2. Dark History
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The year 2055.
"Don't do anything to me! Please!! I'm begging!!"

A shrill cry from a 16-year-old boy, he was surrounded by a group of burly, tall and strong men, their eyes were so greedy and lustful to see a smooth skin white boy with a baby face who are more attractive than woman they had been with before. The boy was very nervous, there were more than 10 of them, who didn't feel scared bumb into something like this.

"Heh! It's been a long time since I've seen such a charming side dish, I always found women like a chicken about to die everywhere."

"Immune women aren't even pretty ahh, I need a toilet to spam my cum, there's no other choice."

"For th1e first time, I want to try a boy like this, it's exciting."

"My cock is already hard!!" they laughed because mingled with obscene language.

The teen almost peed for fear of being hurt, he tried slowly to run away without being noticed, just a few steps, some of them noticed what he did and caught the teenager.

"Where are you going beautiful boy, you can't go like that, hahahahaha!" They like to see that boy in fear.

The boy in the man's arms trembled.

the boy replied in shaking, "Please let me go, I accidentally came here. I'm waiting for my girlfriend."

"Oh, is that ugly girl who ran away just now your lover? Hahaha, you're already cute enough to be a fish for our dish. It's a shame to leave you to such a girl."

The man who was still hugging the boy kissed his neck and groped his body. The boy started to cry.

the boy begged, "don't do anything to me. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Do we care!?"

The boy's shirt was torn open, the boy thrashed and screamed in fear, asking for help and begging to let him go but was answered with laughter and lusting after seeing their prey in fear. moreover, this zone area has been emptied, there have no one here beside them.


The boy's voice was heartbreaking, his shirt had been taken off, his body was naked, white and smooth with no scars. His body was groped by several people. He thrashed with all his heart in the hope that his screams would be heard, but unfortunately he did not get an answer. He was laid on the sand without a mat, both hands held above his head, his neck was licked and bitten so greedily, his legs were strangled, he still did not stop pleading and asking for help, still no one could save him.


Still thrashing as hard as he could, his anus felt very painful as if it was split in two, he was crying non-stop asking for help. They just laughed at him for asking for help, his anus was rammed very fast making the boy scream howl very loudly, the louder he screamed the harder the rod was rammed into his anus without pity, the others became more and more lustful to hear his scream, they masturbated while watching the action.

The man who was making love to the boy refused to climax immediately if possible, but on the insistence of the other that he climax quickly, he was only able to bang for 15 minutes. Pounding after pounding that was very strong and fast, the boy's anus was in such painful and bleeding while choking in tears, the screams still did not stop without seeming tired. The man thrust again and thrust again quickly, the man felt he was almost cum so he got faster and stronger adding to the torment of the boy.

Cslimax! the man was relieved but still not satisfied because of the short period. Immediately the man removed the rod from the boy's anus and then stood up, his rod was filled with the teenager's blood, he grinned and showed the blood on his rod with such pride that he had inaugurated the teenager's virginity first.

The teenager stopped screaming but was still crying non-stop, he was relieved that the rod was out of his anus. He thought it was all over, the next person grabbed both of his ankles and crawled into the gap between the teenager's crotch, the teenager's eyes widened. Impatiently the man plunged his cock inside mercilessly, the teenager screamed again.

"PLEASE!!! PLEASE!! IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!!" His voice was almost hoarse.

The more enthusiastic the man thrusts his rode.

"Your hole is delicious, it's really tight. I haven't tasted a dish this good in a long time."

He thrust as hard as he could into the boy's anus. The boy shook his head right and left while crying, then screamed again as loud as he could, those guys just laughed happily.

The man immediately squirted inside, the man let out a relieved sound, he pulled out his cock but it was still half hard, he put it back in because he was still not satisfied, he jerked his body several times and abruptly was pushed to the side by the black man. The boy's leg was roughly grasped and hurriedly thrust into the boy, the boy screamed once more while thrashing weakly. The man pushed more violently than the 2 men earlier, the teenager screamed louder and louder, unable to hold back the pain that was excruciatingly painful.

He was raped in turn by 15 men with strong and tall bodies. Several times he was double penetrated, his mouth was stuffed fully, he was forced to doggy. The torture lasted for 5 hours, most of them did 2 rounds in turn. The boy's anus was completely torn, blood flowed a lot, he was unconscious.

"Is he dead?"

One of them checked his pulse and breathing, "He's still alive, but wound in his anus is looks bad. We're working on him so badly, we don't feel sorry for him at all."

"Should we just let him go like that? It's not easy to find such delicious dishes, all the time I've met all of them are unattractive, I don't want them."

"You're a doctor, you treat him until he recover, then we'll play again until we're satisfied."

"That's right, that's right, I agree with it. Where can I find this dish?"

The man who examined the boy nodded several times in agreement.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure no one knows about this. If they do, we'll be in trouble. This boy is a research lab student, an important person,"

"Finally, the water bill we've been waiting for a long time to be released has been settled."

The boy was then taken to an abandoned building, locked up and treated until recovered. Meals are also prepared 2 times a day with heavy and healthy food to ensure that the boy is always healthy and then tortured again. It was only 3 days ago that the boy was almost recovered, he was raped again, taking turns with several men non-stop, in the morning by another group, in the afternoon by another group, in the afternoon and evening by a group, he was raped without having time to rest for 2 hours. His screams constantly echoed through the building mixed with other men's deep breath and laughter.

A month passed, he was kidnapped, locked up and raped in turn, the light in his eyes had died. He is like a living puppet but dead inside. He only moves if the men force him to sleep with them for hours without rest. Attempted suicide several times but when noticed by them, all sharp objects were removed from the room.

This matter continued for up to 4 months, his disappearance made many people search for 4 months in a row without being found. The boy almost went crazy when he was forced many times against his will, if he refused he would be beaten, given strong stimulant drugs, forced to drink alcohol until drunk, BDSM. Many times he tried to escape but failed, many times he fought without giving in but failed, all that was left were bruises, bites and bloody wounds on his anus.

Every day he cried as much as he wanted, he couldn't bear to be tortured like this. One day, the weather was clear, the building was broken into by a man with a strong and tall body. He beat all the rapists in the building half of their lives, he opened the door and saw 4 men banging the boy so greedily, they were shocked by the man's presence.

4 rapists were beaten almost half to death, the man covered the teenager's body gently with his coat, the teenager was shaking and sobbing on the edge of the corner, in fear.

The man persuaded, "I came to rescue. We have been looking for you for 4 months, apparently you are here."

The boy stopped crying and looked at the cold, handsome and honey-skinned face of the savior. The man's firm and masculine voice really pierced his heart. They looked at each other for a momment.