Chapter 2: Why are policewomen so good looking?
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“Murija!” I shouted in my native tongue, as I started running.
Sadly for the young master whose name I don’t know, it was his direction that I started running into.
He seemed terrified of me, and fled, yet even without my superpowers, my legs were too long and too used to sprinting for such a short man to outrun me.
So I quickly caught up to him, and pushed him to the side.
He flew into a wall, and cried out in pain, but I ignored that.
The sound of sirens was too much for me to stay calm about, especially in a foreign country.
Of course it would be I, the foreigner, who would end up in prison!
Not jail.
But prison! I’ll get my fucking organs harvested!
It seems killing them is the only way…
It’s not murder if it’s self defense, right?
Didn’t the third or fourth book of Moses say something like that? It’s not murder if the Lord let them fall by my hands?
Fucking hell! I don’t know!
So my only choice is to keep running.
Maybe with these superpowers, I will somehow succeed in running away.
Wasn’t there some murderer who got caught like twenty years later?
Will I have to be a fugitive?
Fucking hell!
I suddenly stopped, ignoring the shouts of people behind me.
If I’m going to get killed anyway, I might as well do it with courage!
So I turned around.
“Hands in the air! On your knees!” shouted a policewoman with a gun in her hands, pointed at me.

A fucking police woman.
A sexy one at that.
I mean I know a lot of women in the police tend to be sexy for the propaganda. But fucking hell if I’m going to die by a policewoman’s hands!
“Either you shoot me now and kill me, or none of you will live!” I shouted.
The policewoman seemed shocked, but then she spoke something into the radio.
She said 10-67 or 64 or something like that.
I’ll get killed by a woman.
The sounds of footsteps worried me, as a policeman arrived. He was a much older man than the policewoman.
Yet this didn’t concern me greatly.
I’ll kill them both if I must.
“Sir, surrender yourself!” the man shouted.
I didn’t expect respect from the police.
Or is the culture here more polite.
But both of them are still pointing their guns at me.
Thats kinda fucked up, ain’t it?
A thought went through my head.
HA! I am a fucking genius.
I will just escape from prison!
Or not… if I go to prison they’ll have my identity. I won’t be able to escape at all.
So, I made a simple, but bold decision.
I’ll charge them, and bring them both to the ground.
I lowered my head slightly, as I spread my hands into their full wingspan.
And… I charged!
The policeman reacted quickly, and dodged to the side…
But the policewoman was caught in my arms and brought to the ground.
A novice, eh?
I’ll take her hostage.
So I quickly got up as she was stunned, and grabbed her by the waist, lifting her with ease.
She yelped as she felt my hands, yet I ignored the weird reaction, as I put my other hand on her neck.
“I will kill her if you get any closer!” I said.
But instead of a worried expression, the policeman made a smile.
A fucking smile.
And I heard a booming sound, before feeling a sharp feeling in my back.
Well… ain’t that a fucking joke.
So I threw the policewoman at the policeman, and quickly turned behind.
There I saw about four policemen. All with guns.
How could I forget that they already saw the bodies?
Of course they’d call backup!
But I will not give up without a struggle!
So I charged at them, with many shots fired at me.
But my speed was incredible, as I pretty much flew over the twenty or so meters between us in a blink of the eye and brought a few of them to the ground with me.
Yet I felt the bleeding, as I realized that I really would die.
Not that I mind. At least I died like this instead of getting my organs harvested in prison.
And so… I let myself black out.
There is no feeling of peace this time...
As I opened my eyes, I realized I was not dead.
In fact, I was very much alive.
Sadly, the fact that I was alive didn’t mean much when I was in a place that looked like a hospital.
Now that I think about it, that was pretty fucking dumb of me.
I could have climbed a building. Since I am alive after getting shot multiple times, it means I became comatose.
Now, why would they keep me alive?
Shouldn’t I get a death sentence? I think they still do that.
I moved my upper body into a sitting position, as I carefully looked around.
I was in a situation where I didn’t know where I was, while knowing how I got there.
It was the police. So they brought me to a hospital, eh?
I thought they’d let me bleed out…
Or maybe, it was my superpower?
It saved me, so I had to live even if neither I nor them wanted me to.
Oh well, nothing I can do now. I doubt there are any chemicals I can overdose on here, but at any rate I am in a hospital.
They can probably save my life.
Yet to think I may spend the rest of it in prison… over a coat of all things!
“Truly,” I said,” a man can get too idiotic when angry… or when on adrenaline.”
This situation is kinda funny.
The suddenness of my minds decision to find this situation funny was unusual, but I had no problem with it.
If getting into a life threatening fight over a coat isn’t funny, I honestly do not know what is.
Then, I made a decision.
I shall get out of this bed, and then escape.
Maybe I’ll get killed in the process.
After all, nobody want’s to have his organs harvested!
At least, nobody sane wants organ harvesting to be the fate of his innards.
So, I got up.
“Well,” I said,” ain’t this very funny.”
I was naked for some reason.
I guess that they felt no need to clothe me, or it was necessary for my surgery.
So, I took the blanked, and used it as some sort of toga, as I walked to the door.
Sadly, it was at this very moment that the door opened, revealing a person behind it.