Chapter 158 – Knight Errant
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“I still can’t believe you’re actually doing this.”

“I’m not gonna have another chance, Belita.” Eris replied as she quickly made her way down from the bleachers. “It’s her debut today, and I want to give her the flowers to make it feel a bit more special, I guess...”

Belita shook her head, the expression on her face a mixture of amazement and disbelief. Although Lady Scarlet certainly had an incredible amount of admirers, there were few as brave as Eris, and those who managed to muster enough courage to attempt courting the black-haired noblewoman were usually shot down instantly. With her debut match on the horizon, Belita certainly didn’t want her friend to suffer an emotional crisis moments before needing to step into the arena.

“Maybe you should give it to her after your match,” Belita suggested, walking hastily as she kept up with Eris’ stride. “You’ll be less distracted then, and maybe you’ll even be able to come up with a more romantic confession!”

Eris’ brow furrowed. “I’m not sure if you’re just trying to talk me out of this or if you’ve actually forgotten, but my match is after Lady Scarlet’s. She’ll be gone by then.”

“O-Oh! Right! You’re right!” Belita clicked her tongue in annoyance. That particular fact had genuinely slipped her mind for a second, mostly as a result of her desire for Eris to finally show off the fruits of her labor. With all the training she put in, Eris certainly didn’t deserve to mess up just because of a rejection.

Much to Belita’s chagrin, she couldn’t think of anything else to say as she and Eris drew closer and closer to Lady Scarlet’s ready room. As a member of a ducal house, Lady Scarlet possessed her very own private room that only she and her knight could freely access, allowing them to prepare for any upcoming matches privately and without fear of sabotage.

Giving up on dissuading her friend, Belita simply crossed her arms and watched worriedly as Eris raised a tentative hand toward the door, rapping her knuckles against it twice. There was a brief pause before the door opened.

“Who are—”

“Lady Scarlet!” Eris exclaimed, pushing past the senior knight who had opened the door and entering the room. The silver-clad noblewoman was seated elegantly on a plush-lined recliner framed with silvered steel. If Lady Scarlet had been shocked by Eris’ sudden appearance, her face showed no signs of it. Instead, she turned to the blonde-haired knight calmly and with a gentle smile on her face.

“Dame Eris.” Lady Scarlet stood from her seat to curtsy, the practiced motion so perfect and graceful that it caused Eris’ heart to skip a beat. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

Eris stopped in front of Lady Scarlet, taking in a sharp breath as she gathered her courage and produced a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her bag. She’d taken great care to ensure that the bouquet's unique heart-shaped arrangement hadn’t been disturbed and that each petal still remained intact and attached to the plant itself. After a moment’s hesitation, Eris presented it to Lady Scarlet with shaky hands.

“C-Congratulations on your debut, Lady Scarlet! Your match was truly stunning!” Eris declared, her voice still trembling with nervousness. Outside, Belita watched with a hand on her forehead, expecting the worst.

Lady Scarlet’s hand fan snapped open, concealing the grin of amusement spreading across her lips. “Oh my. How thoughtful of you, Dame Eris. However, I must ask... Is there any significance to this bouquet’s unique shape?”

“O-Oh! Well, I—”

“Lady Scarlet!” The senior knight who Eris encountered at the door had now seen fit to insert himself into the conversation, gesturing toward a closed door on the left side of the room. “This is hardly the time for entertaining guests! Sir Lucas—”

“Yes, yes. You needn’t remind me, Sir Duncan.” Lady Scarlet made a dismissive gesture, her gaze sharpening as she turned to the senior knight. Despite Sir Duncan’s larger stature and seniority, the knight faltered before Lady Scarlet’s piercing stare. “Tell the organizers that I will be forfeiting the match. I’m well aware that Sir Lucas is in no condition to fight regardless of what he says.”

Did I... Did I just hear that right? Eris’ eyes widened, unable to believe what she’d just heard. The senior knight, Duncan, bowed and moved to carry out Lady Scarlet’s orders, but Eris simply couldn’t allow that to happen. Today’s her debut... She can’t possibly have a forfeit on her record so soon!

”W-Wait!” Now it was Eris’ turn to interrupt. Although she had just arrived and had no idea what was going on, she simply couldn’t stand by after hearing the word “forfeit” leave Lady Scarlet’s lips. A word she never would have expected from the proud noblewoman. “Forgive my rudeness, but what do you mean, Lady Scarlet!? Why are you forfeiting!? And what’s this about Sir Lucas?”

“It is... not something that you need to concern yourself with, Dame Eris.” Lady Scarlet said after a moment’s contemplation. “Sir Lucas was heavily injured during the match as Dame Judith had managed to catch him in the side with her greatsword even as he accelerated toward Lord Rogner. As such, he is in no condition to fight while he recovers.”

“A recovery period of three weeks minimum, I might add.” The senior knight, Duncan, put in. “Without the arena’s deep magic, his spine would’ve been completely severed. I’m surprised he could still force himself to stand.”

Eris stared at the ground blankly. Three weeks minimum...? She hadn’t heard anything past that. Today was Lady Scarlet’s debut. It was supposed to be a glorious day for the star of high society, marking her official entry into the world of nobles with a knight by her side. She was supposed to rise through the ranks, earning victory after victory as befitting of someone who shone brighter than even the imperial princess herself.

But now you’re telling me that she won’t be able to compete for three weeks...? Eris’ hands balled into tight fists, wearing a conflicted expression on her face before the familiar flame of determination flickered to life in her chest. Instead of earning the glory that she rightfully deserved, Lady Scarlet would now be ridiculed for losing after her very first match due to her incompetence in selecting a knight. No matter what, I can’t let that happen!

Outside, Belita watched Eris with great concern. Although she had been leaning against a wall across from the still-open door, she now made her way toward Eris briskly. 

“That idiot... I know that face all too well.” She muttered, hurrying her pace as Eris lifted her head up to meet Scarlet’s violet eyes. There was no doubt in Belita’s mind that her blonde friend was about to say something very, very stupid.

“Lady Scarlet!” Eris suddenly exclaimed, her voice filled with resolve as she addressed the surprised noblewoman. Slowly, Eris sank to one knee, holding the bouquet with both hands and offering it up to Lady Scarlet as if it were a sword. “Please allow me to be your knight!”

Lady Scarlet stared down at Eris. The raven-haired noblewoman remained silent, her violet eyes dull and voidlike, refusing to reflect anything nor betray her final verdict which still hung in the silence of the air.

“I-I’m sorry, Lady Scarlet!” Belita bowed her head, apologizing profusely as she finally arrived at Eris’ side. Although she had been too late to prevent Eris’ foolish words, she hoped she could at least take the blame for her friend. “Please don’t punish her! It was my fault for letting her come here in the first place! If there’s anyone who deserves—”


The word cut through the air like a sword, completely eviscerating any hope Belita still had. Whatever happened to Eris now, she would have to face alone.

“Dame Eris.” Lady Scarlet’s voice no longer assumed the friendly tone that it once possessed when conversing with Eris. Now, her voice rang with the authority of a future duchess and the empire’s greatest noblewoman. “Do you know what it is you are suggesting?”

“I... I understand completely, Lady Scarlet. But even so... Even so, I don’t wish to see you forfeit!” Eris cried desperately. “Sir Lucas has already sworn his oath to you, has he not!? E-Everyone knows that a noble can only ever have one knight! That’s why I think it’ll be alright...”

“You will be seen as an errant forever. You will be shunned at the academy, just as you were shunned as a squire.” Lady Scarlet said. Although her expression was neutral and her voice was even, the emotion contained within her violet eyes were plain to see.

“...Perhaps so, Lady Scarlet. But I... If I must become an errant to deliver you the glory you deserve, then it is an errant I shall become!”

Lady Scarlet held Eris’ gaze in silence, drawing out the moment for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking. “I have heard and affirmed your conviction, Dame Eris.”

Eris stared at Lady Scarlet, her eyes wide and glistening with an almost childlike hope, as if she couldn’t discern whether this was reality or merely a dream. Seeing this, Lady Scarlet extended a hand toward Eris, taking the bouquet from the kneeling knight.

“Rise and take up arms as my knight-errant ‘til Sir Lucas’ recovery. This honor I grant you.”

A smile blossomed upon Eris’ lips as she heard those words, the surge of joy rushing through her body incomparable to any sensation she’d experienced in her life. Her eyes brimmed with passionate tears as she spoke her next words.

“I receive this honor gratefully, my lady.”