Chapter 1.1 Frostbound Encounters (AI Assisted)
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Hello everyone.

I am currently working on the main story. have about 7 chapters done and decided to run my story through AI and see what happens. I have included the AI edited version and the original one I wrote and obviously the AI is a much better writer. A poll has been included and once I have some more chapters written I will be publishing the new story.


Snow enveloped the world around me in a frosty embrace as I strolled amidst the towering trees, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts with no distinct direction. Each exhale painted the air with a wispy fog, while my steps etched deep imprints, each about six inches deep, in the blanket of pristine snow. Five winters had passed, yet Chelmswell's biting cold remained an unyielding adversary, never to be conquered.

After hours of traversing the intricate maze of this frozen forest, I deemed my day's hunt fruitful and yearned to retreat to my humble abode, seeking refuge from the numbing cold.

A distant cry, barely perceptible amidst the howling winds, pierced through the serene solitude of the woods.


The urgent plea echoed once more, cutting through the icy air and prompting me to hasten toward its source.

In the midst of the dense woodland, a clearing emerged, revealing an unexpected tableau: a girl engulfed in flames, a mesmerizing winged wolf, and a monstrous, bear-like creature. A spectacle wholly unexpected on this harsh wintry day.

The colossal monster, thrice the size of a typical grizzly bear, bore a coat of pristine white fur, seamlessly blending into the snow. How had such a creature eluded my path until now? Did they master the art of seasonal camouflage?

As I marveled at the colossal beast, subtle movements caught my eye from the periphery. In that fleeting distraction, the behemoth unleashed a thunderous roar, swiping at the girl, cowering against the base of a tree.

Reacting instinctively, I teleported between them, intercepting the attack to save her from a gruesome fate.

Halting the colossal paw, adorned with menacing claws, I startled the beast, redirecting its fury toward me. The creature wielded power, strength, and speed, unleashing a relentless barrage of strikes, fully intent on ending my life.

"I see your cubs behind that thicket. We've intruded, but you're no match for me. Let us depart in peace, or I'll be compelled to end your life," I declared, hoping the creature comprehended my intentions.

Acknowledging the disparity in our abilities, the massive beast turned, retreating on all fours, and ambled toward the underbrush, trailed by a procession of fluffy cubs.

Relieved to have detected the cubs before conflict escalated, I watched them vanish into the foliage, content that the encounter had resolved without bloodshed.

"Are you alright? I heard your call for help nearby," I addressed the girl and the wolf.

The wolf, a breathtaking sight, boasted black fur along its back, white on its chest and belly, a flaming red mane, a watery blue tail, and magnificent white wings. It captivated me momentarily, eclipsing the presence of the girl.

"Thank you for rescuing me," the girl said, her voice grateful yet tinged with fatigue. Her words drew my attention back, diverting my focus from the captivating wolf.

Her fiery red hair, once ablaze and untamed, now lay neatly along her side and back. Smooth, flawless light chocolate-colored skin peeked through her thin coat, hardly enough to stave off Chelmswell's bone-chilling winters. Her bright pink eyes met mine, causing my heart to skip a beat—an emotion long buried since that dreadful incident.

"Ken?" The girl's question snapped me out of my reverie.

"I didn't think anyone remembered me," I replied, surprised by her recollection of my days of glory when I was the center of attention and atop the world.

"Don't you remember me? I'm not just some fangirl who caught glimpses of you at tournaments. We met briefly years ago, but I thought there was something between us," she remarked, disappointment seeping into her tone.

"Sorry. I've been struggling with memory due to this freezing weather," I fibbed, reluctant to share personal details with a stranger likely never to cross paths with again.

"Perhaps we can catch up later? Can we find somewhere warm first? Even for a fire fairy like me, this cold is unbearable," she pleaded.

"I'm not sure where you were headed, but I could teleport us to my hut for warmth and some hot tea before you continue your journey," I offered.

Without a word, the girl seized my arm, her other hand clutching onto the winged wolf, and I whisked us away to the cozy wooden cabin I called home.

"This pup seems to have taken a liking to you! I never expected her to be so calm after fiercely fighting me earlier. It's peculiar! She must consider you her savior for protecting us from that monster," the girl observed as the wolf settled contentedly by my side while I prepared tea and snacks.

"Apologies, the food options are limited. I have some dried fruits and jerky," I said, offering her the provisions.

"I'm just glad to be out of that situation and away from the bitter cold," she replied, happily accepting the dried fruit, while I poured herbal tea.

"What an impressive-looking wolf you have," I remarked, petting the serene creature beside me.

"She'll fetch a fortune for me to aid my village! She's not just a winged wolf, one of the most sought-after pets; she embodies all five basic elements and carries a blessing," the girl explained, her excitement veering into realms I struggled to comprehend.

As she animatedly spoke, memories of my past in Darrumburgh and Vespera surged back, flooding my mind uncontrollably.

"Candace, right? I recall now that I've warmed up a bit," I said, trying to distract myself from revisiting memories I'd tried so hard to lock away.

"YEP! Knew you couldn't forget this face!" she exclaimed jubilantly, startling the wolf.

"Why are you living in this dilapidated shack in the middle of nowhere? Got tired of the swarm of girls, so you opted for a solitary escape?" Candace teased, a smirk playing on her lips, despite the wolf's growl for disturbing its rest.

"Unfortunately, I've been alone here for nearly five years. Enough about me. What brings you to this remote place in the dead of winter?" I deflected, hoping she'd steer the conversation elsewhere.

"Don't evade the question! What happened? Last I heard, you were being hailed during the tournament as the youngest to reach the holy level. You were destined for stardom. How did you go from being fawned over by princesses and nobles to dwelling in this cabin?" Candace prodded, veering directly toward a topic I sought to avoid.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Circumstances led me here, and here I am," I replied, hoping she'd let it drop.

"Because of the witch, right?" Candace persisted, disregarding my attempt to dodge.

Speaking to someone after five years, memories of the very reason I'd fled and secluded myself surged forth. No matter how much I yearned to evade and forget, I couldn't elude fate indefinitely. She'd eventually come for me.

"What happened five years ago? I reside in a secluded village, and we only caught wind of hearsay from passing travelers. The tales were wild, almost unbelievable," Candace shared, prodding me to unlock some of my tightly sealed emotions.

"Why don't you share the rumors, and I'll fill in the gaps? Even though I've been secluded," I offered, sensing a need to unburden some of my concealed emotions.

"To sum it up, a lunatic supposedly responsible for our world's state ten thousand years ago woke up, loathed her creation, and decided to end it in twenty years. She concocted new beings and monsters with her powers," Candace narrated dramatically.

"Sounds about right," I chuckled, finding solace in her vibrant demeanor, momentarily eclipsing the darkness of the past.

"Isn't it bizarre? One person wielding the power to shape our world's destiny? Yet, without her, my race wouldn't exist. I suppose I owe my existence to this lunatic! The even crazier part—the witch was supposedly deeply in love! But her lover turned out to be a womanizer, much like you! Some believe, had he not broken her heart, she might not have wanted to end the world, birthing those bizarre monsters," Candace elaborated, undeterred by the weight of her words.

"Are you not worried about the world's end in fifteen years?" I inquired, intrigued by her carefree demeanor in the face of prophecy.

"Call me naive or overly optimistic, but I doubt a single person could bring about the world's end! Sure, she might possess considerable power, but we have folks like Zishell, Julius, and others—enlightened and blessed individuals!" Candace dismissed the prophecy cheerfully.

"What do you mean by enlightened and blessed? I've been out of the loop," I admitted, captivated by her spirited storytelling.

"Instead of scattering her power like she did ten thousand years ago—the Great Reset—ten heroes tasked with maintaining the world's balance received most of her soul and power. Seeking a challenge, she deemed us all too weak. Result? These heroes now possess enough power to end the world, if they were evil, just like the lunatic! Moreover, ten thousand individuals or creatures gained a portion of her soul, granting immense power, and they're called the blessed ones."

"So, this wolf is a blessed one, right? Yet, she seems so young. How could she gain this blessing years after the incident?" I interjected, ignited by a newfound curiosity after years of dormancy, briefly interrupting Candace's narrative.

"People soon realized the power could be inherited! Much like my ancestors' souls merged with fire, birthing my race of fire fairies, these incredible powers could pass down to their descendants. Though the success rate is low, most of the ten heroes are attempting to have children, hoping to birth the next enlightened one—unsuccessfully so far," Candace explained, unraveling the complexities of inherited power.

"Seems much has transpired while I remained sequestered in this wintry forest," I remarked, striving to mask the resurfacing memories of a past I'd sought to erase.

"Come on, Ken. Spill the beans! How did you end up like this? Where's the confident guy who challenged the king of Yelwreak, the mightiest kingdom? Unable to compete without a slice of her power?" Candace persisted, peeling back layers I'd carefully buried.

"What a tenacious girl," I thought, considering the best approach to respond.

"That womanizer you mentioned, the one who awoke this witch and altered our world—well, you're looking at him," I confessed, leaving Candace momentarily shocked.

"I suppose finding out your lover's a mass murderer and the catalyst for our world's upheaval would alter anyone's trajectory. But it's done. You need to move forward, Ken. Someone of your talent shouldn't be confined to this hut!" Candace urged, attempting to rekindle a spark within me.

"Ever thought about joining the Guild of Justice? I was planning to sell this wolf to hire their members and cleanse my village of monsters that appeared five years ago." Candace suggested, hoping to lift my spirits.

"Never heard of the Guild of Justice. Sounds like a pretty lame name," I retorted, eliciting a cheerful giggle from Candace, pleased that my mood had lightened slightly.

"Five years back, the magma rocks we mined turned sentient, transforming into what we now call magma golems. They aren't harming the village when left alone, but they've deprived us of our livelihood. The village elder tasked me with hiring someone to rid us of these creatures, or we'll have to relocate," Candace explained, revealing the dire situation her village faced.

"How about this? You take this remarkable wolf pup, worth thousands in gold coins, if you'll assist my village in eradicating those monsters," Candace proposed, her smile carrying a subtle allure.

"Always dreamed of having a winged pet ever since I soared through the sky on a pegasus," I mused, petting the content wolf cub nestled next to me.

"Creating that much gold would take me ages, but I can offer you a thousand gold coins' worth in diamonds if you're willing to sell the wolf to me and use the funds for your mission," I suggested, resisting the allure of an adventure outside my secluded abode.

"Ken, please! Just come with me and help my village," Candace implored, her captivating eyes refusing to release mine, though I tried to divert my attention, warding off any emotional entanglement.

"Not being among the enlightened or blessed, and having stagnated in strength for five years, numerous capable individuals could better assist your village. Let me know your destination, and I can teleport you within a five-mile radius from here," I offered, eager to sever the conversation and stave off emotional involvement.

Despite my efforts, the disappointment flickered in Candace's eyes as she gazed at me, urging me to reconsider.

"If I can't convince you to help my village, then at least escort me to Darrumburgh City. I'll head to the guild headquarters and recruit members to expel the monsters plaguing my village," Candace conceded, her tone tinged with disappointment.

"Candace, how did you end up here? You realize we're on the Vlayria continent? Darrumburgh City's a world away! You won't reach it on foot from here, and without a high-tier teleport artifact, even a year's journey wouldn't get you there," I clarified, recognizing the enormity of her presence in Chelmswell and the disruption it posed to my tranquil life in hiding.

The girl I'd met in Darrumburgh, from the opposite side of the world, now stood in my secluded corner of Chelmswell, heralding an upheaval I hadn't anticipated.




Finally able add my 14 year old dog into my story =)





Pure icy and frigid snow as far as I could see while I walked slowly amongst the giant trees, lost in my thoughts about nothing in particular.

With each breath I took, I exhaled a mist of fog, with each step I took, my foot left an imprint 6 inches deep.

Even after almost 5 years, I don’t think the freezing winters of Chelmswell are something my body could ever get adjusted to.

After hours of wandering through the maze of a forest in this frozen snowland, I was happy with my catches for the day and ready to return to my hut and out of this numbing cold. 


Am I hearing things in this wintry icy world or did I just hear someone scream for help? 


After I heard the second scream for help, no matter how much this blazing wind was drowning out the voice, I was now certain that it was time for me to pick up my speed toward the direction the voice was coming from.

Not long after I started to dash, through the thick forest, I spotted a clearing where I discovered the origin of the cry.

A girl on fire, an fascinating-looking winged wolf, and a gigantic bear-like monster. 

What an interesting sight I wasn’t expecting to see on this brutal wintery day. 

At least 3 times larger than a typical grizzly bear, the gigantic monster was covered in pure white fur and blended in perfectly with the snow. 

How come I have never run into one before today? How do they not stand out like a sore thumb when the forest isn’t covered entirely in snow? Do they change color with the season?

As I wondered and admired the gigantic beast, my eyes caught some small movements off to the corner. 

During the time I was distracted and still rather far away from the trio, the enormous beast let out an impressive roar and swiped down at the cowering girl who was backed into the base of a tree.

Not having enough time to make it before the beast struck the girl without making a huge scene, I had to teleport in between the pair to prevent the girl from getting turned into a mush of flesh.

Easily stopping the giant fluffy paw with large sharp claws, my sudden appearance startled the beast and caused it to let out another roar as it turned its attacks on me in retaliation.

Power, strength, speed. The beast had it all as it unleashed a flurry of strikes, trying to end my life.

“I can see your children behind that brush. I’m sorry we invaded your territory but you are no match for me. Let us leave in peace or I would be forced to end your life.”

Seemingly able to comprehend my words and realizing the difference in our abilities, the giant bear-like monster turned around slowly, got back on all fours, and walked toward the brush as fluffy cubs ran out to greet their mother.

Happy that I spotted the cubs before I engaged, I watched as the creatures disappeared beyond the brushes feeling satisfied that I ended the interaction peacefully. 

“Are you alright? Luckily I happened to be nearby and heard your cry for help.” I remarked as I turned around to check on the girl and wolf.

The wolf was unique, to say the least. 

Black fur covered its back, white fur covered its chest and belly, a red flaming mane, a watery blue tail, and a pair of giant white wings. 

The winged wolf looked so unique and awesome that I was completely mesmerized and totally forgot the existence of the girl.

“Thank you for saving me.” The girl said in a grateful but exhausted voice. 

Her words snapped my attention back as I finally looked away from the fascinating wolf. 

When I looked up from the wolf, I felt ashamed it took me this long to finally pay the girl any attention.

Beautiful bright red hair that was burning and flaring like a bright fire just moments ago has now settled neatly down her side and back. 

Smooth and flawless chocolate-colored skin peeks through her coat that’s way too thin for the bone-chilling winters of Chelmswell to keep her warm. 

As she stared at me with her bright pink eyes, my heart skipped a beat. A feeling I haven’t felt ever since that dreadful incident.

“Ken?” The girl questioned while I was busy trying to suppress the sudden urges that the cold couldn’t prevent.

“Didn’t think anyone still remembered who I was.” I replied with a small chuckle, surprised that this beauty still remembered me from my glory days when I was the center of attention and on top of the world.

“You don’t remember me, do you? 

I’m not some random fangirl of yours who has only seen you from the tournaments you know. 

I know it’s been years and we only met that one time for a few days but I thought you had a thing for me.” The girl replied in a disappointed tone while I tried my best to recall any interactions I might have had with this stunning beauty without remembering things I wished to forget.

“Sorry. I don’t have the best of memories lately from this freezing weather.” I lied. Not going to open up to a stranger that I will never see again after today.

“To say I am disappointed would be an understatement but we can catch up later. 

Can we at least get somewhere warm first? 

Even for a fire fairy such as myself, I am struggling to keep myself warm from this terrible cold.” The girl replied as I vaguely remembered learning about the fairy race from somewhere.

“I’m not sure where you were heading but if you don’t mind, I can teleport us back to my hut to warm up, and grab some hot tea before you get back to your journey.” I offered.

Without saying a word, the girl happily grabbed my arm with one hand while holding onto the winged wolf with the other while I instantly teleported us back to the small wooden cabin that I called home.

“This pup is really taking a liking to you! 

Didn’t think she would behave so well all of a sudden when she was fighting me so fiercely, it’s so weird! 

Must think you are her savior for protecting us from that monster.” The girl remarked while the winged wolf laid down gently next to my leg as I prepared some tea and snacks for the chatty girl.

“Sorry, food choices are limited and I only have some dried fruits and jerky to offer.”

“I’m just happy to be out of that crazy situation and the bitter cold!” The girl replied happily as she graciously accepted some of the dried fruit while I offered her some hot herbal tea.

“Cool looking wolf you got here.” I commented as I petted the beautiful animal that was sleeping peacefully by my leg.

“She will fetch me a fortune so I can help my village! 

Not only is she a winged wolf which on its own is already one of the most desired pets. 

She is also mixed with all 5 basic elements and on top of that! She even got the blessing!” The girl replied excitedly while some of her words were beyond my understanding. 

Seeing the excited girl talking happily about the wolf, memories of my days spent in Darrumburgh and Vespera began to flow back into my mind uncontrollably.  

“Candace, right? I remember who you are now that I've warmed up a little.” I lied again, trying to distract myself with the conversation so I wouldn’t have to focus on the memories that I tried so hard to lock away.

“YEP! I knew you couldn’t have forgotten about my beautiful face!” The girl shouted happily full of confidence while startling the wolf.

“Why are you living in this run-down shack in the middle of nowhere anyway? 

Did you get tired of having too many girls around so you decided to take a getaway vacation?” Candace asked with a smirk while the wolf growled at her for disturbing its sleep.

“Unfortunately, I have been living here alone for almost five years. 

Enough about me, why are you here in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the winter?” I said with a small smile. Hoping she would change the subject without digging deeper. 

“Don’t try to change the subject! 

What happened? Last I heard about you was 5 years ago when I saw you getting praised during the tournament for becoming the youngest in history to reach holy level and will for sure be a superstar in the future. 

How did you go from having beautiful princesses and noble girls fighting over for your affection to living in this cabin all alone?” Candace questioned, taking the conversation exactly where I least wanted it to go.

“I don’t really want to talk about it. Things happened and here I am and that’s that.” I replied, wishing she would just drop the subject and move on.

“It’s because of the witch isn’t it?” Candace continued, ignoring my attempt to dodge the subject.

Talking to someone for the first time in almost 5 years, I remembered the very reason I decided to run away and live in isolation. 

No matter how much I want to avoid and forget things, I won’t be able to run away forever as she will eventually come for my life. 

It’s been 5 years. Maybe it’s time for me to man up and stop running away. I wondered as the girl continued to question me. 

“What even happened 5 years ago? 

You know I live in a small isolated village so we didn’t get to see what actually happened. 

The stories we heard from traveling merchants and passbys were pretty wild and unbelievable.” Candace added as I sat in silence, trying to come to terms with my fears and struggles. 

“Why don’t you tell me what you have heard and I can let you know what I know? 

Not that I know much since I have been living here in isolation.” I replied. Thinking it might be beneficial to talk to someone and let out some of my pent-up emotions. 

“Well. To summarize what I have heard. Some lunatic who was supposedly the one that caused our world to become what it is today 10,000 years ago.

She awoke from her nap, decided she hated this world she created. 

Used her insane powers to create new merged creatures, races, and monsters while promising to return in 20 years to end everything.” Candace recounted her story dramatically.

“Sounds about right.” I replied with a genuine chuckle. 

The beautiful girl with her happy-go-lucky attitude made everything feel less serious and even as the events replayed in my mind, I was somehow able to control my emotions and not succumb to the negativity that’s been controlling my life ever since that day.

“Don’t you think it’s crazy? One single person was responsible for our entire world’s existence? But without her, my race would have never come to be, so I guess it’s thanks to this lunatic that I was even able to come to be!

The even crazier part about the story is that supposedly this witch was madly in love! But her lover turned out to be a total womanizer just like you!

Many people believed if he hadn’t broken her heart then she might not have wanted to end the world and cause all the uncertainty and those crazy monsters that are popping up everywhere.” Candace added while showing no signs of fear.

“Aren’t you scared that the world will end in 15 more years?” I asked. 

“Call me naive or optimistic but I doubt a single person could end the world! 

Sure, she might be powerful but we got the likes of Zishell and Julius and other enlightened and blessed individuals!” Candace replied cheerfully, not bothered by the prophecy. 

“What do you mean by enlightened and blessed? I've been living under a rock so I’m not familiar with those terms.” I wondered as the girl eagerly explained. 

“Instead of dividing up her power to every living being like she did 10,000 years ago for what became known as the Great Reset. 

The ten heroes that kept the world in balance got the majority of her soul and power because she wanted a challenge and thinks we were all way too weak. 

Seems like a dumb idea to me because apparently, the ten heroes each gained so much power that they are now known as the enlightened ones, each with enough power to end the world if they were evil like the lunatic!

10,000 random people or creatures also got a large enough portion of her soul that they gained incredible power and they became known as the blessed ones.” 

“You said this wolf is a blessed one, right? 

She still seems to be a pup. How can she be blessed years after the incident?” I asked as my curiosity about things stirred after many years of dormancy, cutting off Candace before she could continue with the story.

“It didn’t take long for people to realize the power can be passed down! 

Just like how my ancestors got their souls combined with the fire element to create my race of the fire fairies. Those incredible powers people gained could also be passed down to their children. 

But I heard the success rate is extremely low and that most of the ten heroes are trying to have a bunch of children to try and create the next enlightened one without success so far.” Candace answered as I tried to digest all the new information I had missed in my years of absence from the world.

“Seems like much has changed when all I did was stay in my own little world in this wintry forest.” 

“Come on Ken. Out with it! How did you end up like this? 

Where was that confident guy who called out the king of Yelwreak, the most powerful kingdom in the entire world? 

Is it because you are no longer able to compete against the top tier because you didn’t get any of her power?” Candace pressed on. 

What a persistent girl, I thought to myself while trying to think how I should respond.

“That womanizer you spoke about who angered this witch and made her decide to end our world. You are looking at him.” I replied as Candace’s expression turned to one of shock. 

“I guess finding out your lover is a mass murderer and the person responsible for changing our entire world would be traumatic enough to change a person. 

But what’s done is done. You need to move on Ken. Someone with your talent and abilities shouldn’t be holed up in this little hut in the middle of nowhere!

You should go join the Guild of Justice! 

I am looking to sell this wolf to hire some of their members to come to my village and cleanse it of the monsters that showed up 5 years ago.” Candace replied, doing what she could to cheer me up.

“Not sure what a guild of justice is but the name is pretty lame.” I replied as the girl giggled happily seeing that my mood had improved slightly. 

“Alongside the enlightened and blessed. 

A small portion of the population got corrupted by her power. As such, a whole bunch of new races and creatures were born 5 years ago thanks to her magic. 

That beast that tried to kill me earlier definitely did not exist before the Awakening. 

Similarly, 5 years ago, the magma rocks my village mined for a living turned sentient and became what we now call magma golems.

While they aren’t causing my village any harm when left alone, they took away our only source of income and my village elder is tasking me with the job of hiring someone to help us remove those monsters or my entire village would be forced to relocate.

How about it? I will let you have this amazing! Uber rare wolf pup that’s worth thousands of gold coins if you come and help my village destroy those monsters.” Candace offered while smiling seductively.

“I have always wanted a winged pet to ride around and fly through the sky ever since I first saw a pegasus.” I replied while petting the content wolf cub that’s resting peacefully next to me.  

“It will take me too long to create that much gold but I can create a thousand gold coins worth in diamond if you want to sell the wolf to me and use the money to go hire whoever you want.” I offered, having no desire to leave the comfort of my hut to go on a journey. 

“Come on Ken! Just come with me and help my village out!” Candace begged while holding my gaze with her stunning beautiful eyes and refused to look away as I tried to distract myself and not get sucked in by her alluring beauty.

“I am not one of the enlightened or blessed and I have not trained or gotten stronger in the past 5 years.

There seems to be a large number of qualified individuals who are much better suited to help your village. 

Let me know where you are headed and I will save you some travel time and teleport you for up to a 5-mile radius from here.” I offered while trying my best to end my interaction with the girl so I don’t develop any feelings. 

I don’t need to make the same mistakes I did all those years ago as I tried my best to control my urges while the beautiful girl looked at me with a disappointed expression. 

“If I really can’t convince you to come and help my village then I guess you can escort me to Darrumburgh City and I will go to the guild headquarters and hire some guild members to come and help liberate my village.” Candace replied sadly while I tried to comprehend her words. 

“Candace. How exactly did you end up here? 

Do you realize you are currently on the Vlayria continent? We are on the opposite end of the world from Darrumburgh! 

You are not going to reach Darrumburgh City from here on foot. 

Without a high-tier teleport artifact,. I don’t think you can reach Darrumburgh in a year with any other types of transportation.” I replied as the girl pondered at my words in total confusion. 

With the realization that I first met this pink-eyed beauty in the city of Darrumburgh on the other side of the world, her appearance here in Chelmswell suddenly became an enigma, and my simple peaceful life in hiding was in for a rude awakening. 

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