Chapter 12: Alan Taylor’s unconventional Solutions
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After capturing the smuggling gang led by Dubraque Quinto, the following weeks passed in relative calm, and the colony continued its steady development.


Four mining extraction stations were built around the gas giant planet, providing a considerable amount of helium-3 for the Mothership's fusion reactors. However, the modular mining stations aboard the Mothership were only four in total, and building new ones required local resources. Fortunately, the colony did not lack metallic resources, as some metallic asteroids had already been brought to the Mothership to be broken down and refined.


Furthermore, of the nine moons that orbited the gas giant planet, three were rich in various minerals. The engineering team was hard at work building a Galactic Mining Platform on one of those satellites, thus providing the necessary materials for future construction work in space.


The colony on the surface of the Dawn Planet, a thousand two-story residential modules were built. The population grew to more than 1,700 inhabitants, and the colony now has the capacity to house up to 10,000 people.


Daphne Clement of the Administration Department is constantly selecting suitable residents to wake up and send them to the Dawn Planet to join the construction work. By the way, Lannik Cruz is no longer the village chief. He was recently promoted to be mayor of the city.


The biggest problems now are, firstly, the work pressure caused by rapid population growth, and secondly, the shortage of transport ships between the Mothership and Dawn Planet. The mothership only had five Cargo Barges for transportation, which were insufficient to meet demands.


The Cargo Barge, classified as an unarmed civilian frigate-class vessel, could not be built on the Mothership's internal production lines. The construction of new transport ships requires the completion of a space shipyard, which is already under construction and will not take long to complete due to the use of the modular resources aboard the Mothership.


To make matters worse, one of the Cargo Barges had probably suffered malfunctions during the Mothership's voyage and now, under the constant pressure, it completely broke down.


All of these responsibilities left Alan overwhelmed; The colony, which at first presented no major problems, now faced increasing challenges with its expansion. These days he barely had time to think about Star Wars plots or anything else, as he was constantly traveling between Dawn Planet and the Mothership to deal with various situations that occurred.


However, the benefits of doing so are also obvious. When he first woke up, all kinds of knowledge had been instilled in his mind. Now, after using them for this period of time, these knowledge have been completely integrated with him and many tasks have become easier to perform.


In short, under the leadership of Alan, the colony is still developing in an orderly manner. Hunting teams were established to provide combat experience to the Marines and supply the colony with meat.


Mines were explored on Dawn Planet to extract lime, coal, and metals.


Farms, fruit fields with native plants, were created, and enclosed hydroponic farms were built to grow crops brought from the mothership, such as rice, wheat, and corn.


Steel and cement factories, wastewater treatment plants, power stations, metal refineries and component factories, among other facilities, were built.


Roads were built, spaceports were built on the surface, and pipelines and optical cables were installed.


And the most challenging task: waste management. On this pristine planet, the disposal of waste and sewage, both industrial and domestic, was a complex problem.


The biggest problem is that more than 90% of the Dawn Planet's surface is covered by dense forests, high mountains and savannahs, so most of the water bodies are underground, which also makes it difficult to discharge wastewater. The modular sewage treatment plant carried on the Mothership has limited processing capacity. The current problem is that more and larger sewage treatment plants need to be built.


What's more, Alan began to develop a strange connection with this planet. After all, he first breathed this air when he awakened the Force in it, and he didn't want to harm the beauty of the place. It was like an unexpected emotional connection.


During an inspection of the colony, seeing residents building sewage pipes, Alan had an idea. Upon returning to the Mothership, he discussed a rather serious matter with Daphne. He planned to build a huge wastewater collector on the mountain next to the colony, concentrating all the wastewater and excrement and then using it to generate energy through a dam.


His thinking is actually not unfounded, because he has done this in a certain game before. He thought that if they could bring spaceships from the game into reality, they could also materialize a giant sewage collector like the one in the game.


However, Daphne was scared straight and suppressed the urge to take Alan for a mental checkup. She explained seriously that in reality, this was impossible. Transporting the wastewater up the mountain would require much more energy than that generated by the resulting electricity, and the pressure generated by this wastewater would not be enough to power the dam's turbines, not to mention that the wastewater contains too many impurities that can clog the turbines.


Furthermore, we must also consider the problem of seasons. What happens if the wastewater in the wastewater collector freezes in winter? Then we would need a heating device, right? These are all costs!


To strengthen her argument, Daphne called energy expert Montgomery Scott, who was eating, to explain. Although Scotty was shocked to hear the topic and vomited his lunch, he made an effort to help convince Alan.


Seeing that this road was impassable, Alan, who had already entered a certain state of confusion, asked them how many water purification plants would be needed to filter the excrement into drinking water.


Daphne and the others were amazed by Alan's outlandish ideas. They then sought out Kaywinnet Lee Frye and Hal Emmerich, along with several experts, to patiently persuade Alan. Ultimately, Alan abandoned the idea of generating electricity and recycling wastewater, thus avoiding heading towards his own execution.


This smelly topic still had to come to a conclusion. They spent half a day arguing, and the conclusion they came to was that the giant sewage collector could really be built. Basically, it would be a super large sewage treatment center, although the cost would be a bit high, it seemed to be able to solve the problem of waste disposal on this planet, where much of the water was underground.


Of course, the collector could not be built on the mountain, otherwise it would be a problem if the dam broke, and the city would be flooded with sewage.


Alan immediately decided that from now on, every city must build a central sewage collector! These concentrated sewage can not only be used for fertilization after treatment, but can also maintain law and order when necessary, right?


They finally decided to set up a Ministry of Public Health to handle this matter. When making this decision, Alan had no idea that he had single-handedly created the most terrifying department in the history of the galaxy.


However, Alan quickly broke away from this interesting topic. At this moment, he was happily stirring a bowl of mushy chocolate with a spoon, eating a spoonful from time to time, while talking to a newly awakened elite. Sociologists discuss a very important topic.


There were no snacks on the Mothership, so Alan could only satisfy his cravings with these semi-finished products.


"Administrator, what we have to consider now is the cohesion of the colony. We are currently small, and everyone is around you, which is good. But if we continue to develop, this will not be enough. You Take a look at my proposal..." The sociologist named Norris Barry said to Alan in a serious tone.


At this time, Montgomery Scott, who was carrying a lunch box, passed by, and seeing Alan, he casually said: "Administrator, good day. By chance, I inform you that the analysis of those weapons that you entrusted to us has progressed exceptionally. Research and development were completed ahead of schedule. We plan to conduct the first test of the weapon this afternoon. Are you planning to attend?"


"Ah, no problem, I will go in the afternoon." Alan replied.