Chapter 7: The shackle of the minds calculations
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When a person thinks all the time, he has nothing to think about other than thoughts.
And one of those thoughts is the thought of regret… Regret of actions never undertook!
Or in my case, the regret of actions I’ve taken.
Most specifically, this one action that led me to join the white tiger legion.
It has been a month since I talked with that old dude… what was his name again? Shao? Xiao? Xi Hao?
Yeah it was Xi Hao I think…
Anyway, I came to regret that I ever decided to join this place.
They put me on a fucking mountain! Not that I mind being alone on a mountain, but the act of getting me isolated in some random wilderness so that I don’t cause problems was something I disliked.
After all, a man can bear voluntary isolation. It is the involuntary part of it that annoys me.
Do they think of me as an animal?
“Fucking hell…” I muttered out loud to no one in particular.
I’ll beat the shit out of the first person I see if I don’t get an apology!
*Sounds of bushes getting in the way of a person*
And really, just as I thought of beating the shit out of someone, I am given the chance to do so!
So I rushed ahead!
If I got the chance to went my anger, I’d be better than bottling it up!
But… would it be wrong to do that? I mean, if there is no moral standard to base my decision on, then its not wrong!
And so, ignoring any moral qualms I had, I tackled my opponent, as it was one of my favorite things to do.
Yet somehow I felt a certain softness, and took a whiff of a rather nice fragrance…
the fuck.
A good looking dark haired lady, with a potruding chest and backside as walking up a mountainside. Her height was only around a hundred and seventy five centimeters, while for every step she took, both her top and bottom gave a little jiggle.
Nangong Yue had a rather bad day.
First, she ran out shampoo when she took her morning shower.
Second, she spilled coffee on her favorite shirt.
And third, despite being the last, was not the least in the slightest.
After all, it was the command that she received to meet some foreigner who was kept isolated in the wilderness.
‘Is he that much of an animal they can’t even put him in a low income housing environment?’ she wondered.
Yet all her wondering could not keep her mind of the wild road that she took.
It might not bother her at all on the physical level, but on the spiritual level it took its toll.
A steep path, filled with rocks and wild roots and bushes and various other forms of bullshit.
Yet in a mere moment of carelessness, Nangong Yue nearly tripped on a bush, and was now trying to get stabilized.
But in that blink of an eye, a huge figure jumped at Nangong Yue, tackling her down. Though it did not stop there, as both she and the person tackling her flew down the mountain, tumbling along.
And who other than Fu Sheng would be in the wilderness, with enough bravery to tackle a random person.
The booming sound of both Fu Sheng and Nangong Yue falling down the mountain echoed in the whole valley, yet Fu Sheng ignored the minor inconvenience that it was to him.
He had far more pressing things on his mind, which was to enjoy the current moment.
Who never fantasized about jumping from a mountain? Yet the cruel reality of breaking bones and getting crippled always stopped people.
Thus, Fu Sheng truly enjoyed the moment, especially when mixed with the softness of Nangong Yue’s body.
There is a different kind of softness that a woman has, that only by being in close physical contact with a woman can one enjoy.
But was Fu Sheng at all worried about the well being of a random woman he just met? The simple answer would be that he was not worried in the least.
A month in the wilderness made him reconsider the value of humanity. Not due to some hard work he did or anything.
In fact, the ease that he did all the labor that was necessary for him made Fu Sheng realize one thing.
Human…. Well, they are simply weak. Weak and passing.
Yet it is because that passing is not the end that he feels the comfort in regarding the mere mortal existance of regular humans as a unneccesary thing.
Fu Sheng, in his mind, was just helping them wake up to the reality of their immortallity.
So, if the girl was killed by his tackle, Fu Sheng simply freed her from her imprisoned state.
Yet to Nangong Yue, it was a different kind of experience.
She did not focus her senses to enjoy falling off a mountain. Instead, she focused her mind on far less pressing matters.
‘How dare he!’ she shouted in her mind.
To think that a man would dare tackle her, and be so forceful… so forcefully close to her body.
‘But… But why do I like this?’ she wondered.
Was this man not a foreign barbarian who was forced to live up a mountain, being given only the most basic clothes?
Yet… how did she enjoy him being so direct and forceful?
Had she been a normal young lady, she would have gotten killed! The tackle itself would kill even an adult man!
If not kill, then it would maim him! And the fall would most definetely kill him.
The Central Intelligence Agency published information that the most effective way to kill a man was to drop him from a height of 70 feet or more.
But to the civilized world, it would mean dropping a man from around 22 meters or more.
And how tall are mountains?
Hundreds of meters… No, thousands of meters in height!
It was a different level! While the fall itself would not kill anyone, but the abrupt stopping of the ground would.
But on a mountain there would be many times that the person would get hit, as mountains aren’t usually flat sided.
Yet at any rate, it would be a fucked up thing to see.
And now, Nangong Yue met a man who was willing to kill her just to hug her!
Or at least she thought.
But what she didn’t know was the actual reason Fu Sheng tackled her!