Chapter 4
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Jack who is now confident of his strength to carry his revenge on the Mafia , happened to hear a familiar voice ,as he turned his face to see a 125cm tall, malnourished boy with brown hair walking towards him ,saying

" oyy jack , now with that huge ass body of yours ,you lost all your privileges of a cute hungry puppy charm."

Luu funnily satires jack , to which 

" heh as if l am , you see l'm strong now ,so don't waste your time spouting those shit and show your respect towards this big brother of yours ,come on l know you wanted to look like me,but no worries my Lil bro as your big bro l'll protect you from any kind of danger"

Luu who heard Jack's remark ,rolled over his eyes ,and yelled in annoyance 

" oh fuck off asshole ,as if l ever consider you as my big brother , your same age as mine and you may look bigger compared to others and as for your respect shove it in your ass bastard , oh now l come to think of it you may have a chance to acquire my respect ,if you beg your great friend who is going to be the most handsome boy on Thelios,hahaha".

" Ohh you! The most handsome boy ,hahahaha nice joke Luu ,nice one remind me of this again next time okay".

After Luu and jack Roasting each other for a while

Luu went back to his usual work ( which Is begging of course) ,but jack didn't go as he had a different plan this time.


A Mafia member(let's call him " jerk ")who is inspecting children who are doing their work , there's a kid who is taller compared to others ,sleeping peacefully under a shade of tree rather than begging ,which infuriated the jerk he started shouting and cursing jack as he was quickly approaching him at the very moment he came near jack.

Jack immediately woke up from his sleep and began running towards the dump yard , which baffled jerk for a second before he came to realisation and started chasing jack

After like 10 minutes jack reached the dump yard and went deep inside it ,even though that jerk is chasing fast after him ,the jack managed to slip .

After a while , he got down to search for jack in a much deeper section of the dump yard section ,jack who managed to slip past to jerk's behind quietly ,smacked the head of that jerk with a metal rod ,which made jerk fell unconscious.

(Jack's POV):

" Done , now l need to tie this bastard and torture him till he gives the information about this Organisation ".

After tying the unconscious jerk ,jack slapped his face which brought back the consciousness of jerk 

(Jerk 1 POV):

" WTF ,who the fuck are you and why the hell am l in this position , you..... fucker just now messed with a very wrong guy ,behind me there's a huge underground Mafia , and l'll make sure to kill you  as painful way as  possible" 

Jack who had been silently listening to him ,got enough of his shit ,smashed the thumb with a hammer.

" Aaaaaaaaa...,fuck ,man are you mad or what didn't you understand what l was mentioning"

Before he could speak again jack smashed another finger which made jerk to scream with the top of his lungs

" Fuck...youuuu l gonna kill you" 


"Aaaaaaaa, wait you .."


" please wait" 


" Aaaaaaaa wait l'll tell you everything you want, just please don't smash my fingers anymore please...."

"Then tell me all the things you know about your organisation and it's members, don't you dare hide it , l hope you know the consequences right"

With a devil's smile jack voiced.

" Aaa..,l don't know much about them"


"Arggggggg.......,wait wait l'll tell please don't quash my fingers anymore please, our organisation is just a side branch, the main branch is inside that city under a portfolio called " Adventures tavern" . We usually kidnap orphans to sell them as slaves ,if they didn't get purchased we make them do all sorts of work from begging,child prostitution,thieving etc if anyone disobeys us we will kill them and throw them in this dump yard , sob....sob.....

 And our branch is located under that worn out bar where those children usually attend after finishing their work..sob... Now please stop this and let me go. l promise l won't tell anything about this, l promise".

Jack who had been silently listening and remembering all the key points of the confession, gave one last cold look towards the Mafia member, killing him by smashing his head with the hammer which spilled his brain's gray matter and blood on Jack's face and clothes , even at his first cold blooded murder ,jack didn't feel any guilt or sadness all he felt is a void or an emptiness.

After deposing the body , jack removed his shirt and cleaned his face with an old rug ,returned to the slums , where he found Luu searching for him 

" oyy jack where the hell did you go this time and why are you looking so strange today"

" Hmmm..., l just went to take a shit bro and l ain't looking strange , l'm still looking as strong as before"

To which Luu replied with a scoff

" As if you are , and l think you are the same as before ,what a fool l am to think that you got depressed or got scolded 

Hmm by the way how much did you earn today"

" l didn't earn even a single Vetta "

"What are you mad or what , they're gonna kill you bro , go take some of my collection don't repeat the same mistake as last time please"

Jack smiled after listening to Luu's concern for him.

To jack, Luu is the only one who brings serenity to his soul even in this messed up world .So jack swears that he will save Luu from this organization even if it costs him his life.

Luu who has been expressing his concern suddenly gets interrupted by Jack's cold voice stating:

" Luu today's night l'm gonna kill every one related to this Mafia and we are gonna escape from this shit together and l believe that we will definitely gonna get through this together ".

Little did they know about what kind of destiny they had to face in the coming up times .
