Chapter 95: The Sand Would be Fun if my Wife was Here…
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Chapter 95: The Sand Would be Fun if my Wife was Here...

(Cirilia’s POV)

After Marika took our wife with her, the rest of us decided to go conquer those continents, as was planned. It was a little boring without Selenia around me, though.

Semi… that dragon was my rock. The only thing that really made me feel happy. It’s a shame that, not only was she actually my commanding officer, but also, Selenia replaced her position in my heart.

After all, I hadn’t seen her in well over 4 years. And I didn’t even invite her for the war. Though, it seems that Selenia did send her a letter, but she had resigned from her post. Since she didn’t need to protect me anymore, she decided to leave the human kingdom.

To her, she had gotten her fill of interaction from the humans. I guess that, in a way, she was a mother to me. I do hope that she will at least show up at our wedding…

Soldier: “Nooooo! Don’t kill me…” He said, before I cut his head off.

The blood from his stump of a neck spurted onto the golden sand, staining it red. I feel like I have drawn the short stick here… Being sent to conquer this desert continent.

Though, Zella’s and Resoria’s continents that they had to conquer weren’t any better than mine. With me being able to fly around, a dragon really wasn’t needed at all anymore. Which was good.

But I wish that this place was more interesting. How do people even live in such a place? Is it even worth taking over?… Hm… Perhaps Zella can change the land to be more fitting for our wife. Stupid people, screaming so much… I am trying to think here!

Hours Later.

After torturing a few soldiers, maybe a few hundred of them, I found out most of the information that I needed. On this continent, there is only one kingdom.

The kingdom is settled in a large oasis, which is how they survive in this hot, desert environment. I did notice that most of the people and soldiers that I came across had lots of water supplies.

Guard: “Halt! You need to pay a fee to enter the town.” He said, blocking the gate with his spare alongside his fellow guard.

I was never a hero, nor did I only kill the enemies of Sooven because I thought that it was honorable. In my mind, killing people, regardless of if they’re innocent or not, doesn’t matter to me at all.

As such, I directly killed the guards that were blocking my path. This ruthlessness, I am sure that, although Selenia isn’t this ruthless, as she wouldn’t kill innocents, the rest of her wives are as ruthless as I am.

Panic and fear spread amongst the populace of this kingdom. The city was huge, and could easily hold more than a few million people. As long as they do not try to stop me, I will leave them alone.

An Hour Later.

Soon, I appeared in front of the ruler of this place. He was a relatively young looking man, holding a few women in his arms. Did he have no fear of me?

King: “So… you’re the beautiful woman whose invaded my kingdom?” He asked.

Cirilia: “That’s correct, yes.” I reply.

King: “Women shouldn’t be fighting… Join my harem, I promise that immense wealth and pleasure will await you.” He offered.

Cirilia: “…”

So I was right… Exploring around the city, I came to realize that the people of this land don’t treat women well at all. All the stall owners were men, and the women I asked about the situation told me that they were forced to wear heavy clothing that covered up their entire bodies, and that they had no rights as people. That is, besides their eyes.

Cirilia: “You’re very foolish. Foolish indeed…” I say with a sigh.

King: “Foolish? If you weren’t pretty, I would have that tongue of yours cut off!” He yelled in anger.

Cirilia: “…”

King: “Now, I will give you one last chance to join my harem. I will even allow you to be my official wife.” He offered, returning to a smiling face.

Cirilia: “Apologies, but I have come to this to claim it in honor of my wife, Selenia. Your offer will be left on deaf ears, and you shall die today.” I reply, taking my sword out of my storage.

King: “Is that your choice, then? Guards, beat her half dead and put her in the prison. Surely, some years imprisoned will change her mind.” He ordered.

That were the last words that he said, as, after I easily killed well over a few thousand of his guards, he was speechless. Soon, his head toppled to the ground. Funnily enough, the women that he was holding like pretty little objects, all took turns kicking his head around.

Many, Many Days Later.

It took… a decent while to kill everyone on this continent. That is, I killed all the males. Velmet had the right idea, only allowing females to exist within her realm.

I didn’t expect women to be treated so poorly in this kingdom, but the death all of the males was a planned thing already. Of course, it wasn’t a plan that Selenia was aware of.

This was a plan that we came up with without informing her of it. In conjuncture with Velmet, we decided to kill off all men in this world. After all, Selenia only likes to look at women, not men.

Though, it’s not we plan to kill them all. Instead, the plan was to fill their water supplies with a potion that turned them into females. Such a plan would work, as their exist potions, pills, and magics that allow women to get each other pregnant, without a man being needed.

Even the renowned Radahn was turned into a woman. Nope… If we did that, Selenia would be upset. So, instead, we decided to keep our forced feminization plan to just the continents that we take over.

In the end, we will just so happen to conquer continents that didn’t have any men on them. The rest of the males on Selenia’s continent, thanks to Tucker destroying the population, we can just slowly kill off without Selenia noticing.

Cirilia: “Listen here! This continent has been conquered by me, in honor of my wife, Empress Selenia!” I exclaim, using magic to send my words throughout the entire continent.

With the message sent out, the continent liberated and taken over by me, I flew back to Selenia’s continent. I am sure that she would prefer to take it over herself, but we will do it for her. Of course, I have to wait until the other two have finished conquering their given continents…