Chapter 19: Foraging
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In Matta's wooden house in Bulnes village, Hiro, now inhabiting the body of Piero Sraffa, the new Baronet, lord the poor territory, sat across from Matta, the head of the village. The air was filled with a sense of determination and purpose as they discussed their plans.

"Thank you for coming today," Hiro began, his voice carrying a note of gratitude. "I know the state of our territory hasn't been the best, but I'm determined to change that."

Matta nodded respectfully, his weathered face reflecting years of hardship and resilience. "Lord Piero, your intentions are admirable," he replied, his voice carrying the weight of the village's hopes, "but we've been struggling for a long time. We'll do what we can to support your efforts."

Mireille, the fiery redhead with an athletic build, leaned forward with enthusiasm. "That's right, Lord Piero! We're here to help. There's plenty of game in those forests, and I'm sure we can find valuable herbs as well."

Hiro couldn't help but smile at Mireille's energy. "I appreciate your passion, Mireille. And I've heard good things about your hunting skills. Ninya, Daciana, do you think we can find anything useful in those woods?"

Ninya, the mischievous sorceress with a cheap cape, grinned playfully. "Oh, Lord Piero, I have a few tricks up my sleeve. We might stumble upon something interesting."

Daciana, the healer with a kind and gentle demeanor, nodded in agreement. "And I'll make sure we stay in good health. With my healing magic, we'll be safe even if we encounter any dangers."

Matta, his curiosity piqued, spoke up. "It sounds like quite the team you've assembled, Lord Piero. If we can bring back valuable resources from the forest, it could make a real difference for our village."

Hiro's determination flared up even more. "That's the plan. We'll start small and gradually expand our efforts. With everyone's skills and dedication, I believe we can improve the lives of the people in this territory. Thank you all for joining me in this venture."

Mireille couldn't contain her excitement and stood up, pumping her fist into the air. "To a new beginning!"

Ninya raised her staff, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. "And to uncovering the mysteries of the forest!"

Daciana, though a bit nervous, held her hands out in a healing gesture. "And to keeping everyone safe and healthy."

Just as the atmosphere in the room was filled with determination and optimism, Jane, one of Hiro's new maids, entered, bearing the results of a week-long survey.

"My lord, I have completed the tallying!" Jane announced, her face beaming with pride.

Hiro had initiated a comprehensive survey, requiring each village chief to record how much food their households consumed every day. With 160 houses in Bulnes village, it had been an ambitious undertaking.

Hiro, coming from a modern world with advanced mathematical knowledge, understood the importance of data. While most villagers had limited literacy and numeracy skills, Hiro had been working diligently to improve their abilities. Mari, his middle-aged and highly intelligent maid, had proven instrumental in this effort. Now, even the two newer maids, Jane and Leila, had made significant progress.

Hiro turned to Jane with anticipation. "So, Jane, how much food, in total, was consumed by the villagers of Bulnes?"

The young woman beamed with confidence as she replied, "My lord, after tallying the records from each household in Bulnes village, the total amount of food consumed by the villagers over the past week is 180 sacks of grains, 60 sacks of vegetables, and 20 sacks of meat."

Hiro pondered and made his thoughts heard by everyone,

"So, the situation here is quite similar to Eldham Village. Most families only consume less than a sack of grain every week. That's not enough energy for hard labour. Also not enough protein."

Everyone looked at each other, puzzling as they didn't know the meaning of "protein". Hiro taught them that apples, salads and tomatoes could be called vegetables.

Hiro clapped his hand and stood up, "That's the reason we are making this daily expedition into the forest!"

With Hiro's revelation about the villagers' food consumption, a sense of urgency filled the room. The meager food supply had clearly been a long-standing issue, one that needed immediate attention.

Matta, the village head, spoke up with a concerned tone. "Lord Piero, if our people are not getting enough to eat, it's no wonder they've struggled for so long. But what can we do to change this situation?"

Hiro, now fully committed to improving the lives of his villagers, outlined his plan. "We'll start by increasing food production in the village. We'll organize farming teams to cultivate more grains, vegetables, and raise livestock for meat. Additionally, the foraging team, led by Mireille, Ninya, and Daciana, will play a crucial role in supplementing our food supply with herbs and game from the forest."

Mireille nodded, her fiery determination undiminished. "We'll make sure to bring back plenty of game for the village, Lord Piero. No one will go hungry."

Ninya added with a playful grin, "And I'll use my magical tricks to find the most elusive herbs and ingredients in the woods. Our meals will be more flavorful and nutritious than ever."

Daciana, the caring healer, chimed in, "And I'll ensure that everyone stays healthy and strong. With better nutrition, our people will be able to work harder and improve their lives."

Hiro turned to Matta and the other villagers who had joined the meeting. "We'll need the support of the entire village to make this plan a success. Cooperation and hard work will be our allies in this endeavor."

Matta, reflecting the determination in Hiro's eyes, nodded resolutely. "Lord Piero, you can count on Bulnes village. We will work together to overcome these challenges and build a brighter future."

As they discussed the practicalities of their plan, the room was filled with a renewed sense of hope. Hiro, with the knowledge and determination he had brought from his own world, was determined to lead Bulnes village towards prosperity.