Chapter 25: Tactics and Instincts
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Sorry for this taking so long. My job has been chaotic for the last month. It still is, just less so.

[Jill POV]

My eyes slowly open, and I look around. After stretching, I hopped off the bed and yawned before transforming into my human form. After getting dressed, I leave my room to see Gale eating alone. I don't know where Ivan is, but I thought he would be here today.

"Where is Ivan?"(Jill)

"Some of his old squad happened to be in the area, so they decided to hang out."(Gale)

I sat down at the table to eat. I filled my plate with the different kinds of meat Gale had prepared. At first, I didn't understand why Kim didn't like eating raw meat, but after I tried some cooked, I understood. My favorite is bacon. Kim told me it was made from pigs. She had to stop me before I went to hunt them. Gale looked at my plate with a disapproving glance.

"Don't only eat meat. Have some vegetables too."(Gale)

"But they don't taste as good!"(Jill)

"You will never beat me if you have an unbalanced diet."(Gale)

Hearing him say that reminded me of a memory I got from Kim.

"Gale, what is a mom, and why are you acting like one?"(Jill)

He started to choke on the coffee he was drinking.

"Why are you asking me that?"(Gale)

"What you said reminded me of a memory I got from Kim through our connection. I just kinda appeared in by the Shift, so I don't think I have a birth mother."(Jill)

"I see. Well, a mom is a female parental figure. Most of the time, it's your birth mother, but not always. Some people get adopted, and their new parents become their mom and dad."(Gale)

"I get it, but at the same time, I don't. Do some people not have a mom then?"(Jill)

"Unfortunately, yes."(Gale)

"Since I don't have a mom, do I need to be adopted to get one?"(Jill)

"No, when someone gets married, their spouse's mom is also theirs."(Gale)

"So Kim's mom will be my mom."(Jill)

"Yes, but I have to ask. Do you want a mom?"(Gale)

"Not really, but Kim seemed excited to see their family. So I was a little curious, and you reminded me of it."(Jill)

"Alright then. Hurry up, we have a lot of training before I report to command."(Gale)

I quickly scarfed down the rest of my food and hopped into the ring. Gale followed me into the ring and threw me a pair of gloves. Training went the same as usual, with me landing on my back. After picking myself off the ground, I try to think of where I went wrong. I start to rub my head in frustration.

"Why can't I win?!"(Jill)

I heard Gale chuckle before he spoke.

"You're thinking about how to win, which isn't what you are suited for, making you easy to read."(Gale)

"But if I don't win, I can't sleep in the same bed as Kim!"(Jill)

"I'm not saying not to try to win, but don't overthink it. Since you are not human, you don't have to fight like one. I have to go. Ivan said he would be here soon, so you can hang out until he gets here."(Gale)

"Fine, but I still want a match when you get back."(Jill)

Gale waves as he leaves the lab. Now that I'm alone, I try to think how I can win. What did he mean when he said I don't have to fight like a human? Ivan showed up while I was thinking this.

"Hello Jill, how are you today?"(Ivan)

"I'm okay. I wasn't able to beat Gale earlier."(Jill)

"From what I've seen, you keep getting closer."(Ivan)

"No, Gale matches my strength to make it look like that, but I can tell he isn't trying his hardest."(Jill)

"I see. Unfortunately, I only accel at defensive strategy, and Gale is not someone you can beat with defense alone."(Ivan)

"If only Kim were here to cheer me up."(Jill)

"Did Gale give you any advice during training?"(Ivan)

"He said I wasn't suited for thinking."(Jill)

Ivan would have done a spit-take if he was drinking something after hearing my response.

"Pfft. I don't think that's what he meant."(Ivan)

"Sure it is. He said I was thinking about how to win, which is why I lost. And then he said I don't have to fight like a human."(Jill)

"No, I think he means you should fight on instinct instead. Most good fighters plan their moves during a fight, but animals and mutants don't. If you were fighting someone other than Gale with no reward, how would you fight them."(Ivan)

"I don't know, I'd just hit them or use my claws to slash at them."(Jill)

"Exactly. When you fight like that, are you thinking how to win?"(Ivan)

"No, I just attack where I feel a weak spot."(Jill)

"And what do you do while fighting Gale in combat?"(Ivan)

I sit there thinking about that for a moment.

"I'm thinking about how Kim and I will share a bed if I win and how to make it happen."(Jill)

"See. Being motivated is good, but you must not let it distract you from the battle before you. Try using your claws and tails to fight."(Ivan)

"But won't that be cheating?"(Jill)

"Did Gale say you couldn't?"(Ivan)

"No, but..."(Jill)

"Then why not if you are frustrated that Gale is holding back? Why are you doing the same?"(Ivan)

I looked at the bald man like he was a genius.

"I will do it! Next time we fight, I will use my claws! And if that doesn't work my fangs!"(Jill)

[Gale POV]

I am in an office with one other person when a sudden chill runs down my spine.

"Is there something wrong, Gale?"(???)

I looked over to the man who just asked me a question.

"No, it's nothing. I just got cold all of a sudden. What were we talking about again chief?"(Gale)

"I was asking if the mutant fox that the Doctor is observing is safe."(Chief)

He spoke of Jill in an indifferent tone. The chief did not have the luxury of being attached to the people who could be a threat to the base. I knew that included Jill as well as Kim. But that didn't stop my emotions. I would always get annoyed when people I care for are dismissed.

"Jill is fine. All we had to do was give her a small goal to keep her occupied."(Gale)

"Good, the only reason I let Kim go is to see if the fox would act up. It's good that is hasn't acted aggressively."(Chief)

"Is that all?"(Gale)

"Do you have somewhere to be?"(Chief)

"I told Jill that I would spar with her this afternoon."(Gale)

He looked with a stern face.

"Fine, you are dismissed."(Chief)

Saluted before leaving the office. I hope Jill is behaving with Ivan.