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Zhang Arin finally managed to get a divorce from Gu Xihuai since she had a valid reason to do that even Gu Feng couldn't help persuade her anymore.
Zhang Lan looked at her daughter and didn't say much which caused his wife, He Qian to swallow down all the complaints she wanted to voice out.
(A/N: Tbh I as someone who never married, I never understand why some parents meddle with their children's marriage problem. I mean let them settle it themselves. Why are you trying to interfere? They are not kids anymore fgs. You can give advice but don't meddle/influence your kids decision by guilt-tripping them for example.)
"What are you going to do Arin? You're not young anymore so it seems unreasonable if I continue to control your life doesn't it?" Zhang Lan's voice sounded tired.
He is already in his late 70s and his eldest daughter is already in her mid 50s so what else could he say.
"Just let me live however I want. I've been asking that from you for a long time," Zhang Arin answered calmly.
She never expected much since she was young; she always knew that being born in a prestigious family came with both the privileges and disadvantages.
She could enjoy an easy prosperous life with seemingly limitless opportunity being laid in front of her but at the same time she needed to do or make choices that would benefit the family and the company.
As the eldest daughter, she has no say in her own marriage since marriage could also be used as a business deal that would benefit both families for a long time.
At first, she wanted to rebel but the moment she knew how naïve she was and how vile humans could be, she decided to obey her parents. But after more than 23 years of marriage, it ended just like that.
She wasn't stupid. She always knew Gu Xihuai wasn't a good man but since he never abused her or her son, she chose to turn a blind eye on whatever Gu Xihuai was doing and continue being a normal husband and wife.
But after her miscarriage, she knew she couldn't stay in this marriage but since her parents opposed her being divorce, she decided to relent one last time for the sake of her only son.
If Gu Xihuai continued being inconspicuous and didn't cross her moral line, Zhang Arin decided it wasn't that bad to be his wife until she died. But it seems he is worse than she thought.
"You guys already know that he will be apprehended by the police aren't you?" Zhang Arin asked after a long pause.
"What are you talking about? Do you think I'm crazy enough to report my own son-in-law?" He Qian burst in anger.
"Ehem, mom, you're already too old so why not tone it down," Zhang Aiming reminded her.
Zhang Lan remained silent since he knew nothing would come out when arguing with his wife and son.
"Xin, why not you go back to your room first?" Zhang Arin suggested it to his son.
Gu Xin remained on his seat, "It's fine mom. I'm already an adult and since you asked whether we know about it beforehand or not, the answer is yes but only uncle Aiming and I know about it. Grandpa and grandma know nothing."
"A-Xin, how can you pit your own father?" He Qian was shocked.
"Why are you shocked mom? Should we really let that idiot be? Isn't it embarrassing to call him your son in-law? Don't you know he even abused his former wife and their son before marrying sister? You must have known the right dad? But you still let your sister marry such a scum," Zhang Aiming questioned them.
Zhang Lan remained quiet but his silence was enough to answer Zhang Aiming's questions.
He Qian retorted, "You're already this old but how can you still not understand that we did this for your own good."
"What good does that bring to us? Look, both your daughter and son were divorced. Do we look happy? Do we look like we're grateful to you? You're lucky mom, that Dad treats you well as his wife and your younger brother is the patriarch of the He family so there's not many people that could deny or question you."
Zhang Lan interrupted, "Aiming, don't talk to your mom like that."
"Then what else should I say? You guys are already old enough so can you please let us live our life however we want. Both me and my sister already have our own children so let us do whatever we want."
"So are you not planning to remarry?" Zhang Lan asked.
"No and please don't force your grandchildren like you force us," Zhang Aiming answered resolutely.
"Ok as you wish. Me and your mother will move to Country C starting next month. We will spend our retirement there so come visit us when you have time."
Both Zhang Arin and Zhang Aiming were shocked and seeing their mother's dumbfounded face, they knew this was a decision made by their father on the spot after listening to what they say.
With their father being out of the country, Zhang Aiming would become the de facto patriarch of the Zhang family. Which also meant more freedom and authority for them.
When the old couple had already gone to their room, Zhang Arin turned her focus to her son and younger brother before uttering two words, "Explain everything."
Zhang Aiming glanced towards Gu Xin before he started to explain everything from how Zheng Roufeng approached him with a cooperation proposal that he couldn't deny no matter how stupid he is and Zheng Roufeng's real identity.
"So he is that boy," Zhang Arin couldn't help but to remember the boy with tattered clothing who came to see Gu Xihuai more than a decade ago.
The reason why she remembered that event was because it was the same day she suffered a miscarriage.
"He thought maybe you're the one who burned down his mother's house but I told him you wouldn't do such a lowly thing," Zhang Aiming continued.
Zhang Arin's personality could be said to be like grass. She was never a decisive person and could also be said to be a bit weak-willed. She would lean towards where the winds blow. If the wind blows to the south, she would go south and vice versa.
But she wasn't a doormat either and that was why she could resolutely cut the relationship with the person she thought she loved when her first-born was killed.
"So he must have hated me right?" Zhang Arin muttered.
"No mom. He never said he hates you," Gu Xin tried to lighten up her mood.
"But he also never said he likes you either. I think he most probably didn't care but I just want to remind both of you, don't make trouble. I might be able to protect you from Zheng Roufeng but I'm afraid I can't do anything much if his husband starts to get involved," Zhang Aiming said sternly.
Zheng Roufeng himself admitted that he couldn't find much of the evidence himself if not for the help of his husband and his in-laws. Even the person who committed the arson under Gu Xihuai's order more than a decade ago was found by them.
Such people who could dig around things they wanted to know with such ease, Zhang Aiming didn't want to imagine what would happen if he ever crossed them even slightly.
"Brother Jason seems nice," Gu Xin commented.
"Xin, how many times should I tell you not to judge someone based on their outer appearance. I used a lot of resources to find out about Jason's identity and you know what I found, almost nothing except for a few very publicly known information."
"Shouldn't we at least thank them for getting rid of trash like Gu Xihuai?" Zhang Arin suggested.
"I will ask if they have time for a meal."
A few days later, the news outlets were in a frenzy state when the news about Gu Xihuai's arrest was made public. The Gu family tried to do damage control but the situation became worse when Zhang Arin publicly announced she was divorcing Gu Xihuai with the reason of domestic abuse and mistreatment which the court allowed.
For half a month the media kept on reporting about the Gu family's case until one day, a paparazzi dropped a photo of Zheng Roufeng went visiting Gu Xihuai in prison.
Many were skeptical or even outright confused why Zheng Roufeng was suddenly involved with the Gu family. It wasn't until Gu Feng himself announced that Zheng Roufeng who his real name was Gu Sinian is actually from the Gu family.
For years, the public had always been curious about Zheng Roufeng's background but no one ever thought he came from one of the prestigious families, the Gu family.
Almost around the same time of Zheng Roufeng's identity being revealed, another celebrity news outlet also posted pictures of Zheng Roufeng with his supposed husband.
🔥[HOT!] Zheng Roufeng's celebrity husband.
🔥[HOT!] Zheng Roufeng's husband was revealed.
Since Zheng Roufeng never divulged about his private life that much, the public were curious and this news attracted so much attention that Zheng Roufeng's PR team needed to work overtime just to observe the public's flow of opinion.
••• Oh my god, such a good looking pair. Bless bless bless ✨✨✨•••
••• Never thought my male god is gay•••
••• Hey upstairs, what's wrong with being gay?•••
•••Damn, that guy sure won a lottery ticket huh. How can I also get a rich, good looking and know how to make money husband?•••
•••Maybe you need to be as good looking as him? If your face is average, just keep dreaming and don't wake up.•••
•••Isn't that Jason?! OMG, my fav idol is married to my male god. Damn, today is really exciting.•••
••• I can smell a gold digger.•••
••• He's an heir from a prestigious family so is it ok marrying a guy like Jason?•••
•••No wonder this Jason guy dares to marry young. He struck a gold mine. Even if they get divorce, the money he will get might be able to afford him for a lifetime.•••
Seeing the comments online, Zheng Roufeng couldn't help but frown and wanted to sue each of the comments slandering Jason but looking at his husband who seemed relaxed, Zheng Roufeng calmed down.
"Calm down bro. Everything will be fine, right daddy?" Jessica said while munching on the sunflower seed.
"Pearl, why don't you go help Ray cook?" Alexander suggested.
(A/N: For those who are confused, our daddy Alex here is calling his children by their middle name. Jason Ray Sergeyev & Jessica Pearl Sergeyev)
"Don't you know I don't like to cook. I almost burned the kitchen the last time I tried to learn how to cook, remember?"
Ignoring Jessica, Alexander turns his focus towards Zheng Roufeng, "So what is your plan next? I don't have many requirements for my son in-law. All I want is for my children to be happy and I want you to trust Ray as much as he trusts you and never leave him no matter how hard the situation is."
Zheng Roufeng became nervous, "I will always stay with him and I never trusted anyone like I trusted him, so you don't have to worry. I will take care of him more than I'll take care of myself."
"Good. Ray is my son so he might be a bit reckless and temperamental. Unlike me, Ray seems like someone who either doesn't have a bottom line or his bottom line is deeper than mine. So I hope you will not only protect him but also prevent him from doing anything reckless or dangerous."
"Yes, I will."
Jessica, who was listening to the two stoic looking men, couldn't help but say, "Boring~ What kind of serious talk is this?"
"You too Pearl. I might have pampered you too much but you're already an adult so don't act based on your emotion. How many times should I tell you don't punch anyone in the face just because you're annoyed with them. Plus, I'm not giving back your gun after you shot the hotel manager before."
"Fine, fine. I will behave ok. But I didn't punch Adam so far."
"That brat Adam seems like a sissy but if you like him, I don't mind."
"How can you call a 6'1 man a sissy? Doesn't he look like a golden retriever to you?"
"Isn't he too big to be a dog? Maybe a bear is more fitting," Jason chimed into the conversation.
"If he's a bear then what are you?"
"An angel, am I right my dear?" Jason said shamelessly.
Jessica showed a disgusted face, "If you're an angel, I must be a saint then."
For the first time in a really long time, the four people felt how warm it was to gather around with people they loved and cherished.
Jessica glanced towards Alexander's face and couldn't help but feel grateful to God.
Since she was young, she never once saw her father look so relaxed and unguarded even when with her. Yes, he spoiled her but she could feel her dad was a bit stiff and restrained.
She still remembers what her dad told her about the reason why he stayed in that isolated region that was far away from human civilization.
"It's my retribution, Pearl. I'm not a good man and I've sinned greatly."
Alexander didn't go out much and spend most of his time at that mansion where he first met Jason.
After meeting Jason, Jessica could feel Alexander seem to be able to let go of his long time regret.
"But dad, doesn't this mean that woman lied to you?" Jessica once asked.
But the only answer she got was, "She's not someone with a scheming mind. It must be someone else's scheme but even if she indeed lies, I can't really blame her. I'm someone with a lot of enemies and she will always be the target just for being with me. She made the right choice and lived a normal life. It's better for Jason not to know since I don't want any hatred to pass down the younger generation. Let it die with me."
Remembering the conversation she had before, Jessica directly asked, "Jay, are you perhaps still trying to search for your mom?"
Jason didn't expect such a question after they finished dinner but he answered honestly, "To be honest, I'm not that interested in knowing who she is and I'm pretty preoccupied these days so no. Why?"
He wasn't dense enough to not notice that Alexander never mentioned his mother at all after knowing Jason was his son. This only meant Alexander and that woman didn't have a good relationship or an even complicated relationship. Thus it was better to not bring her up.
"Well, I prefer our family to be just like this, you know. Me, you, dad and of course Roufeng too. I mean I never had a mother growing up myself..."
Seeing Jessica struggling to explain, Jason seemed to understand what she felt. She must have felt worried if someone unwanted suddenly barged into their small family even if that someone related to her little brother by blood.
The original Jason didn't have many good memories with the Jung couple thus knowing that Alexander was a far better parent than them, Jason obviously didn't want to make him worry or sad.
"Yes I know. I already decided not to find her. Let's just assume she's dead," Jason also already met a dead end in finding her anyway.
Even though it felt like a pity to just stop, seeing how happy and relieved Jessica looked, Jason felt it was fine.