68 – Atrocity
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The storm continued its relentless fury as Ye faced the Netherworld Guardian, the barren landscape around them eerily lit by intermittent lightning strikes. The Guardian's figure loomed menacingly, outlined by the stark flashes. Ye felt the power of his Celestial Ivory Ascendant form surging within, a ticking clock reminding him that he had mere seconds to defeat the Guardian before the form overwhelmed him.

As the Guardian charged, the ground trembled under the immense power. Ye braced himself, prepared to meet the oncoming attack head-on. Their clash was monumental, sending shockwaves through the desolate area. Ye felt the strain on his body, fighting to maintain control over his powerful form.

His allies watched from a distance, their eyes wide with fear. They understood Ye's unique capability to defeat the Guardian, but they also recognized the immense risk involved in using the Celestial Ivory Ascendant form.

Gathering the remnants of his energy, Ye's form shone with an intense, blinding light. He channeled every ounce of his power into a final, decisive attack, releasing a barrage of energy beams that converged on the Guardian with relentless force.

The Guardian attempted to withstand the assault, but Ye's attack was overpowering. The beams tore through the air, cutting into the Guardian's form and ultimately disintegrating him into dust.

As calm returned and the dust settled, exhaustion overtook Ye. His body shook uncontrollably as he struggled to retain his footing, the Celestial Ivory Ascendant form beginning to recede. Collapsing to his knees, his breathing was ragged and labored.

Looking up at his companions, who stared back in stunned silence, Ye's voice was strained. "I told you to hold back," he said. "I had to do it."

Captain Saki hurried over, lending a hand to help him up. "Are you okay?" she asked, her face marked with concern.

"I will be," Ye replied, nodding in gratitude. "Let's keep moving. We have a mission to complete."

As they moved away from the battlefield, the Celestial Ivory Ascendant form faded completely. Ye muttered to himself, "I hope that was enough," pondering the cost of using such power.

"I don't think I can afford to use it again anytime soon."

The road to Hosigawa had been both long and fraught with danger. As Ye and his companions neared the village, a sense of dread permeated the air. Dark clouds loomed overhead, casting an ominous shadow over the landscape, accompanied by the pungent odor of smoke and ash.

Upon entering Hosigawa, the extent of the calamity became heartbreakingly clear. Buildings lay in ruins, their charred remains painting a picture of devastation. The streets, once bustling with life, now stood eerily empty, as if a violent storm had swept through, leaving nothing but destruction in its wake.

"Something terrible has happened here," Ye murmured, his voice barely above a whisper as they navigated the desolation.

Captain Saki, her gaze sharp and searching, nodded in grim agreement. "This village looks like it's been attacked."

Lieutenant Ryo unsheathed his sword, his eyes vigilant. "We must tread carefully. The perpetrators might still be lurking nearby."

Sergeant Kaito, his hands forming tight fists, added determinedly, "We need to uncover what transpired here."

Their exploration revealed ever more harrowing signs of the attack. The scale of destruction was immense, pointing to a catastrophe far beyond any normal conflict.

As they ventured deeper into the village, an unsettling silence engulfed them. The wind's mournful howl sent shivers down their spines, swirling dust and debris through the desolate streets. It was then that Ye noticed the horrific scenes that lay before them.

In the village square, a macabre spectacle unfolded: men hung crucified and impaled, a chilling message of intimidation. Nearby, young men's severed heads adorned pikes, their eyes wide with terror, mouths stuffed with rocks — a testament to the brutality inflicted upon the village.

"Who could commit such heinous acts?" Ye pondered aloud, his mind struggling to comprehend the extent of such evil.

His companions shared his shock and horror, their faces etched with disbelief.

An elderly man, leaning heavily on a cane, approached them. He gestured towards the grotesque display outside a house. "These were her sons," he explained, his voice quivering. "The woman who lives there has been hiding ever since Akiyama Nichi and his army descended upon us. Not to mention the young girls he abducted to his forest fortress."

A chill coursed through Ye as he absorbed the old man's words. The Ironclad General's brutality was beyond anything he had ever encountered.

"How can we find this Ironclad General?" Ye asked, determination steeling his voice.

The old man shook his head. "I wouldn't dare confront him. He's far too powerful."

But Ye was resolute. "I've faced daunting adversaries before. I cannot stand by while innocents suffer and my mission is at stake."

Lieutenant Ryo stepped forward, his resolve clear. "We'll find him, sir. And bring him to justice."

Captain Saki and Sergeant Kaito nodded in agreement, their determination unwavering.

Yet the old man remained pessimistic. "He's too fierce, too brutal. You stand no chance against him."

Ye faced the elder with unwavering resolve. "We must try. We have to rescue those women and end his reign of terror."

As they headed towards the forest, the sky grew darker, and the wind intensified, heralding an approaching storm. But Ye's focus remained unshaken. Akiyama Nichi had to be confronted.

With the impending battle looming, Ye pondered his capabilities. Would his Celestial Ivory Ascendant form suffice against such a formidable foe? The answer lay ahead, in the heart of the forest, where destiny awaited.