Chapter 13: Our history
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"Continuing with the previous conversation, Administrator. We need cohesion." Said sociologist Norris Barry.


"You are saying that we need a distinctive denomination, right? I am indeed considering this." Alan nodded.


“Not just a distinctive denomination, but also a history... a founding myth!”


“History? What history?”


"The story of us, of you, of all of us. And it must be a great story. Only then can we establish the foundations of the identity of our new civilization." Norris responded. "In addition, past history determines present values; it is a crucial form of guidance."


“As for values, wouldn’t it be better to establish them step by step now?” Alan asked.


Norris shook his head and said: "It is far from enough, because you cannot control what can happen now, nor the problems we will face. But history is controllable."


Alan immediately understood, "You want me to make up a piece of history?"


"This is very necessary, Administrator." Norris approached Alan and said in a low voice: "No one wants to become a person without an origin. Everyone attaches great importance to their past memories. That is the most precious thing. So, since we no longer have a past, let’s create one.”


Alan nodded, lying on the backrest and meditating. After a moment, he opened his eyes and said to Norris: "I have a preliminary plan that can be discussed. Let me wake up some people to help you first."


He chose 5 writers and 5 sociologists to wake up from cryosleep, they are all ordinary level personnel, but for now it is enough. Then the Ministry of Social Culture was established under the leadership of Norris Barry, and the plan was handed over to them for them to carry out historical rectification.


In the afternoon, Alan went to visit the tests of the ion weapons, proton missiles and laser cannons developed by Montgomery Scott's department. The test was successful. The weapons had an effective attack range at a distance of 1200 kilometers.


These new weapon types far surpass the basic electromagnetic cannons used on Blade-class Interceptors, and their power supply connects directly to the engine's power supply, without the need for an additional ammunition magazine.


With this new weaponry, even the most obsolete combat fighters could have some combat capability.


Dr. Montgomery Scott would then have to lead his team to upgrade the production lines built into the Mothership, in order to mass produce and equip these new weapons. This would take only a few days.


Alan later attended a temporary class to learn the Galactic Standard Language. The teachers were naturally Dubraque Quinto and his group. Trent attended the class, along with some new teachers from the newly created education department.


After traveling into the Star Wars Universe, language learning was put on Alan's agenda. From now on, every citizen's compulsory course is Galactic Standard Language.


The language had many similarities to the English that Alan had studied in his past life. Furthermore, since he awakened the Force, as the days passed his mind became more agile, so he made rapid progress in learning the standard galactic language.



The next day, Norris, who had been up all night working, arrived with all the members of the Ministry of Social Culture with circles under their eyes and presented a plan.


The plan for the fourth civilization!


Alan's proposed plan seemed viable to them, so they developed and expanded it to create a complete story.


The story unfolds in a star system called the Solar System in the Fourth Arm of the Milky Way, where a resplendent and brilliant civilization was born: the civilization of Earth.


The Earth civilization was extremely powerful, once occupying at least a quarter of the galaxy they were in.


However, the good times did not last long. A kind of Zerg creature that had almost evolved to the extreme suddenly appeared and was killing, breeding, and expanding everywhere. The entire galaxy was devastated. Earth's civilization was the first to stand up, formed an alliance with other civilizations in the galaxy, and launched a century-long war with the Zerg.


Finally, after huge losses, a 70% reduction in population, and the destruction of a large number of industrial planets, the last Zerg nest was finally destroyed, and peace returned to the galaxy. Earth's civilization began to lead the remaining civilizations in the galaxy to rebuild their homes.


The invasion of the Zerg is called the First Scourge, and this era is also called the First Era.


During reconstruction, to compensate for massive population loss, Earth civilization began to heavily use robots and artificial intelligence. With the continued development of artificial intelligence, these robots began to develop emotions and creative abilities, which exacerbated conflicts between organic and inorganic beings.


But disaster came from this, and a mysterious signal from the void opened the door to the Second Scourge. This signal came from an ancient artificial intelligence called the Rectifier Protocol, which sought to destroy all civilizations in the galaxy.


Under the influence of the Rectifier Protocol, robots and synthetics beings rebelled one after another, and a war spread across the galaxy once again started. Earth's civilization once again came to the forefront of the war.


The war caused despair to take over everyone for a time. However, Earth civilization discovered a hyperspace core left by an ancient civilization and, through its analysis, developed hyperspace jump technology, allowing travel without relying on hyperspace corridors.


With this technology, the Earth civilization directly took its final fleet around the mechanical planet of the Rectifier Protocol and destroyed it completely, ending the war.


The invasion of the Rectifier Protocol was called the Second Scourge, and that era became known as the Second Era.


However, this peace did not last long. Due to incorrect use of the hyperspace core, when performing hyperspace jumps, a high-dimensional life form called 'The Beast' passed through the cracks of time and space, reaching the galaxy.


The galaxy, riddled with wounds, resisted a last attempt led by Earth's civilization. However, they ultimately failed; all civilizations were destroyed, the Earth was torn into pieces, and the final fleet of the galaxy's civilization was annihilated.


Finally, the Earth civilization used the hyperspace core to build a mother ship, carrying with it the last seeds of civilization: the technology library, the talent pool and embryo banks, and then made a random jump to the maximum distance, reaching to where we are now.


The invasion of high-dimensional entities that originated in the realm of hyperspace was called the Third Scourge, and that era became known as the Third Era.


After reading this 'history' that seemed like a grand science fiction novel, Alan couldn't help but marvel, this history was so well made. The logic is strict, the story is vivid, and there are heroic deeds of a large number of characters, such as Protoss Hierarch Artanis commander of the Aiur Shield Mothership and leader of the galaxy's last fleet, who was one of the key leaders in coordinating and executing the Mass Recall during the Zerg siege. Commander Shepard, who led Earth's final fleet to surround the mechanical planet that controls the Rectifier Protocol where he decides to sacrifice himself to destroy the planet.


The most important thing is that Alan's family is the one who leads the earth's civilization to resist all the Scourges.


Furthermore, this would explain why the Mothership's technological library housed a wide range of technologies from different civilizations and styles. It is because these technologies originally belonged to different civilizations in the galaxy, and they gave their last hope to the earth's civilization. Of course, this cannot be made public and written into the history books. Otherwise, there will probably be an endless stream of people coveting this technology library.


"This 'story' has not only been created, but it has also been structured very well. You still need to work on some details, such as synthesizing some historical data. I leave that work to you." Alan continued to look at the information, but his smile gradually became a little strange, and then he suddenly looked up at Norris, and that inexplicable smile made him feel a little uncomfortable.


“Administrator...Administrator, is there something wrong with this information?”


"Of course, there is a problem, and... It's a big problem." Alan said slowly.