Chapter 20: Forest
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Matta was a free-thinking village chief. His love of the wild forests that his people seemed so keen to destroy in their endless quest for expansion set him apart. His brute strength helped him venture into the outskirts of the forest but his novice fighting skill caused him to be wounded by wild beasts countless of times. Bulnes village had no reliable forager beside his son and him. 

Matta loved foraging. There’s something magical about searching for wild plants. Aside from feeding the villagers. It’s more than that for the middle aged man. He thought that’s why he was good at it. There’s something primal about it, ‘in the blood’, as villagers would say.

Today, however, both of them were accompanied by the lord of the territory, Baronet Pierro Sraffa who risked himself against everybody's plea. His territory was poor with only two villages. The young aristocrat came with the three newly hired full time female mercenaries, namely the messy haired hunter Mireille, the short haired sorceress Ninya and Daciana the healer. 

Matta heard the girls arrived two days before and now lived in the lord's mansion. He couldn't help but be worried about their capabilities as the poorly equipped mercenaries were obviously teenagers. Even the lord was still a young adult.

There’s a tiny part of the middle aged man that felt guilty for bringing the youngsters to dangerous wilderness. But it’s only a tiny part and that part was silenced by the glorious majesty that currently surrounds him.

Matta chuckled to himself as he bullied his way through the brambles. Most of his kind didn’t come out this far, into the deep. 

So he felt very little as they march deeper and deeper in. The voice came back to him, the same one as always, reminding him of the wolves, and the hawks that live out here, preying on the human like them.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the forest, Matta, the free-thinking village chief, relished the primal connection he felt with the wilderness. The rhythmic sounds of nature accompanied their journey, and Matta couldn't shake the concern for the inexperienced mercenaries and the young lord who had joined their expedition.

The dense foliage and the rich scent of earth surrounded them, creating an immersive experience that seemed to awaken a sense of ancestral knowledge within Matta. He shared his insights about the forest with Baronet Pierro Sraffa, emphasizing the delicate balance between its beauty and the potential dangers lurking within.

The trio of mercenaries, Mireille, Ninya, and Daciana, moved cautiously, absorbing the lessons from Matta about the subtle art of foraging and the importance of harmony with nature. Despite their youth, the girls showed a blend of curiosity and determination, earning a nod of approval from Matta.

As the group progressed, the forest unfolded its secrets—edible plants, medicinal herbs, and hidden trails known only to those intimately connected with the land. Matta couldn't help but appreciate the lord's willingness to explore beyond the safety of the village borders, acknowledging the potential benefits for their struggling territory.

Yet, the voice in Matta's mind persisted, a constant reminder of the untamed forces that coexisted with them. The distant howls of wolves and the watchful eyes of hawks overhead served as a reminder that the forest was both provider and predator.

"Father. Let's rest." His son urged, breaking the rhythmic march through the dense forest.

Matta, acknowledging the weariness that clung to the group, nodded in agreement. "Aye, we'll rest here. Make a fire, we've got tales to share and a feast of the forest to enjoy."

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows through the trees. Matta, guided by instinct, led the group to a clearing where they could rest and share the bounties of their foraging. Around a makeshift campfire, stories intertwined with the crackling flames, creating a sense of camaraderie among the unlikely companions.

The young Baronet, Pierro, looked around the clearing appreciatively. "This is incredible. I never imagined such richness lay just beyond our village."

Matta chuckled, "The forest holds secrets known only to those who seek them. It's more than just plants and trees; it's a living, breathing entity."

Mireille, the messy-haired hunter, added with a grin, "And full of surprises, I'm sure. Can't wait to see what other mysteries it has in store for us."

Ninya, the sorceress with a mischievous glint in her eye, spoke, "Speaking of mysteries, I sense magical energies here, ancient and untamed. The forest hides its enchantments well."

Daciana, the healer, nodded in agreement, "I feel a soothing energy. It's as if the forest itself wants to welcome us."

"Hm. I usually didn't go so deep into the forest. I reached here three times, twice with my late father." Matta spoke while resting his butt.

As the fire crackled to life, illuminating the faces of the unlikely companions, Matta began sharing tales of his foraging adventures. "Once, I found a rare herb deep in these woods. Used it to heal wounds better than any poultice."

Pierro, the young Baronet, listened intently to Matta's tales, captivated by the lore of the forest. Mireille, the messy-haired hunter, leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "What kind of herb was it? Can you find it again?"

Matta chuckled, "Ah, that herb is elusive. It blooms under the light of the full moon, hidden among the ferns. Takes a keen eye to spot it. But perhaps, with your skills, Mireille, we might stumble upon it one day."

Ninya, the sorceress, added with a sly smile, "I could enhance our senses, make the search easier. Who knows what other wonders we might uncover with a touch of magic."

Daciana, the healer, nodded in agreement, "Nature and magic working together can reveal the hidden treasures of the forest. I've read about such synergies in the old books."

The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting an amber glow across the clearing. Matta's son, gazing at the flames, spoke softly, "Father, do you think the forest has a spirit?"

Matta, a twinkle in his eyes, replied, "Some believe so. Spirits of the trees, guardians of the wild. We must tread respectfully, for the forest is both our provider and home to ancient powers."

Pierro, absorbing the wisdom shared, spoke with a newfound appreciation, "I never considered the forest as more than a resource. It's a realm of wonders and mysteries."

Mireille, her eyes sparkling, pointed to the night sky emerging above the treetops. "Look at the stars. Each one has a story. I've heard tales of constellations guiding lost travelers. Maybe they have something to tell us."

As the makeshift campfire flickered, the group, united by the shared experience, found themselves not merely in a clearing but in a sanctuary where the boundaries between the mundane and the mystical blurred. The forest, with its ancient wisdom, became a tapestry weaving together the stories of those who ventured into its depths.

The night unfolded with laughter, shared dreams, and the crackling warmth of the fire. In that enchanted moment, they were not just a village chief, a Baronet, and a trio of mercenaries. They were kindred spirits, bound by the threads of nature's magic, embracing the unknown that awaited them in the heart of the wild.