7 – Master Bedroom
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“Haah..What a bummer. Now I need to find a new way once I need to go to the garden.”

This made him a little disheartened since he knew how strenuous the walking in this place was.

It would take him a while to find the living room again.

And that was still an optimistic thought since before he had Feliria to help.

‘Whatever. I will make sure to learn it once I see her again. Now I need to look at the room.’

In the end, he let it go and turned his attention to the room.

While the doors were opened and he should be able to see what was inside, he couldn’t see anything.

It was as if a mist was dividing the inside from the outside.

Before he didn’t think about it as he was just happy he accomplished his goal but now when he looked at it he felt a weird atmosphere.

‘If not for the fact that I just heard the brat talking I would be scared.’

He didn’t think that there would be any danger beyond the mist.

Or at least he hoped.

The knowledge that the house could be communicated with made him feel a little calmer.

Even though it was just a brat that was unreasonable.

The bad behavior of a small kid can be fixed and turned into a new leaf!

With determination, he took his first steps into the mist.

The first thing he noticed was that it wasn’t just some kind of mist.

It felt as if he came through some kind of film dividing the space.

Once he entered he felt that this place had normal room temperature in comparison with the slightly colder room and the humidity was perfectly balanced.

This made him quite comfortable as he started to look around.

The first thing that came to his mind was…


Just one look made him realize that it was larger than the small house he was living in.

‘Is this freaking room or a house?!’

It reminded him of the Aristocratic bedroom of the Victorian Era.

The most noticeable piece of furniture that immediately fell into his eyes was the bed.

It was a four-poster bed made out of dark wood with delicate ornaments engraved into it.

Its soft drapery was hiding most of it but he could guess that it could fit at least three people with ease.

Next to it was a small but neat bed table on which a small lamp stood.

The grand clock was standing near the table with a still swinging pendulum that was the only noise in the room.

On the ground was a wooden floor that was covered by fur of colossal size.

He couldn’t even try to guess what kind of creature it was.

He just hoped it wouldn't start to talk to him or worse do something to him like the other things…

‘Now that I think about it… Nothing started to move here yet. Hope it sta- No I won’t jinx myself.’

Fearing that once he lowers his guard something will jump at him.

On the left side of the room, he saw several couches, chairs, and footstools surrounding the coffee table in front of the fireplace.

It was made from meticulously ornamented and chiseled Stone giving it a solemn atmosphere. The Chimney was made with kind of dark bricks so it went well with the dark wood furniture.

Little farther away was a stove made out of metal with a small metallic chimney leading up.

This stove could be also used as an oven and cooker from the looks of it.

The kettle was already on top of it.

The last thing that attracted his attention was the square hole in the wall.

He knew this was a kind of elevator for food that was used back in the day.

“Damn, this room is darn good. It was worth it.”

He was very satisfied with the room.

But then he frowned. There were still many weird things.

He could see the windows but no light was coming in. It could be because it was night but he feels that there is a different reason.

There are also doors made out of wood and glass leading outside. Since the windows were on the same wall he could guess it led to the balcony.

‘Finally, I will be able to see what’s outside.’

He was glad he finally had an opportunity to look outside of the house as he couldn’t so far.

However, all he could think for now was to find a wardrobe for clothes and a bathroom to clean himself.

He will need to bring the water if it doesn’t work but he still needs to know where he will bathe and in what kind of thing.

Thankfully while the room looked empty at first sight it was only because there were other doors at the sides.

He guessed that at least one led to the bathroom and toilet. Two of the toilet was separate.

Then the third would be the definitive dressing room. Not the one where the war occurs but the private one. Otherwise, there would be at least the wardrobe.

He hoped for this.

But before that, he went to look at the state of the bed.

No way in the hell he will sleep in anything as disgusting ever again.

Once he got close he took the drapery and pushed it aside.

What he saw were fine bedsheets of fine linen. There were several pillows at the head part of the bed and a folded blanket at the foot side.

‘This place looks as if it was cleaned every day. Basically untouched. That's a relief though.’

The place was perfect. If it was actually a room on Earth then he would happily live there.

Unfortunately, it was not.

“Well kitty, I need to do some things so play here, All right?”

He put the kitty down on the blankets and petted it gently.


But she didn’t look like she wanted to part as she bit his finger gently sucking at it while holding his arm in her paws.

“Aww. Don’t be like that. I will come soon. I also need to bring some water and food for you. Although Sera said there would be only fruits… What to do… Well, I will find a way.”

As such he left the kitty there while thinking about the food problems.

‘Water will be fine but living off the fruits… Feasible for the short term only. But not for cats. Or is it? I think that some can be eaten by them but only in moderation. Maybe the pond has fish? That would be great for both of us.’

But then he remembered the words of Sera’s.

‘Hmm. Spirits do not have to eat, huh.’

He felt a little sad about the fact that the kitty really died. But at least it got a second chance here.

‘Even if it doesn’t need to eat then I will feed it. It died young and probably didn’t eat anything good.’

Thinking about this he got to the first door.

He tried to open them but they were locked.

With a frown, he tried to use the new key he got but it didn’t fit the hole.

‘Is the key only for front doors? I hoped it was some magical universal one. Whatever. Just hope this wasn’t one of the important rooms.

He went to another one.

As he went around the room he looked at the walls around.

They were made of dark wood and were beautifully ornamented.

What took his attention though were the paintings hanging from them.

They were depicting all kinds of fantasy-looking events that were hard to imagine for him.

Furthermore, the painting itself was moving if you looked at it for long enough.

It was like watching some kind of animation in the style of the painting.

Similar paintings were on the ceiling which was several meters high.

The paintings were moving in a circle since in the center was a crystal chandelier with tens of candles lighting up the room in a beautiful manner.

He would love looking at it all day if he had time.

But the basic needs were the priority.

As soon as he got on another side of the room to open the door he reached for the handle.

This one was thankfully unlocked and he easily went in.

It was a room with ambient light from the lamps above.

The first thing he saw was the majestic seat right before him.

The seat with a hole in the middle.


‘Is that toilet?’

He didn’t know what to expect from the toilet in this house.

After all, this place didn’t look too advanced.

And more importantly, the inhabitants were not humans!

Fortunately, the toilet, while not the common one from the 21st century, was good enough for him.

Actually at first sight it was even better than regular toilets from Earth.

The entire seat was made out of copper which he wasn’t used to but the aesthetics looked well. If he wasn’t wrong then copper even had an antibacterial effect so it was even better.

The entire shape is a little different though. There was no flushing mechanism at the back.

That made him look a little horrified. No matter if it is good-looking, without the flushing mechanism and severs it would be a catastrophe!

When he got closer he looked into the pit but saw only darkness. He didn’t know where it led to. Nor did he know what would happen if it accumulated.

‘Moreover taking a dump inside the living house.’

The only comfort he got was that the house didn’t speak to him ever since he entered.

‘Everything is quite advanced although not as much as on Earth. Let’s hope that there is some magic trick to it.’

He then looked around and saw that there was some kind of toilet paper coming out of the wall. It wasn't the same as the ones on Earth but when he touched it he felt the comfortable feeling so he sighed in relief.

The place also had a sink which unfortunately didn’t work and no water came out.

‘Dang it. Wonder if the pipes are broken. I will need to prepare some water to keep here so I can use it.’

The walls, ceiling, and floor were covered in tiles with mosaics on them. But instead of making it feel overwhelming it was more soothing as the colors were too bright and it didn’t look so hectic.

All in all, he can’t really complain. He isn’t in a situation to do so. He is in a dangerous place with dangerous people. The fact he can take a dump in peace was a blessing.

Furthermore, the place smells like flowers despite not being used for who knows how long. Maybe the place doesn’t need a flushing mechanism. Fingers crossed.

‘As long as the toilet paper won’t run out I am still fine.’

With that, he turned around and walked out of the room.

Since this was the bathroom he guessed what the room next to it would be already.

And as he expected it was a bathroom.

‘Another door, huh.’

Or at least it's the front part.

He could guess it belonged to the bathroom since the design looked as if the place was made out of one big marble block.

There was vanity taking over the entire wall. The countertop was covered from one side to another while there were three sinks embedded in it.

Under it was the storage for the necessities.

It was simply too big.

Several towel racks were hanging on the other side and cabinets to store the clothes you were wearing. It was obvious this was not only a changing room but also one where you do the basic hygiene.

When he saw the sink that had pipes leading to it he hopped to it as he immediately tried.

Unfortunately nothing. Just like in the toilet room.


Little disappointed he looked around.

But of course, the first sight before the sink he saw was his own reflection.

One could say it was obvious but the way he looked was really horrible.

His hair was messed up and greasy while he had dirt on his face.

He didn’t even know how he got that dirt there.

And he probably didn’t want to know either.

The only saving grace was the parasitic cloak hanging on him.

It was the only reason why he didn’t look like a homeless man.

With a sigh, he turned back to search the room with his eyes.

The only other parts of this room were the sitting benches for undressing, a few storage cabinets, shelves around for the toiletries, and maybe some medicine if it is the same as on Earth.

What surprised him was to see the hamper for the dirty laundry despite not seeing anything that could be used for cleaning them.

‘Maybe in another room? Or I will need to get somewhere else..’

And so he continued further into the second part of the bathroom.

There he finally saw what was important.

One part was for showering with several pipes being out to see.

It didn’t make it look messy but it had that neat kind of look.

On the other hand, the second half of the room was one big bathtub.

The bathtub seemed to have some kind of mechanism on the side showing that it wasn’t only about filling the water.

But the water was the most important thing in the bathroom. He went to try every shower and bathtub and found out that not even one produced water.

That meant that he would need to go every day to that garden as Sera told him. Unless he fixes the problem. But he doesn’t know what is wrong and even if he knew... Could he fix it?

For now, he will not think about it.

Instead, he will need to find a way to get the water from the garden here.

Even if he does, he can't bathe in this bathtub since it is too big and would need an excessive amount of water.

The bathroom was so disappointing. With a shake of his hand, he went out.

He didn’t even find anything to clean the dirty laundry so he will need to find somewhere else too.

And so with a little gloomy expression, he turned towards the last door closest to the bed hoping it was where the closets were.


Thankfully the sight that welcomed him was exactly what he hoped for.

A big room filled with shelves and wardrobes from all sides with the suit’s upper half hanging out in the display while lower parts were folded on the shelves.

All of those dresses were arranged perfectly so as the person got deeper into the room they would get more and more luxurious but all of them already looked perfect.

On the ground were shoe cabinets showing off their collection.

In the center of the room were the benches to sit down and put on the shoes or any other suits.

Further into the room from the top to bottom mirrors allow a person to see themselves properly.

All in all the room looked extremely luxurious as any other part of the master bedroom. The collection itself was marvelous making even a bloke like him know how good this place was.

He was really glad there was this place since he would need to fight with women's dresses otherwise. That would be pain.

But as he looked around he wondered why there were only male suits.

Not to say there was bad variety as there were suits that were similar to several eras of human history but none of them were for women.

‘Was the last Housekeeper a male?’

The question with an obvious answer wouldn’t trigger an alarm in his head but he felt something was weird.

But soon he stopped to think about it.

‘It doesn’t seem to be anything bad.’

Then he turned to the suits and with a suspicious look he reared them.

His eyes narrowed as he slowly but surely got one meter before them and…

Poked them.


Nothing happened.

At this, he sighed with relief.

“Thankfully the suits are not sentie- Whoa?!”

The sentence couldn’t be even said as the wardrobes started to shut themselves with loud bangs. If he wasn’t quick enough he would lose the fingers he poked the clothes with.

Looking around he realized that all the suits were now closed behind the locks.


He wanted to cry but no tears came.

When he finally thought he got the suits he lost them again.

He tried to open them up one by one but none opened up for him.

Until he tried the last one.

With an already dead expression, he didn’t expect anything but one wardrobe did open itself.

Seeing this his face brightened but immediately after darkened with mistrust.

‘Someone is making fun of me.’

He already lost his trust even in this place.

But fortunately, nothing happened as he took out several suits.


Looking at them he could easily discern that they were from much cheaper material than the suit he touched before. They were also much simpler in design.

‘Is that like an access authority?’

He finally understood.

He touched the clothes that were close to the mirror and now he was holding the ones closest to the door.

If he couldn’t understand what the place was telling him then even the wardrobes were marked with a simple way even he could understand.

‘Not every Housekeeper is equal.’

This was something he realized after talking with Sera and the house.

They have their circumstances and their ways of becoming housekeepers but that doesn’t mean that they have the same authority.

Looking at the mark of the wardrobe he opened he could easily guess its meaning.

Lesser than a Housekeeper but better than a normal tenant.

The wardrobes had only full sets of five so it was a little disappointing but he could live with it.

Despite being the simplest out of the clothes here they still looked stylish and would attract attention when worn at the right places.

This made him a little excited to try them. But he resisted. He couldn’t.

Not when he was still dirty.

It would make him extra work as he would need to clean a new suit immediately after.

Then he looked at the cloak he was wearing.

He didn’t know how to undress it anyway.

It was tangled in the way that it couldn’t be undressed unless torn.

‘But since it is stronger than me then I can only rely on its mercy or someone else to help me get rid of it….’