Chapter 8 The Hero part 1
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Sam studied the woman in front of him. His eyes narrowed as he noticed that she seemed tensed. Her eyes seemed to be darting left and right in a slight panic, she was wielding a knife in each hand and her stance looked defensive instead of aggressive. A strange contrast compared to the woman that was aggressively attacking him a few minutes ago.

He recalled she was called Nura as mentioned by the other woman who seemed to be called Sano. 

Sam let out a defeated sigh.

''You' were suppose to live a normal life and not get involved with troublesome women. Haven't 'you' had enough of that yet.' He berated the current 'him'. 

'I'll try to finish this as fast as possible but I'm sure 'you'll' be shocked that 'our' gift will be out of commission for a week. Awakening 'me' has a heavy price to pay and 'we' could reduce 'our' lifespan accidentally if not for this restriction'.

"Fucker!" Roared out Nura as she charged forward activating her 'trait' to boost her speed. She then thrust forward with her knife, despite her enraged state, she made sure to not hit any Sam’s vital spot. 

Sam wasn't surprised by her great speed having experienced it before. He knew his untrained body wouldn't be able to keep up so he was prepared to 'tank' some hits. 

Instead of dodging Sam stepped forward and let the knife stabbed deeply into hand. He winced in pain yet he laughed loudly, as he grasp Nura's hand keeping her in place. 

Nura snarled before slashing out with her other knife, Sam merely smiled dangerously as he let the other knife stabbed into his other hand. Sam exerted strength in both hands as he held on to her tightly. 

Without warning Sam head butted Nura in the face. Her amber eyes widened in shocked, Sam smiled crazily as he continued smashing his forehead against her face. 

Sam eventually let go and delivered a lethal round house kick to the side of her temple. Nura moved slightly to the side and mitigated the strength of the blow by half. 

Sam activated his 'fractured gift' and was back to full health. Nura got up from the ground and spat out some blood. Her face was battered and swollen, her nose was bent, teeth were chipped, lips had a massive cut to the side and she was bleeding from her mouth and nose.

"The fuck are you!" She demanded as she swayed unsteadily. She dug in her heels to keep her balance. Both of her knives were on the ground and she did not waste her time trying to grab them as that would give this 'man' a chance to take her out.

Sam stayed silent, a wry smile on his face. Now he's the one going on the offensive as he lunged forward with practice eased, he then jumped into the air and delivered a swift round house kick which Nura dodged easily due to her superior speed. 

Sam grinned and landed on the floor but he dug his foot in the ground and kicked forward, blasting out dirt and dust at Nura. 

Nura yelled in surprise and shield her eyes, that gave Sam a brief window to kick the two knives off the floor into his hand. Nura cried out in pain as she felt one of the knife embedded in her arms. 

She punched out with great speed only to find air. Sam grinned as he found his opponent has over extended, without hesitation Sam stabbed the other dagger to her temple instantly killing the blonde haired girl. 

"Shit! I over did it!" He coughed out weakly. He activated his 'gift' and he was healed completely. 

'Live carefree. Hopefully 'you' won't need me ever again. Run away from the crazy bitches here. 'We' don't need a repeat!' He thought grimly as darkness took over and the Sam collapsed on the ground.


Raven smirked as she dodged every blow that the woman in front of her was dishing out. 

Raven just finds herself dipping in and out just out of reach using her trait - Wings of Avarice. Her opponents skin was grey in colour and it was very hard to do any damage to her due to her skin being as tough as a rock. 

"Get down here! Are you a woman? Or a fucking flying rat?!?" Taunted the stone skinned woman.

Raven did not reply and just hovered in mid-air observing her opponent. 

'If only I had a weapon on me, but I'm not licensed to carry a weapon as I'm only a hero in training.' Raven couldn't help but click her tongue in annoyance. 

Raven flapped her golden wings as she once more dive down to engage her opponent. The stoned-skin woman screamed out as she started throwing one punch after another, Raven grunted as she used her golden wings as a shield, Raven hardened her feathers but the blows from the stone-berserker in front of her was getting stronger and stronger.

Raven hopped back and beat her wings rapidly to send out a gust of wind that caused the dried leaves to fly towards her enemy. 

"Fucking! Cunt!" Screamed out the stone-skinned woman as she shields her face. 


Raven narrowed her eyes as a phone starts to ring. The stone skinned woman then answered her phone.

"Whaaat?!?" She shouted. 

Raven found the woman listening to whoever was talking on the other end. Her eyes were still fixed on her and her stance was ready, so Raven did not waste her energy attacking the woman.

"Fuck!" She cursed and glared at Raven. "It's your lucky day 'golden goose', I'll pound your ass another time, your friends seemed to be here. Don't get killed before I kill you!" She laughed as she started running away.

Raven did not bother to chase as it was useless. Looking into the distance, Raven could see the familiar blinking lights of the DoPD (Department of Public Defence) sirens.

Ravens let out a deep sigh. "What a day." 

After feeling a couple of drops on her face, Raven looked up into the sky and groaned. It was starting to rain and it looked like it be somewhat heavy. 

Raven started to fly up into the air to see if the DoPD needed help. 'Why does this have to happen on my way home?' She lamented. 

She glanced down and saw two figures down on the ground. Without hesitation Raven flew down passing a steep slope on the way down. 

"Are you guys alright?!?" She called out.

It was starting to heavily rain and it was affecting her vision. She was lucky that that her golden wings weren't normal because otherwise she wouldn't be able to fly due to the heavy downpour. 

Raven grew worried as she saw that no one was responding or moving. She saw a man unconscious on the ground, she crouched down and checked his pulse. She breathed a sigh of relief as she felt a strong pulse. She also checked his airways, and found that he was breathing normally and that there was no obstruction. 

Relieved that the man was alright, she went to the woman a few feet away across the unconscious man. She visibly blanched as she saw the knife sticking out from her temple. Without even checking, she knew that the woman was dead. 

Raven took a deep shaky breath in an attempt to calm herself. Raven activated her MTW (Multi-Tracker Watch) and scanned the dead woman. 

The MTW sounded out a beep as it finished the scan. A 3D holographic image appeared in front of her with an image of the deceased and all her relevant information. 

"Nura Jackson, she's a criminal and part of the Crystal Devils. Traitor - Minor Speed Enhancement. Danger level F. Nura has multiple accounts of assault charges and rape charges." Raven read a part of her information aloud.

"Well shit!" She couldn't help but mutter. Raven used her wings to block out the rain for a moment so she can use her phone properly. She then dialled the number for the DoPD (Department of Public Defense). 


Sam stirred slowly. He groaned and blinked groggily. Slowly the memories of his last horrifying moments before he was knocked conscious came flooding back in. He sat up abruptly and looked around the room frantically. 

He found himself in a room with coffee coloured walls adorned with various posters of heroes, figurines, books and bonsai trees sitting atop the window sill.

Sam started breathing rapidly as the worst case scenario flashed in his mind. He looked down and found that he wasn't wearing his own clothes. Instead, he was wearing a pink tank top with a picture of what looked to be a super hero, one that he doesn’t recognise, not that he ever followed the super hero scene. 

"No.. no.. no.. no.." he kept repeating while looking for his phone. The last thing he remembered was being kicked to the side of his head and then he lost consciousness. 

'Where the fuck am I?'

Sam bit his lips worriedly. 'Have I been kidnapped? Is Fel still alive?' 

Sam breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted his phone in the corner of his eyes just next to the bedside table. "Oh thank God!" He said aloud as he grabbed his phone. 

He chuckled as he saw that there was a lot of miscalls from Fel and a few miscalls from the DoSI office. 

There were almost a hundred text messages from Fel, the contents of the messages had a common theme which were ‘are you okay?’, ‘where are you?’, ‘call me’ and some were a little bit threatening, mostly geared towards the ‘kidnapper’ as Fel somewhat thought that he’s been kidnapped which might not be far from the truth but then again, his phone is here with him.. it wasn’t taken away which was an odd thing for a kidnapper to do.

Sam sighed and called Fel. The phone rang only once before she answered in a frantic voice.

“Sam?!?.. is this you Sam?! Oh thank God.. you’re alright. Where have you been? I’ve been calling and texting..” 

“Well.. hello to you too I guess..” chuckled Sam wryly. 

“Not funny.” She huffed.

“I’m okay, I’ve just woken up somewhere and I’m fine.. more importantly are you hurt?” 

“Do you need me to come and get you? Fuck.. that hurt.” 

“No.. no.. you sound like you’re hurt. Are you okay?” He asked somewhat worriedly.

“Eh just superficial wounds.” She laughed unconvincingly.

“Yeah I’m fine. I got away safely so just recover as soon as possible.” He lied. 

Sam froze as he spotted a woman just outside the room, she was standing just outside the door with a sheepish smile on her face as she gave him a small friendly wave. He gave her an awkward smile and a small wave back.

“Fel.. I will call you back later but honestly I’m okay.” 

“I will check on you as soon as I’m able to..but there’s a lot of things I need to deal with, like a mole in my gang.” She muttered the last bit quietly. “So I might be busy for a while as I have to tie up some loose ends. So…I won’t be able to come see you for a while.” Said Fel sadly.

“That might be for the best for now. I just need some space to think.” Said Sam.

“Sam..” Fel then sighed. “Fine.. but keep in contact with me.. and answer my calls.. and I promise you Sam, you won’t be able to get rid of me easily so don’t even try.” She warned.

“Fel.. is texting okay? Because-“

“Nope.” She interrupted. “I need to hear your voice Sam. If you won’t answer my calls I will go see you myself.”

“That defeats the purpose of ‘giving me space’.” Sam said exasperatedly.

“So answer my calls.” 

“Fine.” Grunted Sam. “I’m going to have to go now Fel.

“Talk to you later ‘little bird.’”.

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