Chapter 2: Crazy night 2
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If someone were to discuss the family's prosperity, they would tell me to look up and see the stone statue of my father erected in the center of the courtyard. My father was the former head of the famous Viscount Deharm, a talented person and an excellent leader who was second to none in the county.


On the other hand, if you are talking about the downfall of a family, you don't have to go far. The beginning of the downfall was right under my feet.......


"Huh... Whew......."


The elf is licking the soles of my shoes. It's not just licking, it's very sincere and passionate. Even after chewing and swallowing the dust that was stuck in the soles of my shoes with his tongue, he stuck out his tongue again and carefully wiped my shoes with his tongue. The dust covering the shoes gradually disappears and the elf's saliva fills in its place.


Having never done or wanted to do such perverted things in my life, I couldn't stop my facial muscles from wriggling in unwanted directions.


Conversely, it means that I feel ashamed.


'I'll turn around.'


Certainly...... The elves I saw in children's books as a child were kind and considerate. A kind-hearted race that does not hesitate to treat lost adventurers with utmost hospitality or help defeated soldiers who have fled into the forest after being wounded. That was the elf.


But what the heck is this? What the hell is this crazy woman lying under my feet and licking my shoes voraciously?


You never know. I was more afraid because I didn't know.......




The elf, who licked his shoes until they were shiny, put his head back. The saliva that flowed from the elf's mouth stretched like a skein and then suddenly broke off. After taking a breath, the elf opened his lips glistening with saliva.


"Woof woof."


Are you really pretending to be a dog just because you said you shouldn't talk to people when you're on a leash? The way he looks up at me with a flushed face makes me goosebumps. I couldn't find the right words, so I froze for a while, then slowly pulled my foot out. 


Maybe it was because he had been stepping on it for a long time, but the elf's chest was clearly stamped with shoeprints.


"Okay. I think this is enough to give you a sense of how low your life is. Today's punishment should be this much......."


The elf's face grew cold in an instant. I hastily changed my words.


"Did you think it was going to be like this?! arrogant bitch!!"


I screamed and stepped on the elf's face. I didn't really step on it though. I just put a little bit on it.


“Hey, Master......!”


However, the elf did not pay attention to the subtle difference in power. It was as if he felt some kind of pleasure from being trampled on by my feet.


"No...... Please stop, Master...... !”


The elf raises his hand and grabs my ankle. At that moment, I thought I was about to break my ankle, and my heart skipped a beat, but fortunately, the disaster I expected did not happen.


"It hurts so much...... !"


Quite the opposite. The elf was pulling my ankles and encouraging me to stomp on his face his a little harder.


'Fuck really.'


Goosebumps ran through her body her, but there was nothing she couldn't do.


"You're talking like a human again! How dare an arrogant dog like you do that?!!” 




He rammed the elf's head into the grass and pressed his feet down with force.


'Why are you doing this to me, really.'


I wanted to cry because it was unfair. I'm not like this.......


But that doesn't mean you can't stop acting. trampled the elf's cheek to the point of leaving shoeprints on it, then caught my breath and lifted my foot.


"Oh. If you speak like a human again, I will give you a more severe punishment-"


Alas. Even after I said it, I was surprised and involuntarily gasped. What if this elf deliberately behaves like a tree frog because he said he would make him suffer even more? Then it was a total outlier. Looking down in a cold sweat, the elf closed her teary eyes and gently opened her mouth.




Ha. Thank god. For now, it seemed to be satisfactory enough. 

So let's go back now Having turned the situation in my favor, this elf will no longer be dissatisfied.


"If you understand, turn around and get up."




However, I pulled on her leash her, but the elf did not wake up. He hesitates with a troubled face, then puts her hand down and touches his vagina her. It was a bonus to cross her legs like she was impatient.


Could it be that he even wants to mate? It's difficult this way I didn't want to die because I made fun of peppers and couldn't satisfy them.


Moreover, no matter how strong your sexual desire is, you cannot overcome your fear. How could she have sex with a bitch worse than His Majesty his?


Unless you're insane, it was impossible in the current state.


Anyway, you need to check the facts. I calmed down my trembling lips and opened my mouth as slowly as possible.


"Do you want me to have sex with you? With someone like you? It seems like you still haven't regained your sanity."


I said it deliberately with a bluff. I thought that she would bend her will her on her own her, but the elf gently rubbed her belly her and even started to shed her tears.


"Khh-ing, h..i-ing......."


What? Now that I look at it, it doesn't look like I want intercourse. Do you have any other purpose? After hesitating for a moment, I cocked my chin arrogantly.


"I will allow you to speak like a human tonight. So tell me what's going on."


"Me..., I have to urinate so much that I'm going to explode!... !”




If it's pee, you can just pee. There were many bathrooms in the mansion. There were more than five toilets used by the workers, and there were two toilets made for slaves to use. They are all cleaned once a week, so it doesn't smell or anything. No need to beg me......?




I think I know what it is


'Pissing play!'


I once read a book in my father's study called 'The Obscene Hobgoblin Maid'. 


A similar play appears in the corresponding hardcover, which was released as a limited edition. At first, I thought it was an absurd novel, but now that I think about it, it seemed like the story was true.


Because the elf in front of me right now wanted that.


'Wait a minute. Does that mean that the author of The Obscene Hobgoblin Maid actually had sex with the Hobgoblin?'


Why did your father buy it again?...... Let's grab it. Just imagining it makes me sick to my stomach. Now was the time to focus on my situation.


"If you need to pee, you can do it right here."


"Lord, master. Please be kind... Please let this crappy bitch use the bathroom......."


Seeing the reaction, you're right. Having regained my confidence, I pouted again.


"Why does a bitch need a bathroom? Have you ever seen a mutt on the street use the bathroom?"


"It's too much...... !”


"What's too much is your lowly brain that still doesn't recognize my situation. Before I get any more pissed off, get up and urinate around."


As if the elf couldn't help it, he turned and touched the floor. I thought I would pee on any grass, but for some reason the elf seemed to be waiting for my command. And strangely... Glancing at his father's stone statue.


'Did I see it wrong?'


I took a closer look to make sure I didn't see anything wrong. This elf was clearly glancing at my father's stone statue. Do you really want to pee there?


No, rather than wanting to pee on a stone statue, it would be more correct to want to confirm that I am human trash. Gajura smears the urine of a slave on his father's stone statue. Aren't you qualified for someone who will sell you to the bottom of hell?


However. However.......


'That's not it, damn it!'


Don't do it! I can't even die! How could I put the urine of a slave on the stone statue of my father whom I respect and love? Even if a knife goes to my throat........


"Master, where do I urinate?"


A knife was put in my throat. Looking at the question, the intention seems clear.




My hands trembled and I loosened the brooch around my neck a bit more. My mouth is dry and sweat forms on my forehead even in the cool weather.


At this moment, I was placed in an unintended choice.


Will you ensure your uncertain survival by urinating in the nearby bush, or will you ensure your survival by urinating on your father's stone statue? Let's think, think.


Don't look at the trees, look at the forest. If my life was at stake, I would of course choose the former. However, if this choice is wrong, all the family members of the mansion will be annihilated.


There... It's something only I know about putting a slave's urine on my father's stone statue. It's hard to see it as a loss of honor. Okay. If you lose your life while taking care of your pride, it's a total turn of events.


'I'm sorry, father.'


Shouldn't we live and see? I let go of my anger and opened my mouth.


"Lie down on that stone statue. I think that would be fun.”


Then the elf's eyes widened.


"Yes, yes? Ha, but that is the master's father......."


I know it too, shit! What do you mean?! You told me through your eyes!!


"Does not matter. He is dead, he is just a corpse. Or will you disobey my orders?" 


“Oh, no, oh.......” 


"Then follow me."


I pulled the elf's leash and headed for my father's stone statue. The elf, led by my leash, crawled through the grass and approached the stone statue, then looked up at me with eyes asking for another order.


"Bitch, pee fast." 


"Ah. Yes... !"


The elf, who had received permission, stood on one leg like a dog. After waiting for a while, a bright yellow stream of water gushed out from the elf's vagina and dyed the stone statue's toes.


Perhaps thanks to the cool weather, the rising steam makes me even more distressed. The stream of urine that had been gushing out in a curve slowly dwindled and trickled out from the elf's urethra. As I looked down at the residual urine that flowed down the elf's groin, I recited, pretending to be coldblooded.


"You lick up the pee you made." 


“That, that.…......” 


"Right now."


The elf shook her shoulders and bowed her head. The tips of her silver hair that flowed down her were soaked in urine that hadn't dried yet, and a small tongue poked out her lips. He started licking the urine at the feet of his father's stone statue. 


Is this correct? I closed my eyes and secretly let out a deep sigh.


'Father... I'm sorry... This son of yours is a bastard... I'm really sorry.'


I couldn't stand the gaze of my father's stone statue looking down at me, so I raised his head.


However, the countless starlights in the vast night sky looked like the pupils of my ancestors scolding me, which doubled my guilt.


'My life seems to be ruined. No, maybe our family.......'


The punishment will be sweetly paid in hell. I won't even buy indulgences.


"Fuuuuu, the smell...... ! Please forgive me, my master......."


No...... Maybe this is hell.