Chapter 11: Deliberate Action
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Becoming Monsters is the creation and property of Ai Loves, setting used with permission.


Also, thank you to JustAGuy from the Becoming Monsters server for some of the jokes appearing here.



Chapter 11: Deliberate Action


By the time Ghata, Jem, and May arrived back at the dorm, Todd and Song were done and resting on the couch. There was white-gold fur scattered here and there. Nobody commented, except for Jem wordlessly handing Todd a hand vacuum from her room. She addressed him as he did so, along with the elephant in the room. One of the elephants, anyway. They’d managed to build up a bit of a herd of them.


“I’m assuming you have your Mana regenerating well again?”


Todd nodded back. “Yeah. Normally, that would mean no more buffs tonight, but I still have the potion May gave me. After we all chat, I can drink it and get you and Ghata before bed. May, how strong is it, anyway?”


She shrugged, somehow managing to make the gesture look sexy as her bountiful chest moved entirely more than it probably should have. “I really don’t know. The Alchemist I got it from said it was well worth the price.”


“Considering the price you probably paid, that’s a lot,” Todd said with a wry grin. “Hopefully the taste is decent.”


Ghata, once again back in full Rakshasi form, was laying out dinner trays. “And you’re avoiding the point. May. You want to come join us here. Couple of problems with that, not the least of which is that we have four beds, and you make five.”


“Oh, that. Um, kind of hard to explain, but it isn’t a problem. I have an unusual set of Racial Abilities, and among them is Dreamwalker. As long as I’m close enough to people, I can enter their dreams and sleep there. Couple of side effects, but most don’t mind it.”


Jem’s left eyebrow rose far enough upwards that the brim of her witch’s hat hid it. “Side effects. Right. And about the Feeding situation?”


“Obviously I prefer the traditional way, with Todd, but it takes a lot more juice than he can provide to keep me going.”




“No offense. You’re the best I’ve had, but no matter how good you are there are limits. You don’t LOOK like your Endurance is over fifty, but I could be wrong and trying won’t kill you.” Todd got really quiet right then.


Ghata’s eyes furrowed. “About how many people do you need to Feed from to keep yourself going on a normal day?”


May’s smile was broad and content. “That depends. Traditional is best, I can keep going on two a day that way. If I have to do it the other way, I need four. Todd fed me twice earlier, so my Hunger is good for now. Happy to demonstrate if you’d like.”


The Rakshasi looked at Todd and sniffed the air. Todd was very pointedly looking straight down at his tray as he ate some of the pasta the girls had brought back from the cafeteria. “You know what? You got me curious. What exactly do you mean by ‘the other way’?”


Todd was just looking up to tell her about it when he saw her double over. Ghata’s entire body tensed and suddenly released, her vocalizations shifting suddenly from shock to a literal roaring orgasm. It didn’t take long, perhaps a minute, before the tigress was shakily climbing back onto the chair she had fallen out of, her tail and abdominal muscles both still twitching. “What the…”


“She’s a Greater Succubus, Ghata. If you’re in range of their Aura, they can compel sexual pleasure, and with it they can Feed on you. Heard on the news last month about one who almost cleared out a baseball stadium, they’re calling it the greatest act of mass murder of the Changed age.” Todd slid smoothly into lecture mode, back to writing in his notebook. Though this was not a personal data point per se, it was good information. May was licking her lips.


“Okay, so what about your stuff? I’m guessing it’s all over at the Alpha Omega house?” Song was highly interested in the proceedings, but was the most recently sexually satiated person present… Ghata excepted… and was most able to focus on it. “We also don’t have too much room for your wardrobe.”


“If she can rough it, we can stash a couple of suitcases around here.” Jem was pointing around the rooms, doing mental arrangements. “No real privacy.”


“I don’t mind being casually nude around you all, and I’m pretty sure none of you mind it from me either. I know nobody minded back at AO.”


Todd had no argument for this point, at all. Neither did Jem, Ghata, or Song. “Alright. I guess that works for everyone. I’m still under 10% mana, so I’m going to drink the potion and give out buffs, then we all need to sleep. In case you all forgot, it is Tuesday. Still have class tomorrow.”


May giggled. “You know how cute it is that you are somehow still shy about saying the word ‘sex’ around four women who have all been plowed into submission by you in the last forty-eight hours?”


Todd spluttered and turned red as the ladies shared a laugh at his expense. Fondness is one thing, but it was no shield from a classic roasting. He reached for the blue bottle sitting next to his food on the table, opened it up, and quickly drank it down like the shot glass it resembled. This is when he noticed two things, very quickly. First was that the taste was utterly vile, like the underside of a lawnmower that had been sitting in a landfill for a week. It was easily the worst thing his tongue had ever experienced, not even close. The second was that, despite the fact that it was the only potion he had drank all day, his stomach suddenly felt like it was on fire. The feeling rapidly spread through his body, an uncomfortable heat that was rapidly rising.


“Todd? Todd, what is it?” He couldn’t recognize who the voice belonged to.


“Something’s wrong! I feel like I’m about to explode!”


The next one was definitely Jem’s voice. “He’s overcharging! May, who the HECK did you get that potion from?” Todd could feel himself being picked up and carried… somewhere.


“Nontraditional student! Said he’s trying to power level Alchemy and coming here for Biochem because most schools don’t accept students with quite that many tentacles.”


“Too much detail! Help me get him ready.”


Todd felt his pants get pulled off of him as he got laid down… somewhere. A pair of lips and a talented tongue bringing him to full hardness in seconds. They went away, only to be immediately replaced by a significant weight. He felt his manhood be inserted into a silken vise, gripping him with smooth but rapid strokes.


“Why can’t you cast something to siphon some of it off of him?”


“He’s not responsive to give consent! Balance magics can’t just take from someone unless they’ve violated an agreement or specifically let you.”


The next voice was Ghata’s. “Song, he mentioned he was at full charge when he cast his regeneration spell with you?”


“He did… oh, no, he’s actively regaining still!”


“Exactly, plus the bracelets. Once Jem’s done with him, I’m going for a ride, but we need to get two more women in here if my napkin math is right. May mentioned his ability reacts oddly if it’s too close in, which rules all four of us out. I’ll call one of my Alpha Omega contacts if you get someone from Theta Delta?”


“On it!”


This was all fascinating to Todd, who felt his balls tighten and send his seed upward into Jem’s waiting body. She orgasmed right with him, taking the sudden rush of power and riding it over her own crest of pleasure. “Ghata, you’re up!”


Todd found himself able to focus on his surroundings again, and looked around to find himself in Jem’s room. The incense in the air smelled of eucalyptus and lavender, the candle in the corner burning low next to a Tarot spread. Just outside the door, Ghata was putting her phone back in her pocket as she stepped in. 


“I know the form you want, Todd, let’s make this one memorable. While I look up a reference, though, I need you to check your Status. What is your health and mana at? And your Stamina?”


“Uh…” Todd called up his Status screen, briefly oblivious to the world. “40% Health, 92% Mana, and my Stamina is at 24%.”


“Better than I feared, not as good as I hoped. You really were about to explode with too much mana, weren’t you?” As Todd cleared the screen from his sight, He saw a very different person before him. Hugely busty, significantly but sleekly muscled, with long dark hair only bound near the tips. A fist fighter from one of his favorite games. “Just lay there, Todd, you have a way to go tonight and not enough gas in the tank to be an active participant this time around. I’ll get mine later.” Without any more preamble than that, she practically inhaled his dick and enthusiastically began blowing him like her life depended on it. Or his. 


On the one hand, Todd found that his ability set was becoming a bit awkward to deal with. On the other, though he knew it was strong, he wished he’d have gotten a chance to do these things more normally. On his dick, though? Minutes later he was firing off orgasm number four of the day, which by just about any measure meant it was a Very Good Day. This time, Ghata knew what was coming… or cumming, as it were… and held on to her form through it. This was a good thing, since the door to the room opened back up and she immediately traded off with another woman. This one, Todd had never seen before. He was quite sure he would have remembered her.


Her body seemed designed solely for sex. Impossibly massive breasts dominated her torso, her waist was waspishly tiny before flaring back out into hips that barely fit through the door. Her skin was pale, her lips hugely full and bright red, her hair an unreal golden blonde. Importantly, she was already nude and ready. Without a word, she climbed up onto the bed and onto Todd, beginning to gently ride him. When she looked down at him, past a body that jiggled and bounced with every movement, she smiled a bit. 


Her voice was not like the rest of her, almost unnerving in its normality. “I wonder if you know who I am?”


Know who she is? I have definitely never… wait a sec. That voice. I’ve heard it before. “Stacey? From move in? You’re the Doppelganger who greeted me!”


Her smile was broad and bright. “Never been so happy to lose a bet! Now just lay back and enjoy this.”


Todd happily complied, and before long he came once more. As his seed struck home, he could feel Staceys body clench down on his as she joined him in bliss. She stood and left the room, but Todd didn’t have very long to catch a breath before yet another woman, this one familiar, came in. “Erin? You too?”


The Houri was also nude, body tight and fit, with a look of mixed concern and glee on her face. “I am curious why I suddenly got a message that having sex with you was a matter of life and death, especially at the end of a reverse train, but all things considered I’m happy to help. I got to watch that thing grow to its current power, and haven’t gotten to experience it directly yet, so let’s fix that.”


Just like the women before him, she hopped right on and got to it. Unlike the women before him, the Houri was a very tight fit. She was obviously willing, even eager, but it took time and effort to get herself going. It was enough for Todd to appreciate the kinds of effort that the ladies had gone through for him. It wasn’t like he was able to really use his skills and Abilities right now, he wasn’t reciprocating. Just enjoying it and letting them siphon off a lot of his excess mana. 


Erin’s expression could have fooled an outside observer on that point, so could her reactions. She was stuffed full, grinding down onto him and lost in a haze of bliss all her own. If Todd had been paying attention, he’d have realized she didn’t need the assist. Just an opportunity to have fun. When he came into her some time later, his dick kissing her cervix, she practically collapsed on top of him from the sensation alone.


Todd wouldn’t remember that part later. Before she collapsed onto him, his own stamina gave out. He was unconscious before he was done cumming into her, and did not wake when Jem carried him to his own bed.


In his haze of exhaustion, he found himself back in the classroom from the previous night. Before him was a blackboard, marked all over with math. He could feel a presence behind him. Turning, he could see four shadows, could somehow tell that they were his four suitemates. They were looking at him, at the board. To the left, one of the shadows coalesced into greater solidity. May was there, again in his dream. “Welcome back, I guess.” His voice sounded tired even to him. There was a lot he had to recover.


She was again dressed casually and comfortably. She wasn’t trying to show off, here. “Good to be back. Hope you don’t mind, your dreams are comfier than the couch. Nice shirt, by the way.”


He looked down. It was a white tee with a rainbow on it and “MANLY” in various pastel colors. “Huh, didn’t even pack this one when I came to Yellowstone.”


“Pity, I’m sure the others would have loved it.” Todd couldn’t be sure if she was serious, sarcastic, or just trying to flatter him. “So what’s this on the board?”


Todd looked. Something clicked in the back of his brain. Which, given where he was, was appropriate. “This is all stuff that went through my head as I was working on the sex life optimization line on Saturday. Not too happy with it, to be honest. Feels off.”


May looked at it. Turned her head sideways, straightened back up, and shook her head. “Math isn’t my topic, I guess.”


Todd tapped a pointer at one of the equations. Then wondered how he got a pointer stick. “Y=38x-12. That’s what I came up with, but I’m not so sure. I’ve already kind of come off the rails, but I’m still ahead. Not even counting the other boosts. Maybe…”


He erased a section of the calculations. “Gotta take it backwards. See if I can figure out an end point. If I cast from max, that means 81% mana gets doubled, plus twelve base, plus three from the gifts… 177? That’s close to x=5, with margin of error, but that doesn’t make any sense…”


“I’m lost. What’s X?”


“The number of times I’m casting my Inspiration each day to break even on mana. It makes sense in context.”


“So, what, the fact that you use that regeneration ability means you have two mana bars?”


“I mean, kind of? Four times, then a fifth to activate Investiture cast within a…” he quickly noted down a LONG string of numbers, “looks like about an eight minute window? As long as I’m not taken off the rhythm, anyway.” He smelled something, then. A powerful musk he last caught a whiff of when he’d been eating May out the other day. “Um. No offense, but I don’t think I’m in any shape to demonstrate right now. We can chat if you’d like.”


She sighed a bit. “No, I think I’m tired, too. Been a long day, between whatever that game was and changing living arrangements. There should be a place to sleep close to here in the dreamscape if you’d like to cuddle and rest?”


“That actually sounds amazing. Lead the way?” True to her word, next door to this dream classroom was a bedroom, and in that bedroom was a bed. It wasn’t one Todd recognized, certainly not like the one in his dorm room. Large, soft, and comfy. The two snuggled there together, and his dreams faded back out into a haze.


The next time he opened his eyes, it was to the sound of his alarm on Wednesday morning. Now awake but cursing the fact that he forgot to turn off the morning alarm, he dragged himself out of bed. No help for it, he could take the opportunity to write out notes. 


“How’s the Status?”


Todd’s notebook acquired a sudden diagonal line as he jumped halfway out of his seat. Whirling around, he spotted the obvious. May was stretching out on his bed, technically clothed in pajamas that also seemed designed to emphasize her curves. He was quite certain she had not been there a moment before. “How…”


“That would take a bit to explain. How’s your Status?”


He resolved to ask for the details later. “Health’s at 80, full Mana, Stamina is still at half. Looks like I hit Level 5, too, probably with Erin given my Progress is at 0%.”


“Congratulations! Any new features?”


“Looks like a bonus spell? Need to look up what Moment of Greatness does.”


“Sounds exciting, but you’re full on mana. No reason to let your extra magic go to waste, and we don’t want to risk another overcharge incident.”


Though Todd was more than slightly sure that wouldn’t happen absent a sudden intake spike, his objections were very remote things while May slipped under his desk. Granted, his notes were dramatically slowed down during this process, but nobody present objected. Not when she took him into his mouth, not while she was enthusiastically blowing him, not when he shot down her throat, and not when the same odd effect struck her once more and she came screaming, muffled by his cock.


He was still panting for breath when she left his room, and he heard some light chatter from the commons as she started speaking to the others. There was a commotion, briefly, and his door flew open. Jem was there, looking at him incredulous and slack-jawed.


“You had May in your dreams all night, and what you chose to do with her was MATH?”


May’s voice from the commons: “And it wasn’t even dividing my legs then getting to multiplying!”


Jem shook her head as Todd turned red. “Mada mada dane…” she muttered as she turned to walk off.


“Hey! I understood that!”


“Doesn’t make it any less true, Tidbit!” She closed the door.


He couldn’t deny that part. The ladies all had Math with Professor Otterly and left quickly. Technically, so did Todd, but he was working on the alternative credit. That meant data gathering and analysis. Research. 


Showering when the bathroom WASN’T packed. That was nice.


Backpack on, Todd decided to wander for a bit. Maybe the air would help clear his head, give him direction. Maybe going and touching grass before heading to lunch and Chemistry could work. He tried it, it didn’t. The scatter plot his life had become was still way too broken up. What it did manage to do, though, was let him look up and see that he needed to hide. Fast. Coming in his general direction was a certain Greater Demon along with some of his buddies. 


Bradley had promised endless pain to Todd yesterday if he dared touch his ex again. Of course, May had hugged him publicly after that, followed by cuddling with him in his dreamscape and blowing him after that point. How much of this Bradley knew, Todd couldn’t say… but it was probably more than zero. Todd zipped to the left, into the lobby of the admin building. The same one his math professor had brought him to this past weekend to give some mentorship.


It was a very different place on a weekday. Not exactly crowded, but not the echoing emptiness of last time. Quietly, hiding in the body of folks meandering around to fix random problems, he made his way over to a waiting room. To wait, just not for the ID Card Office like the room was normally for. 


“Speak of the devil and he appears! What a wonder!”


For the second time in two hours, Todd nearly jumped out of his skin. Looking to the right, where the voice came from, did not help the matter. At all. There was a pair of slitted, yellowed eyes, an impossibly broad white smile, and nothing else. They were just hovering there. It was unnerving. “Uh… hi?”


“Oh, dear, I fear I must be more… here. Pardon me.” The voice had a very faint but distinct British accent, and as Todd watched the man faded slowly into view. In a black and white photo, he might be taken as a Feline Beastfolk of some kind. Not in color, as his entire body, from triangular ears to the tip of his incredibly fluffy tail, were alternating bands of nauseating pink and purple. Todd had heard of his kind, but had never met one before. A Cheshire. Advisors and tricksters alike, thumbing their noses at physics and reason. “Chester’s the name, my friend here is Corey.”


To his other side sat a tall Raven of some kind, who smirked a bit and gave Todd a thumbs-up. His voice was much harsher than his friend’s. “You already know our other friend. Tiny’s in the office. We were just discussing a few things and you cropped up.”


“Good things, I hope. I’m in here waiting for Bradley to get out of the way so that I can get lunch without getting punched again.”


“Ah, so that bit of the rumor mill was on the correct grindstone, I see.” The Cheshire named Chester was looking out the window to the quad. “We may just actually be able to help each other.”


“I do hope you understand that I’m wary of deals just now. Last one I made came with a bit more baggage than I’d hoped.”


Corey the Raven croaked out a laugh. “Baggage like the women you’ve been bagging?”


“Um. Consider that an unanticipated but appreciated side effect?”


“This one I gotta hear, but no. Look, we saw you at the Development League thing yesterday. Plus Tiny says you’re cool, so that’s a plus in my book.”


“I’m slightly occupied by my current team, and my main contribution isn’t going to be coming your way due to… um, let’s call them Status complications.”


“Nah, that’s not it. Teammate for points would be nice, someone to hang out and commiserate over Professor Stanley’s unreasonably vague assignments would be better. Chester could also use someone to keep Tiny and I from beating him at Spades twice a week as much as you could use a few extra hands dealing with Tall, Dark, and Angry out there. Oh, hey, Tiny! Over here!”


The Gargoyle was walking over from the door, smiling broadly. “Hey, glad to see you! I was worried after I heard about yesterday, you’re not exactly gonna be winning any fist fights any time soon.”


Todd had to laugh at that one, despite the motion and memory combining to make his face throb. “Okay, you’re not wrong. Glad to hear you got a good group together.”


“No kidding. Life will go easier with them. Has Corey given you the pitch yet?”


“Yep. And you know what? I think it sounds nice. Count me in.”


“Awesome. Maybe some of your luck with the ladies will rub off, eh?”