Chapter 4: Hunter Knowledge
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Chapter 4: Hunter Knowledge


At the Bai Kingdom border, there are Huangshan mountain ranges that reach the clouds and large forests.


On the mountain, there is a house. A young physician with black hair and a skinny body is checking on a sick girl while her father looks nervous.


“It’s just a normal fever; I give you the herb; after boiling it, make sure she drinks the medicinal herb.” Zou Jie smiles.


“But my daughter had a problem drinking the herb.”


“You can put some honey in it; that will lessen the bitter taste.”


“Thank you, physician Zou.”


Luo Wei brings the required herbs to make the medicinal herb. Although Luo Wei still only remembers his name, He has a good memory and can remember all the herbs. Because of that, Zou Jie let Luo Wei help him around.


The man carries his sick daughter down the mountain.


“Physician Zou, why don't you want to stay in the city?” Luo Wei asked. He had lived here for a month. The way Physician Zou lives, it’s like a retired old man.


“If I leave, who is going to help the villagers?”


“What does it matter to succeed? Sometimes we need to make some sacrifice.” Luo Wei doesn’t know why he said those words. But in his memory, it’s the right thing to say.


“You are not wrong, but what’s wrong with staying here?”


“There is no future here.”


“It's fine; I live a comfortable life. Do you want to go to the city to ask people if they know you?”


“No, it’s better if I wait to recover my memory. I am afraid that people who attacked the village are targeting me.”


“Although you are a small boy, your way of thinking is mature like that of an adult.”


“I am not a small boy.”


“Yes, yes, you are an adult.” Zou Jie patted Luo Wei's head.


Luo Wei huffed and walked toward the kitchen to prepare for lunch.


Zou Jie checks the system and a system panel appears in front of him.


[Karma system]

[Karma point: 101]

[Bad Karma Punishment: (0/5)]


It looks like he already had enough karma points to purchase the hunter's knowledge.


‘Purchase the hunter's knowledge.’ Zou Jie spoke in his mind.


After that, the system transmits the hunter's knowledge into Zou Jie's mind. A few minutes later, he knows everything about becoming a hunter and has experience.


“Now I need to make a bow and arrow.” Zou Jie is excited. Since his body is weak, he needs to exercise and eat a lot of protein. One of the ways to get protein is by eating meat.


A few days later, in the forest, Zou Jie's body blends with nature, and not far from him is a deer. With fluid motion, he aims his arrow and releases it.


The arrow pierces through the deer's neck and dies. Zou Jie, without wasting time, quickly skinned and dismembered the carcass. After putting the skin and meat inside the bamboo basket, he leaves the area.


The smell of blood can attract predators.


Zou Jie, after getting the hunter's knowledge, knows many ways to get food. That means he will not be starving in the winter.


The system had several more occupation skills. If he can get the farmer and chef knowledge, his food palate will improve.


However, it is better if he chooses a seamstress to make new clothes and a carpenter because his house looks like it’s not going to last long.


For the martial arts manual, he will purchase it later, although the martial artist is strong. They are still humans and can die if they get stabbed by a sword or poisoned. With his experience as an elite soldier, if he can’t defeat them, he can run.


When he returns home, several people are waiting for him. However, from their condition, they look malnourished. This is not the first patient that he has encountered with the same problem.


Sometimes the reason people are sick is because they don’t have enough food.


Just as he suspected they were malnourished, after contemplation, he gave them some of his meat and grain.


The reason they don’t have enough food is because of the White Tiger bandit. They take everything valuable, including food.


After they left the house,


Luo Wei, watching everything, can only shake his head. Physician Zou is too nice, but Luo Wei doesn’t know Zou Jie is collecting karma points. According to the system, if he wants more karma points, he can do bad deeds, but he is afraid of bad karma punishment.


Zou Jie is thinking about how many karma points he can get if he kills the White Tiger bandit. He needs to gather information first. With his elite soldier and hunter experience, he can try hunting the bandit.




Time passed A man and woman entered town in Bai Kingdom while being escorted by a group of martial artists from the martial arts alliance. One of them is the female martial artist who had been harassed by the first young master's son.


Although Shi Li hates the first young master's son, Minister Luo is an upright man who protects innocent civilians. Many corrupt officials died because of him.


“According to the information, they headed to the Huangshan mountain range; the only last sign was that the village had been massacred, and several soldiers that escorted the young master died there.” A middle-aged martial artist spoke.


“We will stay here today; tomorrow we will go to the forest.” The fourth yang master spoke. While holding his wife's hand, she is exhausted from the long journey.


“Yes, sir Luo.”


“I heard there is a White Tiger bandit stronghold on the mountain range; maybe Sir Luo's son is there.” Said the burly martial artist.


"No, it's too dangerous; there were hundreds of members.”


“We can gather martial artists to help, and I am sure the bandits have stolen many good things over the years.”


“We will discuss this after we reach the village.” Said the middle-aged martial artist.


The next day, the fourth young master group arrives at the massacred village, where many corpses have already decomposed and left only a bone behind.


Seeing that Sir Luo's wife's body becomes weak, fortunately, her husband keeps her from falling. In her mind, if his son is dead, His corpse has already become a skeleton by now.


“Don’t worry, I am sure our son is still alive.”


“The ones that kill them are cruel; they don’t even spare the children.” Said Shi Li.


“They are scum that needs to be killed.” Said the burly martial artist.


They search the area and other villages, but they don’t find the young master.


Suddenly, one of the villagers remembered something. “I think I know the boy you are talking about.”


“What where!” The fourth young master grabs the man's shoulder.


“He leaves with physician Zou on the mountain.”


"Quick, show me the way, and I will reward you.”


“Yes, yes.”


The villager brings them to the physician's house. However, Sir Luo and his wife don’t have enough stamina and are required to rest to walk up the mountain.


When they arrive, they see an old house and two people eating outside on the porch. Sir Luo's wife's eyes become moist because she recognizes the boy.


“Do you remember anything about your past?” Zou Jie ate while talking.




"It looks like you need a jolt for your memory to recover.”


Luo Wei suddenly felt someone's gaze, turned his head, and saw a beautiful woman staring at him. That woman's face seems familiar, but he doesn’t remember anything.


“My son!” Sir Luo's wife runs toward them with her husband and hugs Luo Wei tightly.


Luo Wei's face is in shock, while Zou Jie keeps eating and watching the drama.


“Excuse me, who are you?” Luo Wei asked.


“Are you Luo Wei?”




“We are your parents.”


Luo Wei tries to remember their faces; they look familiar; however, he doesn’t remember anything.


Zou Jie, who had been quietly eating, finally spoke. “Let me explain everything.”


Luo Wei's parents turn their heads. After Zou Jie explains what happened to Luo Wei, his parents finally know what happened to their son.


“Don’t worry, my son, I will find a good physician in the capital.” Sir Luo's wife hugs Luo Wei tightly.


“Thank you for taking care of my son. This is your reward; please don’t refuse.” Sir Luo gives him a small pouch full of silver.


Zou Jie smiles. “Thank you.”


Luo Wei, although reluctant in the end, still followed his parents to the Han Empire.


Zou Jie waved his hand when they left, and the place became lonely.


“Should I get a servant or apprentice?” Zou Jie shook his head. It’s better to be alone. After cleaning the food bowl, he began making arrows. He needed to make a lot of arrows for hunting.




Han Empire, the capital city.


Minister Luo laughed happily after hearing the news that his grandson was still alive.


“Have you found the culprit?’ Minister Luo stopped laughing and spoke, but there was no one in the room.


“We found their tail but not the body.”


“Keep investigating; I want their head.” He needs to set an example for anyone who harms his family.


“Yes, master.”