Chapter 001: Cat Fishes Out Trash
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Despite her body overflowing with energy, both mystical & physical, Alice found herself unable to find the  will needed to convert that energy into the power needed to lift herself from the ground.

Her body was now that of a young adult (or an overachieving teen) which included wide hips as well as an even more impressive bust. The mass from that mature body caused her to just sink in the sand. Arms splayed out as if unable to resist the weight that came from everything she had just done - something her mother would likely have never approved of.

That didn’t matter though…

She at least had the forethought left to not open her eyes; not that it would matter as her meagre strength would not be enough to cause any issues for anyone left after her rampage. Now she had a greater understanding of what her divinity was however she found herself not caring for it.

So what if she had the ability to evolve endlessly? It hardly mattered when the first random deity she met easily took her down. There were hardly any mysteries in what would happen when she challenged those known throughout the realms for their strength - such as those primordials who took on the mighty atlas and came out as the new rulers. It would not just be her energy-based scales that would be crushed under their might.

As such she could not find any motivation to continue on - not even caring about those jagged sand molecules dancing between her beautiful lilac hair which was strewn across the beach. The only thing stopping her tears was the homely sound of the waves slowly approaching. A calming noise which helped her reminisce about the past but soon only brought the pain of her loss to the forefront.

<Mama is gone just like what they did to Atlas… Unci is likely paying for my mistakes… Father is nowhere to be seen but would he be able to do anything even if he were here…? I am weak and cannot do anything to avenge mama - I am meant to be her heir however I cannot do anything. The first thing I did when arriving to this supposed wonderland is lash out, likely killing many mortals, only to be instantly taught my place by the first deity I met.>

Moving her arm at least (if just to move her forearm over her tear filled eyelids) before continuing her depressing realisations.

<That was not even a god I recognise thus must be so lowly that father & mama never taught me…>

That thought caused her to whimper under her forearm.

<I should have never left home!>

Coinciding with that regret, the waves slowly came in, finally reaching her powerless body as if trying to reclaim that little princess once more. Attempting to bring her into its safe embrace. Her body was just as willing as it shrunk from her voluptuous form into a far smaller & childish state that fully represented her mental fortitude at the moment.

While before she felt like an adult; right now sh-

“Meooo~w look at that Photon, it is like the inverse of one of those bath toys you used to like, she shrinks when you add water chehehehihihi~!” <Crazed Voice>

“S-sister… Take this a little seriously…” <Photon>

Two voices brought the supposed god’s attention away from her worthless self. Turning her head (despite seeing with her energy rather than eyes) to see the curious sight - a pair of cats who could not be more different if they tried. One was exactly as you would expect from a young lion; a mighty mane of blonde hair framing a magnificent face.

The boy stood at an impressive height that towered over the goddess - having a muscular frame that just screamed “power” but somehow he wasn’t intimidating. Instead he seemed somewhat reliable with a powerful appearance and kind face. A pair of feline ears & matching tail helped his race across.

His body was adorned in some kind of heavy armour as he rested a massive shield on the floor while having a large spear-like pole-arm with a unique double-guard at the head.

Meanwhile the girl was different from the get go - having a 5 foot frame that appeared malnourished under her loose fitting robes. Compared to the blonde, shining light that was her “brother”, the girl had completely black hair along with sickly pale skin. Various scars from various different types of injuries littered her body but she somehow managed to keep a big smile upon her face. Both of them had their own smile which somehow helped calm the chaotic heart of Alice; at least enough to be curious about the usual pair that were apparently siblings.

She even had a walking cane to seemingly help her in just standing.

“Hm~ look at that; I told you she’d look cuter with a smile chehe~!” <Little Black Cat>

“I didn’t doubt you-” <Photon>

“Then why was it such a challenge to get you to go to sleep before bed, nyeh?” <Little Black Cat>

The little one clearly not fearing the larger Radiant Lion; going as far as to mock him while poking his sider with her little calloused hand. Curiously, her nails seemed to be adorned in some kind of black metal that was sharpened to a point. Regardless it would be painful to have molten metal shaped on your fingers & it certainly did not seem like it was merely ornamental.

Shockingly the big lion didn’t crush the little weakling by his side - instead developing a blush on his face while looking away. He at least had the vigour to counter his torturer. Though, somehow, Alice had the feeling that the golden lion was the underdog here.

“Is this really the time to talk about such things!” <Photon>

“Time is relative and speech is a temperamental form of communication; best to make use of it while the words we speak still match the meaning we understand!” <Little Black Cat>

Both amphibian as well as feline could just look at the little black cat in a mixture between confusion & awe at how she managed to use her wisdom to strike down such a clearly correct argument.

Not getting any answers from remaining passive, Alice decided to enter the conversion, furrowing her brow as she tried getting used to speaking above the waters. Making some strange but adorable mewls as she practised. Neither of the cats paid much attention to the squalling dragoness up until she actually began to form some words.

Usually learning is something that takes time… But that level of growth caused the black cat to raise an eyebrow at the evolution that little girl just showed her; her smile growing as a result.

“What… Are… You… Do…Ing?” <Alice>

That made the feline burst out into a mad laugh, resting her arms on her waist, head raised to the sky while that half-removed cat tail waved around. The goddess couldn’t help feeling taken aback from the cat's outburst. Meanwhile the knight could only shake his head with a sigh - clearly expecting it.

“I just want to build a new world!” <Little Black Cat>

“A… New… World…?” <Alice>

Speaking like this was still very unknown to Alice; her voice being quieter than intended due to sound not passing through air as well as it did water. This also left her tone to be rather unusual as well. It was also something that was getting far better the more she spoke - with a completely inhuman rate of growth that was impossible not to notice.

“Yes, a brand new world, one that is completely different from the shitty corrupted world that Atlas has helped create through his inability to be a competent leader. Then again… Having him and his naivety in charge would be massively preferred over the bastards we have. You likely know something about what I am talking about, don’t you?” <Little Black Cat>

Hearing the cat's words made the little dragon clench her fists angrily - slamming them down into the ground even if her little fists contained so little power that they didn’t even unsettle the sand much.

“I mean we have Azura Dragon, Primordial God of Sun, Primordial God of Fate is also a bitch… Damn how I want to tear the eyes out of her head. Would be fun seeing what that bitch acts like when she no longer can see into the future - see I think fate itself is a bloody joke!” <Little Black Cat>

That certainly was a statement that took the little girl back completely, unable to understand how someone so seemingly weak can talk such nonsense, this was nothing short of stupid. So silly she couldn’t help laughing at the little black cat for it. How could such a being even begin thinking that such an entity is not worth their time?

“Laugh all you want… But I will overcome Fate & anything else that gets in my way!” <Little Black Cat>

Alice quickly stopped laughing. Instead felt anger beginning to rise in her depths - her supposed ‘infinite power’ leaking out as she opened her eyes to glare at the foolish cat. Even if this was cruel, it was more cruel to let someone believe in an impossible dream, she did not stop herself from suppressing the cats.

“How… Could… A… Weakling… Do… Wh- *GLUCH*” <Alice>

“SISTER!” <Photon>

Unfortunately she was cut off by the little black cat shoving the end of her cane into the divine girl's mouth which resulted in her obviously gagging on it.

Thankfully she at least removed the cane from her mouth.

“You think yourself strong but you aren’t brat; strength is something which is gained through suffering while talent is what you have. If you want I can turn that talent into something worth mentioning. We have already seen what kind of talent you possess, actually, it’s more accurate to say your divinity is the manifestation of potential itself nyahaha~!” <Little Black Cat>

“But… It… Is… Impossible…” <Alice>

“Ah~ but an infinite recurring impossibility is just an inevitability in the end you silly girl chehehehihihi~!” <Little Black Cat>

She had… No idea what that was supposed to mean.

“That Azura Dragon should be busy now that I’ve gifted his descendents a warhead.” <Little Black Cat>

<... What?>

“Photon grab the girl before he finishes up; can’t have him snooping around nya~.” <Little Black Cat>

That cat had already turned around to begin walking away from the still confused dragoness & armoured giant that was of her sister. Thankfully the boy was at least aware of himself. Quickly crocheting down to lift up the collapsed body of the god from the water.

“I am more than muscle, sister…” <Photon>

“You are the brother who I raised from child into a pillar of hope for the world - what else is there about you that I do not know~?” <Little Black Cat>

The lion could only grumble while following behind his (apparently) older sister; the little girl he was carrying did not seem as content with this ending however.

“Who… Are… You…?” <Alice>

Finally that made the cat slow down her pace, slamming her cane while tilting her head back, her crimson eyes seemingly shining while meeting those of the dragon. Despite the aura being released - so strong even the Radiant Lion couldn’t help shudder - the kitty did not so much as stutter. Instead it was her own confidence that made the descendant of Leviathan close her eyes.

“I am Cheshire Stratos, the cat who will claw fate, rebuild this corrupt world and the inventor of the very martial arts that will allow even the weakest mortal to kill a god nyahahahihihi~!” <Little Black Cat>

Showing that Cheshire grin in its full glory.