Chapter 21: Sketching a Map
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Piero Sraffa took his place beside Matta, the imposing figure of the village chief. Behind Matta sat his son, Jak. On the other side of Piero, the three female mercenaries—Mireille, Ninya, and Daciana—settled in.

Around the crackling campfire, the group formed a circle. The men, including the burly Matta, sat cross-legged, while the tomboyish Mireille joined them. On the opposite side, the two sorceresses, Ninya and Daciana, assumed a side-sitting position.

Piero's attention drifted towards Mireille. 

The skilled ranger retrieved a pen and began sketching on a sizable piece of paper. Throughout their wilderness exploration, she had diligently created a map, and now, under the gentle glow of the fire, she continued her cartographic work.

In contrast to her two companions, Mireille boasted an athletic physique. Though Ninya had shorter hair, she still emitted a feminine outlook. In contrast, Mireille was nearly as tall as the average man with nest-like hair. 

With messy red hair and a wardrobe comprising long, unladylike pants and a tight shirt, she stood nearly as nearly as tall as the average man, exuding a unique blend of strength and femininity. her tight shirt made her figure visibly attractive. Furthermore, she was as comely as the other two girls.

As the night deepened, the flickering campfire cast dancing shadows on the faces of the unlikely companions. The forest around them seemed to come alive with the whispers of the wind and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

Piero observed Mireille's dedicated efforts in mapping their surroundings and was impressed. "Your skill with that pen might prove as valuable as any weapon in this wilderness," he remarked, acknowledging the importance of navigation in their unfamiliar territory.

Matta, the seasoned village chief, leaned forward, his weathered face reflecting the warmth of the fire. "Mapping these lands will serve us well, especially if we plan to explore the forest in the future. It's easy to lose one's way among these ancient trees."

Ninya, the mischievous sorceress, interjected with a playful smile. "And who knows what magical surprises might be hidden in the uncharted corners of the forest? A well-drawn map could be our key to unlocking its mysteries."

Daciana, the healer, nodded in agreement. "Not just for exploration, but it could also guide us in finding valuable herbs and resources. With a detailed map, we can make our forays more efficient."

Mireille, still focused on her sketch, responded, "I'll make sure it's not just efficient but a work of art. A map that tells a story of our journey through this enchanting wilderness."

Matta's son, Jak, chimed in, "And perhaps generations to come will follow our footsteps through the heart of the forest, guided by the map that Mireille is crafting."

Piero smiled, appreciating the optimism in Jak's words. "A map that becomes a legacy for my demesne, guiding future adventurers and explorers. Quite a contribution, Mireille."

As the night deepened and the camaraderie around the campfire flourished, an unexpected hush fell over the forest. The wind carried a strange, unsettling scent, causing the seasoned Matta to tense. The nocturnal symphony abruptly ceased, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Piero, sensing the change, looked toward Matta with a questioning glance. Matta's hand subtly gestured for everyone to remain still. Mireille, temporarily setting aside her map, tightened her grip on her bow, ready for whatever might unfold.

From the shadows emerged a pair of glowing eyes, reflecting the flickering firelight. A low growl resonated through the stillness as a massive, shadowy form lunged at the campsite. The sudden attack startled the companions, and chaos ensued.

Matta, relying on his instinctive connection with the wilderness, swiftly moved to shield his lord, while Jak unsheathed a concealed dagger. Mireille, with the agility of a ranger, notched an arrow and aimed at the approaching threat.

Ninya and Daciana, the sorceresses, began murmuring incantations, conjuring protective spells to ward off the mysterious assailant. The forest, once serene, transformed into a battleground where survival depended on a seamless blend of skill and magic.

The beast, a massive wolf with fur as black as the night, circled the campsite. Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, revealing an intelligence that surpassed that of an ordinary predator. The companions, now a united front, faced the creature with determination.

The air crackled with tension as the wolf prepared for another strike. In the midst of the unfolding struggle, Mireille's arrow found its mark, striking the beast's shoulder. Instead of retreating, the wolf howled, a haunting sound that echoed through the forest.

A small fire appeared and was floating between Ninya and the wolf. Hiro, or the body he was in, Piero Sraffa was flabbergasted as this was his first time seeing a magic in action since coming into this universe.

As Ninya muttered a word, the small fiery ball was shot at the wolf.

It was slightly burnt but it still looked strong.

As quickly as it had attacked, the wolf retreated into the shadows, disappearing into the depths of the ancient trees. The companions, left with a mixture of relief and uncertainty, gathered around the campfire, their senses heightened and bonds strengthened by the shared encounter.

Hiro, drew a sword and broke the lingering silence. "We're not alone in this wilderness, and the forest holds more mysteries than we imagined. Tonight, we stand together, prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."

The group, now more vigilant than before, resumed their positions around the fire, realizing that their journey through the enchanting wilderness had just taken an unexpected turn. The map Mireille crafted would not only guide them but also serve as a record of their resilience in the face of the unknown.