Chapter 44 ‘A friend of death’
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"Do you know what death is?"

Ignavus was sat in front of the boy with his legs crossed. Peering into his endless black eyes which seemed to dance with an amusement.

'What a creepy kid'

This kid ought to be one of the shadiest Ignavus has ever met. Hiding in bushes, wearing a silly pointed black hat and having eyes that appeared to be just complete darkness. It all spelled out one thing, trouble.

"Of course, I know what death is! If you plan on further wasting my time with such nonsensical questions, I won't hesitate to leave!" (I)

Ignavus crossed his arms against his chest and gave the boy an annoyed look. He couldn't see how any of what he said was tied to the reason he could see the kid.

"Relax alright! I was getting to the cool bit..."

'Yea right'

Ignavus didn't say anything out loud, but he made a face. He highly doubted anything this kid could say could be cool.

The boy cleared his throat before continuing his speech,

"You see, I am a little special"

The boy then paused as if waiting for Ignavus to ask why.

'Are you serious! Again!'

The boy saw Ignavus' frown deepen then hurriedly answered his own silent question.

"For I am a direct servant of her Highness Death! I am but one of her only two eternal attendants!"

The boy puffed up his chest in what Ignavus thought was a childish display to make him appear stronger.

'What kind of person praises themselves like this, gosh arrogant people are so annoying'

Ignavus almost shook his head but managed to control his initial reaction. It felt like the boy was still trying to impress him and that made him feel all sorts of icky. The information provided by the boy's mouth was a welcomed and concerning distraction.

Ignavus knew a scarce few about the ruler of those who have left the mortal coil. All his knowledge of it could be summed up in the few stories he heard off handedly. A good proportion of which involved his new mother. Ignavus was very tempted to tell the boy to buzz off with his lies but reframed from doing so. Although the kid said a rather ridiculous statement, something within his gut told him it might not be so and Ignavus wasn't willing to test to find out. The letter sent by his mother and Marie implied something very scary if they found out of his poor behaviours while away. Ignavus was already on thin ice if the twins or their parents say something about the way he acted. Especially if they found out how he introduced himself to Teen. Luckily only Teen and Gol where there and he had ways of keeping them quiet. Ways he was not too proud of.

'I should probably ask for his name and then introduce myself'

Trying to keep his cool Ignavus asked,

"How does that have anything to do with me being able to see you?"(I)


Ignavus had just flowed with the conversation without thinking.

"Since I am her Highness' eternal attendant, I have been made in her likeness. That is to mean, unworthy mortals cannot gaze upon me"

There were many things Ignavus didn't like to think about or understand. All of them concerned his new situation. He never tried to understand or think about it because doing so was beyond overwhelming. Like realising he was now a princess. His mortality or lack thereof was another one of these many things

"It is also the reason why I may never find love! Besides her Highness, the only other person I can really talk to is my sister. Nobody can understand my pain!"

Ignavus didn't respond to the boy.

He just sat in silence. All his previous emotions subdued.

"W-would you happen to be able to tell how long someone has?"(I)

It was a question that Ignavus knew better than to ask. Such things shouldn't be spoke about.


The boy scooted closer to Ignavus.

His dark eyes seemed to grow even deeper.

"Don't you know asking such questions before even the first date is considered rude?"

Ignavus threw a glance to the ground beside him.


Ignavus had never planned to live forever.

The boy let out a loud, long, and dramatic sigh before pulling out a card from his sleeve.

"Since you are asking so nicely, I might consider it"

Ignavus' face lit up at those words.

"Wait wait wait! Don't get too excited, I said I would consider it! You must get to know me before I do anything!"

The boy passed the card into Ignavus' left hand taking longer than necessary to complete the transaction.

"So... can I have my hat back?"


Ignavus still remembered the main reason he chased after this shady character. He was not going to lose his proof without a fight.

"Oh, come on!"

The boy got up on his feet and glared at Ignavus before letting out a smirk.

"You know, if you’re going to wear a dress you shouldn't sit like that"

It took the boy pointing it out for Ignavus to realise what he was going on about. The moment he did he quickly covered up the exposed part with his right hand completely leaving the hat undefended. Ignavus' undergarments were handpicked by Marie, calling them embarrassing was an understatement. The boy quickly nabbed the hat while running off.

"Say hey to your friends for me! See you later Navy!"

"Y-You cheater!! Come back here!"(I)

Ignavus tried finding harsh words that wouldn't set off the bracelets but found none coming to mind.

'He knew my name!?'

Although it might be possible he heard it from when he was stalking them, the manner in which he said it made Ignavus uneasy.

"She's over there!"(T)


Ignavus was currently curled up in bed. The soft warm feathers that were by his side allowing for greater comfort.

'What a bunch of rotten cheaters'

Both Teen and Vultur had come clean about cheating in the first game. Confessing their crimes only after they thought Ignavus had run off in frustration. Ignavus' had initially thought it was only the work of that creepy boy, but it appears two other losers were also cheating. 

'I got played again'

Ignavus was starting to lose count on the number of times this had happened to him.

'Ah! Don't think about it!'

Despite being really tired Ignavus was struggling to find sleep. The main culprit being his own mind replaying his embarrassments. The day had even concluded with him being put back into that cursed highchair.

From escaping a beast to fighting with his mana, Ignavus had had just about enough of this terrible day.

'Don't think! Don't think!'

Using that mantra Ignavus finally fell asleep clutching a pure black card.

Hoping for the impossible. A better tomorrow.