Chapter 27: Worries
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The hallways at Beacon Academy were grand and expansive, designed with a blend of modern architecture and classical aesthetics. Spanning several floors, they were adorned with tall arched windows that allowed natural light to stream in, casting warm beams across the polished fake marble floors.


‘You can definitely tell that Ozpin had a hand in designing this place, huh.’ Kyra thinks to herself as suddenly everything comes to an abrupt halt as she ran directly into Yang. 


After class the next day, Yang stopped walking and turned around directly in front of Kyra, blocking her. There was a surprised yelp as Kyra planted her head directly into Yang’s chest, having been caught in her thoughts. 


 "So, where have you been going every other night for the past month?" Yang asks as the monkey fanus backed up, a little shocked. 


"I was running counter ops to the White Fang, trying to make sure their plans happen, but fail to succeed." Kyra replies, being purposefully vague. After all, operation trap card would only work if she had the element of surprise. 


"White Fang?" Blake says, looking away, doing her best to avoid eye contact. 


"Yeah, did you not hear what happened at the docks last night?" Kyra asks, opening the door to the dorm room. Everyone walked into the home away from and Kyra closed the door. 


“Jarvis, VPN up. Pull up the files on White Fang Movement. OPSEC mode.” Kyra announces to the room.

As the room transitioned into darkness, the metallic shutters began to descend with a resolute hum. Each shutter moved with a precise and deliberate rhythm, gliding smoothly along their tracks, closing off the once-illuminated windows. The metallic clang echoed softly, resonating through the room as the shutters met the edges, sealing off any trace of external light.


Simultaneously, a subtle mechanical whir emanated from the corner of the room, where a projector lay dormant. Its lens, previously idle, blinked to life with a faint blue glow. With a low humming noise, the projector's fan revved up, signalling its readiness.


Kyra snaps her fingers and right up on the wall is a picture of Adam Taurus next to a disguised Blake.


“The man on the left is Adam Taurus, while the girl on the right… Has been missing for a while, and I am presuming she is dead.”


Snapping her fingers again and another slide shows a photo of Adam meeting Neo, and exchanging items.


“That is Neo, a known accomplice of Roman Torchwick. The man behind the recent string of dust shop robberies. So, whatever is going on with all of that involves the white fang…” Kyra says


Snapping her fingers a few more times, multiple images start showing several known white fang members in various different settings, before settling on the newspaper article about a train robbery and missing Atlas Military equipment.


“And that’s all I got for now.” Kyra says, lying smoothly. 


“That’s impressive,” Weiss says, hand on chin as she goes over the evidence.


“It's just a bunch of conjecture and incomplete assessments.” Kyra says bashfully.


"What's wrong Blake?" Kyra asks, noticing her trying to slip away.


"I don't understand how everyone can be so calm." Blake says, stopping in her tracks.


"Yeah, it does look pretty bad with Torchwick and the White Fang." Ruby says, shaking her head.


"Yes! All of it! Something big is happening and no one besides Kyra is doing anything

about it." Blake shouts at the team, bags under her eyes.


"Ozpin told us not to worry." Yang replies with a shoulder shrug.


"Between the police huntsmen and whatever Kyra has planned, I'm sure it could be handled." Yang says full of confidence.


"I'm not! No one knows the white fang like I do." Blake says upset, her team just didn’t get it.


"I think Blake also has a plan." Kyra says with a smile.


"Between blowing up Night clubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom. I'm sure

the three of you are all ready to go out." Weiss says scoffing


 "Good idea Weiss!" Kyra says, suddenly glomping said girl in a side hug.


"Wait, no, I meant it as a-" Weiss retorts, flustered.


"Yeah! You are right, Weiss, we got this." Yang said with a big smile, and thumb’s up.


"Okay team! All in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses to single-handedly hunt down a corrupt organization conspiring against the kingdom of Vale, say Aye." Ruby says making a handful of weird excited and cute faces.


"Yes!" Yang says with a fist bump.


"Alright, we are in this together." Blake says reluctantly.


"Aye." Kyra says so Ruby doesn't get upset.


"Why does no one listen to me..." Weiss mutters to herself.


Ruby suddenly tackles and hugs Kyra, knocking both of them to the ground, leaving Weiss to stare incredulously as she was almost taken down with them.


"Let's hatch a plan." Ruby shouts atop Kyra.


 "Yeah!" Yang responds equally enthusiastically as she slams her fists together.


"Hey Ruby?" Kyra asks suddenly.


"Yes?" Ruby says, looking into Kyra's eyes.


"As much as I love being lost in your eyes. Where did you put your board game?" Kyra asks with a small head tilt.


"Ah! I left it in the library!" Ruby yells, bursting into petals, the door opening before she could reach it.


Kyra waited a second to get off the floor, dusting herself off. “I’m gonna follow her.”


Weiss, Blake, and Yang watched Kyra disappear in a streak of light. 


‘Adam… What have you done?’ Blake thinks to herself, worried about old friends.


“Well, things sure are about to get exciting, huh?” Yang says with a rather large grin. 



"Excuse me, sorry!" Kyra shouts, running past Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder.


While using Pickpocketing on Emerald, taking said girls Scroll from her pockets with her tail as she speeds on by.


'I’m just harassing her at this point, but it's really funny.' Kyra thinks, picking up the speed as she continues after her girlfriend.


"Hey! Watch it!" Cinder shouts, staring at the blur that ran by them.


Later on in the exchange student dorm.


"So, do you two have the layout of the school memorized?" Cinder asks, messing around on her scroll.


"Yep, and I'm sure the master thief here does as well." Mercury says, tying a bolt on his leg.


"Yeah, it was pretty simple." Emerald says, reaching into her pocket. After feeling around a bit, she realizes her scroll is not there.


"Uh... slight problem." Emerald says, bashfully.


"What?" Cinder asks, looking up from her scroll while sounding annoyed.


"My scroll is gone." Emerald says, her face flushed as she stares at the floor,


"What do you mean, your scroll is gone!" Cinder shouts, somewhat enraged, she quickly stood up and stalked forth.


"Excuse me?" Kyra says, knocking on the door, her voice somewhat muffled through said door.


"What!" Cinder shouts, her head whipping to the door as it opens.

“I couldn’t help but overhear that your scroll was missing.” Kyra spoke, peaking into the room, she gave a disarming smile.


"I just wanted to say there is a lost and found at the front entrance way of beacon. A lot of students here actually practice Pickpocketing because although underhanded. Sleight of hand is a very useful skill to have for hunters. However, we have a rule of never keeping someone else's device, so you can probably find it at the lost and found." Kyra says before leaving, closing the door behind her.


Of course, it's mostly a lie about students practicing pickpocketing, she just wanted to mess with them.


While Emerald looks like she has taken serious damage, being on her hands and knees on the floor from the mental damage of being pickpocketed yet being a ‘Master Thief’.


"The master thief was stolen from yet again." Mercury says mockingly, kicking up his other leg as he leisurely leans back.


"By a student, no less. Wait again?" Cinder says, clearly annoyed, then shocked.


"That girl... she looks familiar?" Emerald mutters aloud, her mind racing to figure out where she had seen her before.


"Yeah, she ran by us in the hallway earlier." Mercury answers casually, picking his ear with his pinky.


"Motherfucker! It was her!" Emerald shouts before slamming the door open, and running out to see an empty hallway.


"Damn it all!" Emerald shouts, while Cinder and Mercury look at her worriedly.


"You are not going to give us away doing something rash, are you?" Cinder asks coldly.


"No." Emerald says with a dangerous look in her eyes.


"Welcome back." Yang says to her from the bed.


"Yeah, where were you?" Ruby asks pointedly from the desk she was sitting at.


"Toying with our enemies." Kyra says with a smile, reaching out a hand to ruffle Ruby’s hair.


"Wanna go to the rooftop tonight?" Ruby asks, lightly slapping her hand away from her hair.


"I would love to." Kyra responds, Ruby quickly getting ready to leave.


As Ruby leads her out of the room.


"There go the love birds again." Weiss says, shaking her head before returning to her work.


"What you told Ruby will work, right?" Yang asks Blake.


"It should if her tail is as sensitive as my ears... Are you sure Ruby won't betray us and take Kyra for herself?" Blake asks yang.



Arriving at the roof.


Kyra and Ruby see Pyrrha and Jaune sparring.


The two turn to look at the newly arrived girls after hearing the door open.


“Uh, hi?” Pyrrha said bashfully, embarrassed at being caught sparing with Jaune.


"Don't mind us just using this as a jumping off point." Kyra says before picking up Ruby is a princess carry.


"Wait what!?" Ruby yelps in Kyra’s arms.


Suddenly, Kyra starts running towards the edge of the roof in the direction of beacons tallest tower and jumps.


"What!!!!!" Ruby screams as the ground grows farther and farther away.