First World.
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[ World: Demon Slayer. County: Japan. Current location: Between the woods. ]

( No one POV)

In a place far from the city, between the woods we can a house. 

It is Spring right now. 

We can see Sakura flowers in the air. It is a sight to behold. 

One bird flew from one tree branch towards the house. It landed on a window of the house. 

The house isn't big but it has a warm feeling to it. 

If we see from the window we can see two figures, one man and one woman, lying naked next to each other with a blanket on them on the floor. They both seem to be having a good dream by the expiration on their face.

By the small amount of blood at the end of their bedsheet, you can guess what happened.

Suddenly, a small light came from the window where the bird was scaring it in the process.

The light goes towards the woman and stops for a second then enters her belly. All while anyone's notice.

The woman woke up shortly after that.

" Arg.. " she let out a small sound.

The man also woke up after that and hearing her he looked towards her.

" You should sleep some more if you are not feeling well Kie."

He said with worry in his voice.

Hearing him say that put a smile on the woman's- name Kie- face.

" You don't have to worry. The pain will go away after some time. 

It's the first time that always hurt. "

Kie said.

"Besides, I also have to make breakfast. So, wait for a while Tanjuro. "

She added.

The man- now named Tanjuro- shook his head and said,

" At least let me help. I might have gotten too far last night."

Hearing him Kie blushed.

" Ok."

After that, they went along with their life without knowing what was about to come.

( Three months later )

* Unknown Place *

* Mc Pov *

{ Host, host wake up. }

" Hmm, five more minutes. "

{ Host, you have been sleeping for three months. I just woke you up because now would be a good time to open the [ Beginner Gift ]. }

" Hmmm, yeah, yeah. I wake up. Sigh~, you know Fridey, you have no sense of humor at all."

After saying that I open my eyes(?) to see darkness. Only a blue screen in front of me.

" Alright, Fridey. Where am I? "

I asked my assistant.

{ Boss, you are inside your mother's womb. In about 4-5 months you will be born, boss. }

My eyes-that I don't have yet- switched a little at her word.

' I will forgive her this time. Besides, it doesn't sound bad being called boss again.'

After finishing my thoughts I asked the most important question.

" So, which world am I and what role will I be playing? "

{ Boss, you are in Demon Slayer world and in the body of the MC aka Tanjirou Kamado. 

You just have to make a positive ending of this story and then you can do whatever you want. }

Hearing that I became quiet.

" Hay, Fridey. Can you read my mind without my permission?"

{ No, boss. Without your order, I can't. }

I then think for a second.

" Ok. Then until I say so don't read my mind but in the case of an emergency, you have my permission if I am unable to speak. "

{OK, boss. }

After, talking to Fridey I begin to think to myself.

' So, if whoever gives me this system doesn't seem to have any interest in reading my mind if Fridey is speaking the truth.

Whatever, thinking about it won't make it any better. I have to get strong and quick. '

After having one last thought about all of this, I started to focus on all of this.

" Fridey do I have anything like a status screen? "

{ Yes boss. You have but first, you have to open the [ Beginner Gift ] to unlock the status screen. }

" Ok, then. What are you waiting for? Open it now. "

{ Ok. Opening the [ Beginner Gift ] now ...}


[ Opening Beginner Gift....

[ Lower World editor ticket x1]

[ Yoriichi Tsugikuni's body ×1 ]

[ 100 Skill Points ]


Seeing the rewards made me happy. As with Yoriichi body training will become extremely easy.

Before I could celebrate another screen appeared in front of me.


[ It is detected that the user has opened the Beginner Gift.

It is now possible to open the status screen. 

Just say 'status' in your mind. ]


Reading this I didn't waste time and.....

' Status '

Then another screen appears but this one is different from others.


[ Name: ????( Tanjirou Kamado ) ]

[ Race: ????( Human ) ]

[ Age: ♾️ ( 3 months ) ]

[ Level: 1 - ♾️ ]

[ Title: ???, The Perfect Candidate, Main Character ( Temporary ) ]

[ Class: The Gamer. ( Changeable ) ]

[ Potential: ♾️ ]

[ STR: ???

 AGI: ???

 VIT: ???

 INT: ???

 DEX: ???

 CHA: ???

 LUC: ♾️ ( 200 )

Free Attributes: 0 ]

[ Skills:

> Gamers Mind (Lev Max): Allows the user to have complete immunity to mind-based attacks. Keeps the user's mind cool in dire situations. Keep the user from getting any long-lasting scars.{ On \ Off }

> Gamers Body ( Lev Max ): Allows the user to have a full recovery from any kind of physical injury after seeping in bed for 6 hours. Make the body adapt to any situation. Make the user's body according to his desire and perfect for any kind of situation. After the user reaches his perk of growth in his body user's body stops aging. { On \ Off } ]

[ Skill Points: 100 ]

[ Party: 0 ] ( Invitation Require )



Hi!! Long time no see guys. 

I am finally giving you another chapter. Enjoy!

Before you ask about Yoriichi's skills not showing. It's because he doesn't have it yet. 

I mean come on! He is not even a baby! I will add the reason in the next chapter.

For now, give me comments about this chapter. I am not very good at writing but I am trying. Please point out the faults that I have

Good buy. 🐳🐳🐟