Chapter 8: Brothel Diseases
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Chapter 8: Brothel Diseases


Han Empire capital city, Luo family courtyard


A boy is sitting at the table while gazing out the window.


Luo Wei's memory has recovered, but his life is boring. Other than reading and learning, there is nothing to do. Once he sweeps the floor with a broom, and the house steward, after finding out reprimand the servants,


He also secretly tries to cook, and the servants begin to beg him not to do anything, afraid of being fired.


Since then, the servants have watched him closely, afraid he would do any chores.


“I am bored. How are physicians Zou and Shi Li doing?" Luo Wei looks listless while his head is on the table.


“Young master, a woman named Shi Li has come to see you.”


“Quickly let her in.” Luo Wei said it excitedly.


Since he almost died, Luo's family has tightened security, and in the shadows, several people are protecting him secretly. Luo Wei can’t even go out.


Luo Wei never expected Shi Li to come to visit. They had been exchanging letters since the last time they met.


Luo Wei and Shi Li begin to talk about their lives.


“I received your letter; you can enter the Martial Alliance Academy, but my grandpa said you need permission from your parents first.”


Luo Wei at first feels excited, but after that, he feels depleted. His parents couldn't let him go. "Is there any other way?”


“There is nothing I can do.” Shi Li shakes her head.


Luo family hall.


When Luo Wei nervously tells his parents and grandpa, they agree.


“You need to learn martial arts to protect yourself; the academy is the best place to learn.” The reason Minister Luo agreed is because he doesn’t feel that Luo Wei is safe here. There must be a traitor in the family. If there are traitors, it’s hard to guarantee Luo Wei's safety.


Luo Wei's parents are concerned, but they are already being told what is going on and have agreed.


As long as they don’t capture the traitor, anything can happen.


With that, Luo Wei and Shi Li go to the Martial Alliance Academy.


Minister Luo has already made some arrangements to ensure Luo Wei's safety. The traitor is suspected to be the dead instructor Tao. However, he doesn’t have any proof, and instructor Tao is friendly with everyone.




On the mountain.


Zou Jie is practicing martial arts, and from hundreds of third-class martial arts manuals, he already reorganizes and picks the martial arts that are beneficial for him. He compiled and created the Don’t Die martial art manual, most of which involved running and escaping.


After all, third-class martial art is considered the beginning of martial artist; if he is too confident, he might die. The best way to survive is to focus on movement techniques. Once he has enough karma points, he will purchase the second-class martial arts manual and upgrade to the Don’t Die martial arts manual.


With each step, Zou Jie can travel up and down the mountain faster. However, it’s still got its speed limitations and can’t outrun a horse. But in the forest and mountains, it’s hard for anyone to catch him.


Returning home, he notices two people waiting in front of his house gate.


“Are you, physician Zou?” The slim man asked. Beside him are his guards.


“Yes, how can I help you?”


“I am from the Red Flower brothel; I come to invite you to treat our courtesan.”


“Can you tell me the details before I go?”




“Please come in first.” Zou Jie opens the gate, and the people are surprised that there is a small courtyard house on the mountain.


‘Physician Zou must be from a rich family.’ The slim man thought


“I am sorry for the mess; some parts of the building are not yet finished.”


“No, it's fine.”


After that, Zou Jie served them tea and some dried bamboo shoot snacks.


They drink the tea while the slim man explains the courtesan's condition.


The Courtesan condition is similar to syphilis; it is a sexually transmitted infection, and in this world, there is no cure. However, combined with his knowledge from his past and current lives, he can cure some of the incurable diseases in this world.


The only cure for syphilis is penicillin made from blue molds or fungi. Fortunately, he already created penicillin. However, he still doesn’t know how effective penicillin is without using modern medical equipment.


Zou Jie is contemplating.


The slim man is nervous because most of the physicians don’t even want to come when they know the disease. They are afraid that they will get infected.


“Okay, but I need to be prepared.”


“Yes, yes, thank you.” The slim man bows his head.




Evening Red Flower brothel


The brothel is preparing to open for the night.


Madam Feng is anxious because she is waiting for someone.


Soon, he sees someone familiar walking toward her.


“Madam Feng, I bring physician Zou.” The slim man introduces Zou Jie.


Madam Feng smiled, but in her heart, she had no high hopes that physician Zou could cure Zhu Shi. A great physician is mostly an elderly man who has a lot of experience. However, physician Zou is still a young man.



Zou Jie followed them to the room, and on the bed, there was a woman with a rash all over her body. Without fear, he came closer and checked the woman's condition.


Madam Feng's eyes were wide, and all the physicians didn’t want to touch Zhu Shi.


Zhu Shi and her servant also had the same reaction.


“Don’t worry, even if you touch her, you will not get infected by the disease.” Zou Jie said calmly. After that, he asked Zhu Shi several questions about her symptoms.


“Physician Zou, what disease does Zhu Shi have? All the people that get this disease will die a slow and painful death.”


“Miss Zhu got infected with syphilis; it was a sexually transmitted infection.”


“Is there any cure?” Madam Feng asked worriedly. Because all the physicians said there were no cures.


“Yes, and Miss Zhu is suffering from secondary syphilis.” There are four stages of syphilis; fortunately, syphilis is still under control.


Hearing the people in the room, though they misheard it.


Zou Jie ignored their reaction, took out a metal syringe that he made and a bamboo tube, drew penicillin from it, and injected the penicillin into Miss Zhu's shoulder.


After that, Physician Zou stays at the brothel for a while and returns once a week to check on her condition.


Zhu Shi is fully cured two months later, and because of that, the courtesans and prostitutes in the town who had syphilis go and find him.


Zou Jie doesn’t realize the news soon spread to most brothels in the Bai kingdom.




Zou Jie doesn’t know what's happening to the outside world. Right now, he has a problem because people keep coming to see him for treatment. Because of that, he doesn’t have time to rest and do other things.


After treating the last patient, he sits in his room and opens his system's visual panel.


[Karma system]

[Karma point: 687]

[Bad Karma Punishment: (0/10)]




[Medical skill:]

[Devine physician knowledge: 500]




[Occupation Skill:]

[Scholar knowledge: 100]

[Artisans knowledge: 100]

[Merchant knowledge: 100]




[Martial artist:]

[Martial arts comprehension: 100]

[1 year of Qi: 100]

[Second-class martial arts manual: 500]





[Mortal array formation knowledge: 500]




Initially, Zou Jie wanted to purchase the second-class martial arts manual. However, he is tired of dealing with so many people coming to his home. After thinking, he decided to purchase the knowledge of mortal array formation and martial arts comprehension.


After purchasing the knowledge, he closes his eyes, and this time it only takes him half an hour for the information to transmit inside his brain.


Mortal array formation knowledge teaches him how to create various array formations using nature and objects. For martial arts comprehension, it helps him to understand any martial arts technique faster.


At night, Zou Jie begins to move rocks and various objects to create the array formation. When the formation finishes from the outside, his house disappears, and the surrounding area is covered with mist.


“With this, no one will come and disturb me.” Zou Jie nodded with satisfaction. He feels bad for the nearby village that wants to find him, but he will visit them if he has time.




The Bai Kingdom is the capital city.


Hundreds of flower brothel is a famous brothel in the capital had been frequented by many high-ranking officials and ministers.


A beautiful, mature woman is sitting in the chair while gazing at her rash hand. “To think I had brothel disease.” After finding out, she had stopped accepting customers and had been staying in her room.


Even the people who said they loved her after finding out avoided her like a plague.


All the physicians she sees in the capital city have no cure for this disease.


“My lady, my lady, I have good news!” A female servant rashly enters the room.


“What is it?” The mature woman asked weakly.


“There are cures for the brothel disease.”


“What where?”


“Red Flower brothel at Pingyao town.”


“How does a brothel have the cure?”


The female servant told the mature woman about the physician, Zou.


The mature woman, after thinking and making a decision, will go to Pingyao town.