Chapter 91: Tucker Side.
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Chapter 91: Tucker Side.

(Tucker’s POV)

Tucker: “Have… have they underestimated me?” I ask.

Of course, with my soldiers all being practically brain dead drones, no one answered my question. Looking ahead, Selenia’s army was under 400,000 troops.

With over 4,000,000 soldiers on my side, was I really going to lose this battle? I honestly doubted this. But that Goddess seemed to be very confident that I would lose this war. If so, fucking how!?

Can an army of 400,000 even have a small chance of winning against my large army? Taking that bastard, Zaid’s experiments for my own, I turned all of the people of that I could from this empire into my mindless army.

It wasn’t people from every kingdom, far from it. In fact, most of the army came from the capital. A true medieval cesspool of greed. This place was packed full of over 2,000,000 people.

Most of which, lived under the city in the large sewers, or in the slums. Such a large number of people, it was surprising for this time period. If Selenia wins, she might very well decimate over 50% of this world’s population…

Not wanting to take the chance of Selenia being on the front lines, I ordered my army to take the fight to the enemy, and then I retreated back inside the capital city’s walls. Now inside, the place was an absolute ghost town.

Which made sense, as I had mind controlled the entire populace of this place using one of those experiments from Zaid. Man… I might have been, and am, a rapist murderer. But Zaid sure was one fucked up weak little man.

Tucker: “I don’t have time for this!” I yell to no one at all.

This place was also a bomb now. I needed to lead Selenia and her wives here. Once they entered the capital city, then I can blow it skyhigh. And, once I set off the explosion magic, I can use a teleportion crystal to escape.

A truly perfect plan, in my opinion. Frankly, I wonder if that Goddess was just lying, and she actually did betray her own people? Though, for what benefit would she gain from doing so, would be my next question.

But that isn’t a problem for me to deal with now. Oddly, even though I was sure that I was going to win, I rushed back to the castle. I needed to hole myself up in the throne room. The best place to be before blowing this place apart.

Hours Later.

With a telescope in hand and looking through it toward the battle, I was shivering in my boots… How!? Even if they were basically zombies, how was I fucking losing this war!? Since they’re like this, they feel no pain and do not retreat.

Even so, just a few hours into the war, half of my army was taken out. The ground was littered with blood and gore, but none of these things were from the enemy. In fact, Selenia’s side hadn’t lost a single person…

Is… is that old General Radahn? He was leading this army!? Damn… no wonder I am losing, then. Knowing him, he probably figured out the best method of dealing with my brainless drones of an army. Fuck… what should I do?

Marika: “Sit here patiently, and right for Selenia to come to kill you.” She advised.

Tucker: “You again?… Did you lie about the odds of me winning?” I ask.

Marika: “I did.” She replied, with no hesitation.

Tucker: “…”

Marika: “Instead, the real percent chance of you winning, is just 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent.” She answered.

Tucker: “Okay, now you’re just fucking with me! There is no way that it is that many zeros…” I say with an angry tone.

Marika: “As stupid and condescending as it sounds, this math is accurate. See, look here, I will show you the math and how I got to this answer.” She said, showing me a holographic screen.

Ah, so higher beings have access to something like this? So it really is a game to them, huh? Since I was clearly going to die anyway, I asked the Goddess to run through the math together with me.

Some Time Later.

Tucker: “There is a mistake in your math.” I point out.

Marika: “Huh? What do you mean?” She replied with a head tilt.

Tucker: “Your math only accounts for Selenia and her army, no one else.” I answer.

Marika: “Ah, you’re right… Silly me.” She said with a teehee.

Tucker: “…”

I honestly wanted to know the real chance of me winning this war with everyone counted in to the calculation. After all, it was already so low. How much lower could it get? My curiosity was too much for me to hold back.

Marika: “With everything at Selenia’s disposal counted, you have a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008 percent chance of winning this war.” She explained.

That is a lot of zeros… I was truly fucked from the start. I guess that this is my fate? If I was a good person, would this had happened to me? At least it wasn’t a 1 this time. I’ll take that 8, I guess.

Marika: “Oh, right. I have disabled those explosion spells of yours.” She informed.

Tucker: “Why!?” I yell.

Marika: “Because it would be annoying. It wouldn’t even leave a mark on Selenia, nor her wives. Ah, don’t worry. I did account the bombs in the calculation.” She answered.

She even counted the bomb magic!? Why was this shit so stacked against me? I felt like a fool in some higher beings silly little lesbian play. Ah, I guess that I was in the end, huh? How fitting of an end for me.

Tucker: “This really fucking sucks, big time…” I say with a sigh.

Marika: “Fight Selenia with all your might, and I will save your soul from those two.” She said with a serious tone.

Tucker: “Why would you do that? I’ll have you know, I am a right piece of shit. Both in my last life, and in this one.” I ask with a confused expression.

Marika: “It isn’t a mercy, fool.” She replied.

Tucker: “…”

Marika: “I will be killing those two after this game is over. I have a grudge against them, see. As for your soul, I will take you to the soul rehabilitation center.” She said with a scoff.

Tucker: “Rehabilitation center?” I repeat.

Marika: “Yeah. There, you will have to stop being a piece of shit, which, in your case, is at the soul level, and then you can reincarnate. In my opinion, it will take you at least two hundred years to recover.” She explained.

Tucker: “I agree then. But what about you? Isn’t this like, absolutely breaking the rules?” I ask.

Marika: “Those fools wasted all their divinity. They cannot look into the game at all anymore. As for cheating, my wife is an Outer Goddess. As such, no one can really do shit to me anymore.” She replied with a shrug.

Without saying goodbye, the Goddess vanished, leaving me alone in the throne room. Thankfully, before she left, she handed me a potion. This potion prevents me from feeling any pain at all, and it lasts until the day that I die. Since such a day will be coming soon, I downed the entire bottle. I guess that I will do some reading until Selenia comes to kill my sorry ass…