Chapter 22: Trauma
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The subsequent day dawned with a crisp freshness in the air, and the forest seemed to have regained its calm demeanor. The companions, fueled by the previous night's encounter, prepared for another day of exploration with newfound vigilance.

The young lord, Piero, sitting by the remnants of the campfire, observed Mireille as she meticulously packed her belongings. The map she had crafted the previous night now bore the marks of their unexpected encounter, adding an unintended layer of history to their journey.

"Quite the eventful night," Piero remarked, a wry smile on his face. "Who would have thought we'd be facing wolves in these woods?"

Mireille, adjusting the straps of her quiver, chuckled. "I've faced my fair share of wild beasts..." There was an extremely pained expression on her good looking face. Her next sentence was uttered in low voice as if she was mumbling. "That wolf was nothing." 

Piero noticed the other two girls, Ninya and Daciana also had very gloomy expressions.

Matta, overhearing the conversation, joined them. 

"These woods are full of surprises, my lord. It's the dance between nature and the danger. We best be ready for both."

"Yee. This is exciting!" Jak exclaimed but the three girls remained gloomy. Piero realized they were slightly trembling.

As the companions ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, the conversation shifted to the challenges they might encounter and the secrets waiting to be uncovered. Matta shared tales of ancient spirits that were said to protect certain groves, and Ninya speculated on the presence of hidden realms accessible only to those attuned to the magic of the land.

The day unfolded with a blend of exploration, shared stories, and the occasional cautious glance at their surroundings. The map, now bearing the scars of their encounter, evolved into a living document, capturing not only the terrain but the spirit of their journey.

As evening approached, they found a serene clearing, bathed in the soft hues of the setting sun. The companions gathered once again, and Mireille, despite the day's challenges, resumed her sketching.

Piero, looking at the evolving map, spoke, "Our journey is leaving its mark, not just on parchment but in the very essence of this forest. Who would have thought that a simple expedition would weave us into the tapestry of this enchanted land?"

Matta, sharing a moment of reflection, replied, "Nature has a way of intertwining the fates of those who traverse its domains. We may be outsiders, but for a brief moment, we become part of its intricate design."

As the evening sun cast a warm glow upon the clearing, the companions engaged in the delicate task of gathering wild herbs. Mireille, still focused on her sketching during breaks, occasionally glanced up to appreciate the colors of the setting sun.

Piero, intrigued by the somber mood that had settled over the three female mercenaries, approached them with a gentle inquiry. "Is something troubling you, Mireille, Ninya, Daciana?"

Their trembling suddenly grew. Even the tan skinned Mireille became pale.

"It's nothing!" Daciana, the only girl with decent condition forcefully raised her voice as if to stop Piero from further questions and calm the girls down.

Sensing their peculiarities, he made a mental note. He suspected the girls experienced a terrible accident in a forest with only Mireille and Ninya suffered the trauma. 

He respected Daciana's attempt to deflect the inquiry. Instead, he decided to shift the focus toward the gathering of herbs, hoping the serene task would provide a momentary reprieve.

"We'll gather these herbs and make a comforting brew for the evening. It seems the forest has its way of stirring emotions, but together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way," Piero reassured, giving a subtle nod to acknowledge their unspoken concerns.

As they continued collecting herbs, the forest echoed with the soothing sounds of rustling leaves and distant bird calls. The evening sun cast long shadows, creating a peaceful ambiance that contrasted with the tension lingering among the companions.

Matta, recognizing the need for a change in atmosphere, began sharing tales of herbal remedies and the healing properties of the gathered plants. Ninya, usually mischievous, joined in with playful anecdotes about useful herbs and their potential uses.

Gradually, the mood lightened, and the companions found solace in the simple act of gathering herbs. Mireille, still holding her sketching materials, began to contribute to the conversation, sharing her knowledge of plants and their significance in the wild.

As the group returned to the campfire with an assortment of herbs, Piero encouraged a collaborative effort in preparing the evening brew. The aroma of herbs filled the air as they boiled water over the fire, turning the gathering into a shared endeavor that bridged the gap between their diverse backgrounds.

Daciana, having regained composure, offered a faint smile. "Nature has its own way of healing, and perhaps tonight, its gifts will bring us not only physical but also emotional comfort."

The companions, now seated around the campfire, sipped the herbal brew. The calming effects of the concoction seemed to ease the tension that had lingered, fostering a sense of unity among the unlikely group.

As the night unfolded, Piero, recognizing the importance of camaraderie in the face of the forest's mysteries, proposed a shared watch to ensure everyone felt secure. Under the starlit canopy, the companions took turns keeping vigil, their bonds strengthening with each passing hour.

"I guess tomorrow will be our last day." Piero Sraffa commented.