Chapter 23 – Is He Going for His Princess?
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Ethan and Benjamin exchanged greetings while Victoria frowned.

"Wasn't you supposed to help me?" 

Victoria protested, looking angrily at Benjamin.

"What are you doing here?" 

Ethan asked Benjamin curiously. 

It was unusual for Ethan to run into Benjamin in a place like this at this hour, as Benjamin usually spent his time playing in casinos or managing things for his company at home. 

What was he doing here?

Benjamin laughed upon hearing that question. 

"You won't believe who I'm with"

He said in a teasing tone that left Ethan confused.


Who would Benjamin be having lunch with at this hour? 

Ethan's sister, annoyed at being ignored, joined the conversation. 

"Hey, I exist too!"

"Oh, of course, we know you're here, Victoria. I think other people have noticed you too" 

Benjamin said, gesturing for Victoria to look around. 

Several people were giving them side glances because of the commotion she had caused. 

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Victoria decided to lower her voice. Benjamin laughed at her while Ethan sighed.

"Well, tell me, who are you meeting with? It's unusual around here" 

"Do you remember Treit?" 

For a moment, Ethan's expression changed upon hearing that name. 

His heart raced, and memories from yesterday flooded his mind. 

Treit's smiles and gestures repeated in his thoughts. Why had Benjamin mentioned her? 

Were they together? 

If so, why?

Seconds later, Ethan regained his composure. 

"Why are you mentioning her all of a sudden?"

Victoria, who was sitting with her arms crossed, noticed her brother's change in behavior and paid more attention to the conversation. 

"What would you do if I told you she's here?"


Again, Ethan's heart raced. What was happening? 

Why did he feel this way every time he heard her name? 

Was she really here?

"Are you with... Treit?" 

"I don't know, see for yourself" 

Benjamin said, pointing behind him toward Sheila's table.

Ethan and his sister immediately focused their gaze on that spot, observing Sheila playing with her phone. 

Victoria turned her head multiple times to see her brother's face, which was captivated by the girl.

She couldn't believe it! 

It was the first time she had seen her brother in such a state over a girl. 

Was this really happening?

Benjamin's laughter brought Ethan out of his trance. 

"What if, instead of staring at her so much, why don't you walk over there and say hello? That way, you can get a closer look"

Ethan pretended to put on a poker face to make his friend stop taking advantage of this moment to tease him, but it was too late.

"Brother, who is she?" 

Victoria asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nobody important" 

Ethan replied quickly.

"Oh, is that how you look at people who aren't important?" 

Benjamin mocked.

Under normal circumstances, Ethan would respond to his friend's joke, but for some reason, he couldn't think of anything to say.

Victoria, seeing her brother's state, decided to tease him.

"Well, well, brother. What are you hiding? Do you think I'm going to tattle on you to Mom? We're not kids anymore; you can go there without shame."

"True, go. No one will judge you."

Seeing that these two weren't going to stop, Ethan decided to get up.

"Hey, hey, brother, where are you going?"

"He's going to see his princess."


"Yes, speak, Your Highness."

Victoria burst into laughter seeing how Benjamin had made a perfect bow to her brother.

"Are you coming alone with her?"

"Of course. I was on my way to order some drinks since we were going to have lunch, but you can join us. That way, you can continue what you left unfinished the other day."

Victoria's laughter faded upon hearing those last words from Benjamin. 

What had her brother left unfinished?