Chapter 1
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We were part of one of the biggest merchant caravans in the kingdom 

 On the fifth day of travel it was stormy the rains came down hard on the  thunder road in the distance as the caravans just passed the great Jewel river

A guard called out Gloucester wolves 


then the guard swung for the first Gloucester wolf 


and hit it then bit down hard haste candy

 and then faster than the eye can see he swung his sword In a Circular motion. 


killing the second Gloucester wolf


 then  suddenly just as the guard was slowing down a third wolf lunged toward him just as the 


wolf was about to bite down on his neck his Companion. The mage uses the spell ice sphere To blow the wolf's head off. just in time to save his life 

at least 

that’s all we saw later On that. day

 Begin to cross. Into. the Gloucester planes


 Nothing Much happens for the day as the sun sets

we set up our camp


tomorrow we’ll enter the dark hollow woods 


but before me and my sister malan went to sleep

We ask ar mother and father if they can Teach us.

A magic spell    


they said yes they Teach. one magic type each

mother said what type of magic do you want to learn.malan chose 

Marshall magic she was taught by eating candy to convert. It's sugars into mana. To activate the effect on herself and increase her physical prowess by her father 


I chose external magic.  mother taught me by

Converting a.Candy into Mana. is how you summon a gummy 

are magical creatures with a central core in their body 

or to summon a phenomenon

Such a fireball


meanwhile other parts of the caravan 

 Amber come help you got chores to do repairing armor today before we go to bed Yes Father I'll get right to it. 


Meanwhile in other parts of the caravan 


 I'm here over rma sweetie.

I told you to stay with me 


okay, mom.Said. rma 

 I lost sight of you while I was picking flowers. I didn't mean to.Said.RMA 


OK, sweetie. Just stay with mommy.


the sun begins to set the caravan gets ready for the night

We ate dinner. And.


The guards who aren’t on watch duty go to sleep To be ready for the next day.


as the sun rises so does the caravan

 as they pack up and get ready for the dark hollow woods they


celebrate the twin's 27 birthday the equivalent of 7 in elf years  equivalent 

they had sweet loaf and jerky all of The caravan was invited to.


Amber told us happy birthday she was 19


 equivalent dwarf years 7 then she invited us to her birthday 3 months when they got to town told us it was going to be a much bigger affair 


We all talked amongst ourselves about our day and what we wanted to be when we were grown up 


RMA I want to be a princess


And then

Amber said I want to be the greatest blacksmith to have lived

And magic and Enchanter.


And then

malan said I want to be the most powerful night there ever was


And then

I said I wanted to be a great wizard


Then Mom and Dad gave us our Birthday presents. 


malanI opened her birthday present she was given a dress. By mom and dad.

I malan  Sad. I don't wanna dress. 


I wanna be a night. I don't wanna wear a Lame... dress.


 I don't want to be pretty. I want to be powerful. And Manly. 


Then? DIVI Said. We can. Trade birthday presents Do you want? 


Just let me open this so I can so we can trade.


 The contents. I open it, I see a pair of pants and. A shirt. And I happily trade with my sister. I said. I don't mind being pretty. I like being cute.


Then Mom said. Why don't you get dressed in your new outfits?

You shouldn't show your friends.


As I. DIVI Put on the dress. My. Friends look at me.


From top to bottom. My hair is red. And With. A Light.

 curl.As it. They. continued looking down. Me. 


look into my eyes, bright green eyes. And onto my

 freckles upon my pale skin.As they passed my Pointed.Ears.


.Down my neck to view the top of my new dress.

They said I look cute in it. As I Give a curtsy.


Me and my. Twin Sister malan .Look pretty much identical..malan 


The only big difference in their appearances?


Is that I'm Feminine? She is. masculine.As she puts on Her. outfit.A good hearty pair of pants.And that durable shirt?  


before they set off to continue the journey into the hollow woods 

in the middle of the day in the depths of the forest


suddenly the caravan was  ambushed by a cult


 first came the rain of arrows killing the majority of the guards

During the fighting, the caravan was divided 

In every direction 


as we were escaping from the cultists


mother was shot by an arrow in the shoulder AND Then. Mother screams in pain.

 ahead of us be a cultist marauder among the trees


Mother uses her magic to summon a gummy bear

 it charges at the cultist marauder and kills him 


Another cultist  seemingly out of nowhere fires 

a fireball blasts words us and


mother shelters from getting severely injured


As a caravan guard rushed toward the cultist

Giving us some time to escape towards the nearest village We ran.Purely on an Adrenaline.To escape. From the attacking cult.


Meanwhile in other parts of the caravan Amber

 and she is separated from her father


 in the commotion from the attack

Amber yells. Father, where are you? She hears nothing.

She continues calling out in hopes her father Will hear her. 


RMA Says. Mom, lookIt is., Amber.

Asks.Merrill.RMA's Mother.. pulls Amber. along.With them.

TO escapes From. The. Cultists.


Amber. with RMA and Merrill


But what about Father?

Amber, sweetie. I'm sure you'll meet up with Your father at the emergency escape location.


Rma is 12 the equivalent of 6 in mermaid years as they continued their escape 

Through the woods 


their escape was interrupted by a cultist marauder


charges towards them but Then suddenly. the cultist is stopped by a mage A member of the caravan.


 firing a fireball at the cultist 


in order to give the surviving members of the caravan some time to escape,


Meanwhile other parts of the escaping caravan 


Me DIVI malan and mom  reachthe village by nightfall


 and  they go to the village chief to begin emergency treatment of mother

Of the wounds on mother the best they can Bandaged.


mother said  make sure to take care of your sister as she passed out