Chapter 11: The First Legendary Character
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"I was the gravitational fluctuation caused by this spacecraft, coupled with their signal interference, which caused our hyperspace transmitter to fail..." Quinto murmured: "I have never seen such a big ship in my life... Is it really a ship or a space station?"


"The problem now is why such a gigantic ship would appear on the outskirts of the planet Endor." Felasi was a little crazy. "If this is the case, will Kenneth and the three of them..."


“Communications have been completely cut off.” Spud said from behind.


"It is clear that the enemy possesses an energy source of a higher level than ours." Quintus continued. "Even the most basic electromagnetic interference has left us blind and deaf. We must accept the situation." He dropped into his seat.


At that moment, the central hatch of the gigantic ship opened, and more than a dozen small fighters flew towards them.


"They haven't fired directly, so I assume they want to talk to us." Fifth suggested: "We should surrender directly. I suppose a force with such a large ship won't bother with us, but let's make sure we maintain our dignity. Let's not allow ourselves to be intimidated. Felasi, be sure to follow my example."


"No problem, I will follow your lead." Felasi nodded.


He piloted the spaceship and flew into the entrance of the hangar under the guidance of those fighter jets. The entrance of this hangar alone was extremely huge. Felasi looked at the empty hangar platform and whispered: "This hangar can even accommodate the cruiser of the Republic's Judiciary Fleet! How amazing!"


The spacecraft stopped. As soon as they stepped out of the cabin, they saw a group of fully armed soldiers standing in formation outside. These soldiers had a robust build and sharp gazes, clearly trained and much more disciplined than the soldiers of the Galactic Republic.


Seeing the three people coming down, the soldiers all pulled the bolts of their rifles, and there was a click. A naked threat!


Felasi was so frightened that he raised his hands and knelt down with a plop. She looked back and saw that Quinto and Spud were kneeling faster than she was. They put their heads in their hands and knelt down on the ground. Their posture was very standard...


Alan looked at the three people kneeling in front of him through the surveillance camera. He turned his head and said to Jaspar: "I assume these three are from the same group as the three we captured earlier, right?"


"I think so." Jaspar nodded. "Administrator, you don't need to look at this person to know that he is a smuggler. I don't know how many dirty things are involved in his hands. It is absolutely not unfair to arrest him and shoot him immediately."


“Bring them here for interrogation. These people who often run smuggling are very useful.” Alan ordered.


The three of them were quickly escorted by the Marines to the bridge, and Alan chatted with them through the translation robot. In fact, there is not much information obtained. These smugglers obviously have no interest in the political situation of the galaxy. All they care about is their own wallets.


The middle-aged man named Dubraque Quinto is the leader of their small smuggling gang, and the pretty woman next to him, Mars Felasi, is his woman. They mainly work for the Hutts on the planet Tatooine, and often travel to the planet Endor, where they get some beast pelts and some gems and other things to sell back.


"Hutt..." Alan touched his chin, feeling a little awkward.


The Hutts are a very ancient race in the galaxy, they look like large slugs. Although they look disgusting, the Hutt Empire was once prosperous and powerful in the galaxy. They have a rich heritage and even now maintain a powerful fleet. Although they ostensibly submitted to the Galactic Republic, they remained autonomous and outside of the Republic's direct control due to their remote location and influence.


After the ancient Hutt Empire was nominally annexed by the Galactic Republic, the Hutts redirected their efforts toward clandestine activities.


To put it bluntly, the Hutts have the most gang bosses per capita, and they are very rich.


Alan waved his hand and asked the soldiers to take Quinto and the others to prison. He continued to analyze the language, and then wrote the word Hutt on the interface where he planned the timeline and sphere of influence.


At this time, the Main Brain suddenly sent a message. [Administrator, we have met the awakening conditions of a legendary character and can awaken him directly.]


“Legendary character? Are the conditions met so easily?” Alan was stunned when he heard the news.


He quickly called up the character page, and sure enough, among the legendary characters, one person's name had been highlighted, indicating that he was willing to be awakened and loyal to Alan.


"Name: Edison Trent, Explorer. Featured Skills: Social skills, smuggling, spaceship piloting, and spaceship modification. Awakening Requirements: A vast setting, rich in possibilities, as well as full of exciting opportunities and challenges; and a quality spaceship." Alan read the information about this individual.


This condition can be said to be very difficult, or it can be said to be very simple and very flexible. It shows that this person doesn't mind at all when he is awakened. All he wants is adventure.


Although there was no very detailed introduction, Alan already understood who this person was.


Edison Trent or Trent as he preferred is the protagonist of the game 'Freelancer'.


“Wake him up and ask him to come see me right away.” Alan ordered. He thought about it and then said: “Forget it, I’ll go to the medical room to see him.”


He walked directly towards the medical room and only saw a sturdy man wearing a leather jacket undergoing a physical examination. He has blond hair, a handsome face, and a little stubble. At first glance, he looks like a man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life and is full of stories. Judging from the flushed face and extremely shy expression of the female nurse on the side, she had already been flirted with by Trent before he came.


When Trent saw Alan, he waved his hand and greeted him familiarly. "Hi, Administrator. You came to see me specifically? I'm so flattered! I'm Trent, and it seems that our colony is under your control. It seems to be developing smoothly under his leadership.”


"You know, we are in a very complex and dangerous universe. There may be thousands of intelligent races and a complex political environment. Therefore, I dare not slack off for a moment, and this is when I need you. I We just captured a spaceship, and now it's yours." Alan stretched out his hand and shook Trent's hand.


"Haha, I have seen the information about the spaceship on the core computer. It is a good ship. I can't wait to join such a stage." Trent laughed heartily.


He seems to have such a natural affinity and can easily get along with others. He chatted with Alan for a while, then turned the topic to the nurse girl beside him. He was very talkative and very humorous, and a few of his jokes would make the nurse tremble with laughter.


However, Alan didn't marvel at Trent's skills in seducing girls now. He was a little excited now. You must know that although Trent is not famous, his ability is definitely very powerful. As a citizen of Bretonia in the game, he once foiled the invasion of the Nomads and saved the entire Sirius Sector from the disaster of war.


He once roamed the universe alone in a spaceship, started from scratch, participated in war after war, and foiled conspiracy after conspiracy.


During this process, the spaceship piloting ability, wisdom, courage and adaptability he showed, as well as the skill in dealing with various forces, are completely worthy of the word legend!


Now that he has joined, he can explore this galaxy.


The two chatted for a while in the medical cabin. Trent just did a physical examination to confirm that there were no problems with his body after cryo-hibernation. He quickly completed the examination, said goodbye to Alan and went to the hangar to inspect the YT-1000 light freighter.


Yes, that spaceship, since it entered the mothership, became Alan's property. And Alan, without hesitation, handed it to Trent.