Luneth told him.

"Full power?" Misty suddenly had a thought, "Meaning any move can come out of it like a Hyper Beam!"

The Clefairy's fingertips began glowing white alerting everyone that they were about to unleash their attack.

"Here it comes." Seymour said.

As their fingertips kept glowing white until it was replaced by orange alerting Luneth who knew what attack was coming, "Ginko, Digger, get over here hurry!" The Ground type and the Normal type ran over to the girl.

"It's a Hyper Beam attack! Everyone, get down!" Luneth shouted.

"Steelix, Protect!" Alain ordered.

The Iron Snake Pokémon curled around the group and projected a green colored barrier around them except for Team Rocket.

The attack hit Team Rocket and sent them flying into the night sky.

"Grrr, I wanted that Moonstone!" Jessie complained.

"It doesn't suit ya'!" Meowth growled.

James had no comment because he was still unconscious.



"Great job, you guys." Luneth complimented the three Pokémon.

Ginko, Digger and Steelix smiled.

Mairin looked over at the giant Moonstone and saw it was in tiny pieces, "Guys look! The Moonstone shattered!"

They all looked and saw she was right. The once beautiful giant stone was now into little pieces.

"It must've been the Hyper Beam attack." Alain stated.

The shards of the once big Moonstone landed on some of the Clefairy who started glowing.

"They're evolving!" Luneth stared in awe, as did the others.

As the glowing light died down some of the Clefairy were now Clefable making Seymour smile from ear to ear, "They must've been the chosen Clefairy to evolve into Clefable!"

Luneth scanned them with her Pokedex:

[Clefable, an advanced form of Clefairy. These unique creatures are among the rarest Pokémon in the world.]

The Clefairy, Cleffa and Clefable were all celebrating happily, and everyone got to stay and join them.

"I've decided to stay here with the Clefairy." Seymour decided.

The group was surprised at this.

"What? Why?" Ash questioned.

"It's been my life's dream to find the Moonstone. Someday I will travel to the stars with the Clefairy." Seymour smiled.

"Wow." Misty and Mairin awed.

"When you do visit Outer Space, I hope you remember to send us all a post card." Brock requested.

Everyone enjoyed the company of all the Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable.

It was the next morning for the group. Packed and ready to go they were all outside the cave getting ready to leave but not before saying goodbye to Seymour and the Clefairy, Cleffa and Clefable.

"I can't thank you all enough for all you've done." Seymour said.

"Thanks, but we didn't do anything, it was the Clefairy." Luneth denied.

Alain nodded, "That's right, the Clefairy were the ones you should be grateful to."

"Yeah." Ash agreed.

Just then a Clefable and a Clefairy were carrying something in their hands and walked up to the group.

"Huh? What are guys doing here?" Luneth asked, confused as to why the two of them were outside and not inside the cave.

Clefable and Clefairy gave the round objects to Luneth and Alain who took it in confusion.

"It's a Pokémon egg." Brock said.

"You really want us to have these?" Luneth asked.

Clefable and Clefairy nodded. Then Clefable pointed at the Pokéballs on her belt while Clefairy pointed at Mairin's.

"I think they want to go with you, Luneth, Mairin." Alain concluded.

"Is that true?" Luneth asked.

Clefable and Clefairy nodded. Luneth and Mairin smiled, and Luneth let Brock hold her egg as Luneth and Mairin took out a Pokéball. They tapped them on their foreheads, and they were sucked inside. They wiggled for a second and the red light stopped blinking. Two successful captures.

After that, the group continued on towards Cerulean City.

Luneth's egg was in an incubator that Prof. Oak had given to her. It really was a good thing that he gave it to her before she left. Alain's egg was in an incubator as well.

After hours of walking, the group came across a sign and two directions that lead us to different places. Luneth looked closely at the sign and saw that it said 'Cerulean City'.

"Cerulean City? I guess that's our next stop." Ash said with a grin on his face.

"Seems so, and according to the map, there's supposed to be a gym around that place." Brock added.

"Hey, there seems to be something on the sign." Alain looked closely at the sign.

"It's probably just some scribble from young kids." Ash chuckled.

"Uh, Ash, you might want to take a look." Luneth suggested.

Then they looked at what was scribbled on it.

'Gary was here! Ash is a loser!'

"Why that Gary....I'll show him!" Ash yelled before taking off towards the direction to Cerulean City.

"He'll never learn." Brock sighed.

"Gary Oak, you are so immature." Luneth commented, rolling her eyes.

"Being an immature jerk is one of Gary Oak's 'redeeming' qualities." Alain dead panned.

"Agreed." Luneth agreed. "Anyways, let's go. I can't wait until we see him at the league and kick his arrogant butt." She walked ahead of them with Ginko walking beside her.

Alain and Mairin smiled in amusement at that and followed Luneth along with Brock and Misty catching up with Luneth.

Pokémon Obtained:

Luneth: Shiny Eevee (Ginko)(F), Shiny Feebas (Moana)(F), Clefable (Shayla)(F), Pidgeotto (Cardinal)(M), Sandshrew (Digger)(M), Pokémon Egg

Alain: Charizard (M), Metagross (Genderless), Unfezant (M), Chestnaught (M), Steelix (M), Zubat (M), Pokémon Egg

Mairin: Chespin (Chespie)(M), Flabébé (Bébé)(F), Gogoat (Grazer)(F), Butterfree (Nabi)(M), Paras (Kinoko)(F), Clefairy (Pixie)(F)

Professor Oak's Lab:

Luneth: Nidoran (Fonda)(F), Scyther (Hecate)(F), Beautifly (Choko)(F), Swablu (Avaley)(F), Mankey (Bruce)(M), Buizel (Itachi)(M)

Alain: Beedrill (M), Nidoran (M), Scyther (M), Tyranitar (M)