Side Fangs #61: “Stella Gives Evy a Test”
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Stella did a quick spot check of the apartment, mostly making sure it was clean. She sat down at the kitchen table and sighed, already tired before her day started. Evy brought her a cup of coffee before standing behind.

“How are you feeling?” Evy asked, starting to massage Stella’s shoulders. “Very tense, got it.”

“I think I’m ready.” Stella said. “I’m just a little…ah…ow!

“You want me to stop?” Evy asked, freezing mid massage.

“No, just…can you use your elbow on that spot?” Stella asked.

“You got it,” Evy said, pressing the point of an elbow against the knot in Stella’s right shoulder. "I owe you after all for your back rubs lately."

"You earned them moving all that furniture!" Stella said. "I don't know how I could've gotten that dresser in here without a mover."

"In hindsight we probably could've hired movers," Evy said, wincing as she thought about her back pain from earlier in the week. "It would have helped with the basement, at least."

“Thank you again for going overtime with all that by the way.” Stella said.

Within a week, Evy had turned the dingy basement from a cluttered mess to a nice little den for Zeta, even trekking all the way to the LE apartment to take apart and bring Zeta’s bed over in addition to one of Stella's really old and really heavy bookcases.

“And thank you for clearing it with the landlord! I hate asking them for stuff.” Evy said. “I think Zeta will feel better with her little basement den situation than being right next to us.”

“We’re lucky that room down there has an egress window,” Stella said. "How's your back, by the way?"

"A lot better," Evy said. "I don't regret it or anything though. I talked a big game about how good I am at moving furniture so I had to live up to that for you. Probably shouldn't have tried that...wall-assisted manuever...with you that night so soon after moving furniture too."

"I'd say the attempt was worth it," Stella said.

"Pretty great fifteen seconds there?" Evy asked.

"Pretty great, yeah." Stella smiled.

After a few more minutes of backrub, Stella's body language turned anxious again.

"You don't think she'll hate it, right?" Stella asked.

"Nah, I think she'll like it," Evy said. "Your old place was pretty sleek, but she likes the dorms I think and they don't have the LE skyline, you know?"

"True..." Stella said. "I'm just a bit worried know, too. It's gonna be a lot for her."

“Let’s just ease her into this whole thing," Evy said, pressing her elbow a bit tighter. "Doesn’t have to be at all stressful for her. We don't have to drop it on her all at once. Start off with us as roommates.”

“Right. Rightrightright.” Stella said. “The apartment itself will be enough new for her right now. Can you do me one more maybe big favor today?”

“Is it getting rid of this knot? Because this is a big knot.” Evy said.

“My orientation is in the afternoon, so I was thinking today would be a good time for you and Zeta to spend some time together.” Stella said.

“Hmm,” Evy said, feeling satisfied that she’d got the knot as best she could. She moved back to massaging both shoulders. “Are you testing me to see how well I can handle Zeta?”

“Maybe…” Stella said.

“And also giving me time to practice handling Zeta?” Evy said.

“More that,” Stella said. “It’s not that I don’t think you can do it, it’s just, it’s practice to like. Get her used to you too. In a more. Directly guardian-ly role.”

“To ease her into it!”

“Exactly.” Stella said. “Oh, and can you handle dinner, too?”

“Yeah, for sure.” Evy said.

“Just don’t get her something completely horrible. She likes Ultra Taco. Not as big on Treesburger.”

“So you’re saying fast food is fine?” Evy said.


“What’s completely horrible then?”

“I dunno,” Stella said. “Like. Drugs?”

“I promise I won’t get your little sister drugs for dinner.” Evy said. “I’m kind of surprised you’re the type to test like this.”

“Are you? At least I somewhat tell you upfront it’s a test.” Stella said. “You think you can handle it?”

“Oh yeah.” Evy flexed, then realized there wasn’t much to flex.

Stella stretched her neck and her shoulders. “If you don’t want to, don’t worry. Just call me if she gets too wild.”

“Zeta? Getting wild?” Evy thought about it for a second. “Alright, yeah, I’ll let you know. But don’t worry about that, I got it. You just focus on getting a boring tour of the school. Or a weird tour of the school if it’s Penteldtam.”

Stella looked at her phone. “Alright, well I told Zeta I was picking her up soon, so we should probably go.”

“Should we take my car? That might…help somehow?” Evy asked.

“Sure.” Stella said.

As she started to head for the back door, Evy grabbed her hand.

"Hey, before we go..." Evy said.

"Hm?" Stella said. She gave a smug look. "Is there something you need?"

"Yeah," Evy said before pulling Stella close for a kiss.

Stella relished kisses from Evy whenever they shared them; when the two were standing it felt even more special to her. Evy had a good amount of height on Stella, so she felt simultaneously overwhelmed by all the Evy dominating her in a kiss while also feeling protected by all the aforementioned Evy leaning down to lock lips with her. 

"Just wanted to get a bit of that out of my system now..." Evy breathed as she pulled away.

Stella could only giggle in response.