12. Client Visit – I
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 "Ah, TL," I stammer in response as I approach her. "I'm sorry; I guess I was just taken aback by what just happened."


"I can understand why you would be, but Ava has always been hot-headed," Alliana chuckles as she glances over at TL Ava, who is now engaged in conversation with Chelsea. "Even though he's my senior, his accomplishments have made him somewhat arrogant."


"Wait, TL Ava's your senior?" I blink in surprise at this revelation. Alliana also looks taken aback before correcting herself, "Did I say senior? I mean my junior. He's been here for so long, or maybe I've been here for so long that I've lost track of my own tenure," she laughs. "But yeah, if you're going to deal with him, you'll need a lot of patience. Although, given how you handle Chelsea, I suppose you won't need my advice on that front," she concludes with a grin.


As we talk, we notice the glass doors to the production floor swing open, and a hooded figure enters accompanied by individuals dressed in red robes, reminiscent of those seen in temples and sanctums.


"Woah, Ta’ul’s here? Something major must be happening," Alliana informs me, a name I've heard recently.


"Ta'ul... Is that the dragon priestess and representative of..."


"A major client of MagicPerformax," Alliana finishes my sentence for me, rising from her seat. "The Crimson Enclave is one of the leading organizations spearheading re-exploration expeditions. Their heroes maintain the northern lines, have led several successful conquests and established relations with newly discovered civilizations. It's no wonder there were so many helicopters landing earlier. For the dragon priestess to visit here..."


The Crimson Enclave. While I have limited information about their representative, Ta'ul, The Crimson Enclave is renowned among aspiring heroes, known as the top 1%. They represent the best of the best, a goal that many strive for. Before applying for MagicPerformax, I attempted to join the Crimson Enclave but failed their notoriously challenging tests. I’ve even heard rumors that the test that I took was just a preliminary and that for you to be even considered,  you would need to prove your worth by slaying either a high-class demon or magical creature.


"Alright, I suppose that means there will be a meeting after this. Why don't you head back and assist the team for now? I know I promised you a tour of Techtrae Bay & Arcanae Hall, but that will have to wait. We have a VIP here, after all," Alliana says with a regretful smile, but I shake my head.


"Don't worry about it, TL. As I mentioned, there's still time, and now that I think about it, I haven't had a chance to review the specialization options and their respective offers, so I should do that first."


"That's a valid point, my SME. Take your time choosing your specialization; it's an important decision. While I believe you can outperform Chelsea, having the right equipment will make victory all the sweeter," she concludes, patting my back.



Heading back to my desk, I notice Liz raising her hand from her cubicle.


"What's up, Liz?" I ask as she looks at me with tears in her eyes.


"Mr. Avelus, I'm not sure if I should continue with this. The customer is furious, claiming that his refund hasn't been processed and that we're causing him significant trouble..." Liz trails off, her voice trembling.


Seeing the tears streaming down her face, I glance at her screen and notice multiple escalation notes from the customer, demanding either a full refund or immediate action to address her issue, including the involvement of our CAT (Customer Assistance Team) if necessary.


"Alright, Liz. Let me take over and see what I can do here. After this phone call, let's go over the situation and review what happened," I assure her.


"Yes, Mr. Avelus," she responds with a sniffle, nodding in agreement. I take a seat at her desk and put on her headset. Clearing my throat, I press the hold button to reconnect with the irate customer.


"Thank you for staying on the line, Mr. Ruffield. My name's Vaugh—" I begin, but the customer interrupts with furious shouting.


"You incompetent customer service people! I demand a full refund, or I will destroy your entire office!"


Taking a deep breath, I compose myself and respond to the customer. "I apologize for the subpar experience, Mr. Ruffield. If you'd allow me to assist you with your con—"


"No! You're all worthless! You deserve the worst punishment imaginable!"


"With all due respect, Mr. Ruffield," I interject firmly, "while I understand your frustration, I cannot tolerate threats during our conversation. Now, as I mentioned earlier, if you allow me to assist you, I can ensure you receive the best solution for your—"


Suddenly, a sharp, prickling sensation pierces my ear, causing me to drop the headset onto the desk. In an instant, I notice streaks of lightning crackling across Liz's desk. Instinctively, I pull her away and urgently shout,


"Violent Customer Inbound, Cubicle 33, North Bay!"


Within moments, the entire production floor falls silent, and I see Alliana quickly approaching Liz and me.


"It's been a while since we had a customer like this," Alliana remarks as she pats Liz's head. "Alright, we need to handle this."


"What's your plan, TL?" I ask, as a foul stench emanates from the discarded headset.


"Well, first, that smell of rotten eggs tells us this is a curse we're dealing with. You probably recall from your training that it's usually an indication of a hex aimed at the agent handling the call," Alliana calmly explains, and I'm in awe of her composure despite the situation at hand.


"Anyways, I'll give the team a refresher later, but given the situation, we need to make it clear that MagicPerformax does not tolerate rude customers especially those who would aim to harm us."


Saying this, Alliana takes out her phone, and dials a number. Placing the phone on Liz's desk, the phone transmuted into a miniature version of Ama.


"Ama, please locate the source of the hex and neutralize all possible entry points. Also, deliver a mild shock to the caster to remind them that our company does not tolerate threats or harm to our agents."


"Understood, TL Willingford," Ama responds with a slight bow, moving toward the headset and placing her hand on its speaker as if merging with it. After a few mechanical whirrs and Ama's eyes turning green, the stench of rotten eggs dissipates.


"Good job, Ama. Now, can you retrieve the customer's data and transfer it to me? I'll speak with the customer directly." Alliana instructs the automaton, which nods and removes her hand from the headset speaker before hopping onto Alliana's shoulder.


"Excellent work, TL Willingford!" Liz says in relief, raising her hand, signaling the office to return to its usual buzz and hum.


"Yes, TL. That was impressive. It's my first time witnessing someone deal with a Violent Customer Inbound," I tell Alliana as she shakes her head.


"Oh, please, Vaughn. It's not that challenging. Everyone here is capable of handling it, though I admit I have my own approach. The process generally remains the same. Once you select your specialization, I can share some tips on handling such cases in the future, so make sure to choose one soon!" Alliana laughs, just as a figure approaches her and taps on her back.


"Always the modest one, Willingford."

Startled, Alliana takes a step back and laughs.

"Come on, Ta'ul. It's all in a day's work."