Adventures and Daily Life
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Kneeling under a tree near his house, we see Owl, his bandage is off his face, showing his scar to the world. He's moving his feather flaps up and down as a soft breeze blows through his hair. Several feathers are missing from his hair. 

Owl is attaching several feathers to a dream catcher. Nearby Goblin Slayer is checking the fences. 

Cow Girl walks by with a jug full of milk, she then notices Slayer. "Good morning! You're awake, huh?"

"Yeah." Slayer responds.

Cow Girl sets the jug down and walks over to Slayer. "Everything okay?"

"There's no sign that any goblins came by." Slayer stands up as a sad frown adorns Cow Girls face as he walks away.

"That's not what I mean. I'm talking about you. You and Albetti collapsed as soon as you got home and were asleep for days."

Slayer kneels down at another part of the fence and checks it. "I and Owl rested for three days."

"Only three days." Cow Girl points out. "You two need to get proper rest."

"It was just exhaustion. Nothing to worry about. That said, I was told that my lack of ability to take care of myself is a problem."

"From that Priestess girl?"

"No, another adventurer."

"I see." Cow Girl smiles. "So you're going with more people now. Just once so far. That makes it sound like you plan on going with them again."

"Does it?" Slayer asks as he glances at Cow Girl.

Cow Girl nods. "Yup."

"I see."

Cow Girl looks to the side and sees Owl. "Albetti." She walks towards Owl.

Owl's head turns to Cow Girl. "Yes?"

"I'm glad to see you're up." Cow Girl leans on the fence. "Watcha doing?"

Owl lifts up a dream catcher. "I'm making dream catchers." He motions to three beside him.

"Oh, who are they for?"

"One is for Priestess and the others are gifts for the three that traveled with us the other day... If we meet then again."

"Oh, do you hope to meet them?"

Owl tilts his head for a few seconds. "...They were a very interesting group, I happened to like them."

Cow Girl smiles. "I'm glad you're making friends?" She walks off.

"Friends? ... Maybe."

Owl reaches up to his left feather flap and grabs the large feather, then winces as he pulls it out. Owl then attaches the feather to the dream catcher. 

Owl starts to hum a tune as he sets the dream catcher down and tilts his head up to the sky. He rubs a hand over his right arm.




Adventures and Daily Life

Slayer and Owl stands outside the Adventurers Guild with Cow Girl.

"I'm going to get the receptionist's signature." Cow Girl waves to her two friends and heads inside.

"Understood." Owl responds.

Slayer turns to the cart they brought with as Owl's feather flaps move up.

"Vorbatmai? Orcblog?" Elf approaches with Lizard Priest and Dwarf. "What are you two doing?"

Slayer grabs a crate and lifts it out of the cart. "Unloading cargo." He hands Owl the crate and goes to grab one himself.

"Are you sure you two should be moving around already, Bread-cutter?" Dwarf asks.

Owl sets the crate down in front of the guild as Slayer also sets one down. 

"Yeah." Slayer grabs another crate.

"I heard you two were asleep for three days, but you seem to be back on your feet." Lizard Priest observes. 

"Mhm." Owl nods as Slayer hands him a crate.

Slayer and Owl bring the crates where they set the others.

"Sir Goblin Slayer, Sir Owl, we had a favor we wanted to ask the two of you..." Lizard Priest starts. "You see... How do I put this?"

"What is it?" Slayer asks.

"I'd like to request, um... that one item."

"What item?" Owl asks.

"Scaly here wants more of that cheese." Dwarf informs.

Lizard Priest jitters with nervousness.

Elf lightly elbows Lizard Priest. "All he's talked about the past three days is cheese."

Slayer and Owl head back to the cart. Slayer reaches into a crate and pulls out a wheel of cheese. "Will this suffice?"

Slayer tosses Lizard Priest the wheel of cheese, which he catches. Lizard priest licks his lips with excitement. 

"You can pay the guild for it." Owl announces. 

Lizard Priests tail wags. "Yes, yes, of course, Sir Goblin Slayer!"

Owl then walks up to the three. "I have a gift you you three."

"A gift?" Dwarf asks. "What for?"

"When we were all handing each other stuff a few days ago, I didn't give anything to you, so I made something this morning." 

Owl takes out three of the dream catchers he made and hands them to three in front of him. Elf gets the one he tried is large feather to.

"What are these?" Lizard Priest asks.

"Are they some religious item?" Elf asks.

Owl shakes his head. "No, they're called dream catchers. My mother taught me how to make them, she says they catch bad dreams so only the good ones remain."

"Do they work?" Dwarf raises any eyebrow.

"I've had one since I was a child and I barely have any nightmares."


Owl heads back to the cart and he grabs another crate, along with Slayer. They then bring the crates to the others.

"H-Hey." Elf calls out.

Owl stops and turns to her. "Yes?"

Red slightly dusts Elf's cheeks. "Well... you see, we're currently surveying some ruins."


"So, um..." Elf looks away. "We might be asking for your help."

Owl hums and turns around. "We'll think about it." He sets the crate down.

Elf smiles then grows a smug look. "Yeah, you do that." She walks off, walking past dwarf.

"You're so difficult, long-ears." Dwarf states. "Why don't you just ask them to join us? Or are you just after Owl?" He ducks as a rock flies over head.

"Shut your mouth, dwarf!" Elf blushes. "Don't make me shoot you!"

"Sweet nectar!" Lizard Priest shouts after taking a bite of the cheese.

Owl and Slayer return to the cart as Cow Girl comes back outside. Slayer grabs a large bag out from the cart as Cow Girl grabs the handles of the cart.

"Well, I'm going to head home." Cow Girl informs.

"Okay." Slayer responds.

"Please be safe." Owl says.

Slayer and Owl head into the guild and go into the balcksmith's room. The blacksmith is hammering a piece of metal on an anvil.  

Slayer sets the bag on the counter. "I'd like to request some repairs."

"Again?" The Blacksmith asks as he stops hammering. "How many times must you destroy my work? Be more careful!"

"We are careful." 

The Blacksmith  looks back at the two. "Damn, you don't even get sarcasm."

"I'd like you to procure a scroll." Owl announces. 

"Scrolls are hard to come by as it is, and they're expensive to boot." The Blacksmith states.

"I can afford whatever you need me to."

"If some adventurer comes around and tries to sell me one, I'll buy it, but don't get your hopes up."

Owl nods. "I know. That's fine."

"Goblin Slayer! Owl!" Priestess heads down from the second floor.

"I'm running into everyone today." Slayer mutters.

Priestess runs up to the two. "Look at this! See?" She shows off her Obsidian rank ID necklace.

"...I see..." Owl says.

"So you went from 10th to 9th." Slayer states.

"Oh... Now I see."

Priestess smiles. "Yes! I got promoted yesterday! I was a bit nervous, but apparently fighting an ogre really helped!"

"I see. Good for you." Slayer compliments Priestess.

"And it's all thanks to you both."

"I didn't do anything."

"And I don't know how I did anything." Owl states.

"But you two saved me the first time we met." Priestess points out.

"But your the only one of your party to make it."

"Yes, but... You two still saved me." Priestess smiles. "I thought that I should at least thank you properly." She bows. "Thank you very much. Well, I'm going to the temple to report to Mother Superior about my promotion!" She begins to walk off, but Owl grabs her dress. "Owl?"

Owl holds out a dream catcher. "He's a reward for ranking up."

Priestess grabs the Dream catcher. "Thank you very much! So you two later!" 

Priestess runs off.

Owl turns to Slayer. "I have a few jobs to do in town, I will be back in a couple hours."

Slayer nods. "Alright."

Owl's feather flaps move up as a couple pulses move out



Owl sets down a crate as glass clatters together inside it. A dwarf stands behind Owl.

"Ah, thanks Owl. Good work today." The dwarf gives Owl a thumbs up.

Owl nods. "You asked for help, so I helped."

The Dwarf chuckles as Owl heads for the door. "Hey, Owl."

Owl stops and turns his head towards the Dwarf. "Yes?"

"I heard you and your friend went missing for a few days, what happened?"

"We fought an Ogre, got pretty tired from that."

The Dwarf's eyes widen. "An Ogre, wow, how do you feel after all that?"

Owl rubs his right arm. "Still a little sore."

"Ahh, just a moment then." The Dwarf reaches under his counter and grabs a vial. Then heads over to Owl. "Here, free of charge, think of it as a bonus for helping today." He sets the vial in Owl's hands.

Owl feels around the vial. "Thank you." He drinks it and hands the vial back to the Dwarf. A smile forms on his face. "I'm starting to feel better thank you."

The Dwarf laughs and pats Owl on the back. "Anytime kid, I'll ask the guild for you if I need help again."

Owl nods. "Then have a good day." He opens the door.

"Ahh, you too."



Owl leaves another shop as he carries a small basket with muffins in it.

"Thank you, Owl!" A female voice yells from the inside.

"Anytime." Owl replies with a bow and shuts the door.

Owl sends out a couple pulses as his feather flaps move up. Then he begins walking down the street.

A few kids run by him, laughing. "Hi Mister Blind Saint!" A kid yells out.

Owl sweat drops. "Just call me Owl, I ain't no saint."

The kids continue to laugh as they run off. Owl sighs and he continues along his way, asking several people for directions and he finally reaches the Adventurers guild.

He walks inside and a pulse flies out from him and he walks over to a table, where Goblin Slayer is at.

"I have returned." Owl announces as he sets his muffin basket on the table and sits down. His feather flaps move down.

"Everything go well?" Slayer asks.


"Goblin Slayer! Owl!" Guild Girl calls out and she walks over to them, but she gets intercepted by an Adventuring pair.

Owl turns to Slayer. "Any quests available for us?"

"No." Slayer responds.

Owl hums in response as he grabs a muffin and starts to eat it. Only to be interrupted as Apprentice Cleric and Rookie Warrior walk up to them.

"Um..." Cleric calls out.

Slayer turns to the two new arrivals.

Slayer turns to the two new arrivals

"What?" Slayer asks.

Owl finishes the last half of the muffin in one bite, and wipes the crumbs away.

"Th-There's something we wanted to ask." Rookie states. "When you lose your sword, what's the best way to fight enemies?"

"Steal one from a goblin." Slayer inform.

"But we're not fighting goblins."

"I see."

"Have you ever used any weapon other than a sword?" Owl asks.

"No..." Rookie replies. 

"Also, we have no money." Cleric informs.

Slayer puts a hand on his chin. "In that case, how about a club?"

"A club?" Rookie questions.

"Yeah. Throw, stab, break, and shatter." Slayer puts up a finger for each one. "Even using a sword properly, you couldn't cut five goblins with one sword."

"What about rats or bugs?"

"I couldn't say. I'm sure if you swung one around and it hit them, it'd at least hurt. If nothing else, it wouldn't get nicked like a sword, so it's easier to use."

"Easier... A club, huh?"

"Yeah, a club."

After a few more minutes of talking Owl and Goblin Slayer head for the door, only for Guild Girl to call out to them.

"Goblin Slayer! Owl!" 

"Goblins?" Slayer asks.

"A job?" Owl asks.

"No, no goblins-" Guild Girl starts, only to panic as Slayer opens the door. "Wait, please don't leave!

"But there are no goblins, right?" Slayer asks.

"Er, um... Yes, that's correct, but... Does it absolutely have to... involve... goblins?"

Slayer hums. 

"We should at least see what it is." Owl says.

Slayer shuts the door. "Keep it short."

"I will!" Guild Girl replies in excitement. "You see, there was a mix-up... so I'd like you two to act as observers."

Slayer and Owl walk up to the counter.

"An observer?" Slayer questions as he grabs a paper from Guild Girl. "For a promotion exam?"

"I don't really see how I will be useful for this." Owl sweat drops.



Guild Girl sits behind a desk as Goblin Slayer and Owl sit to her right and her receptionist coworker to her left. Sitting on a couch across from them is a Rhea Scout.

 "Alright, let's begin the promotion exam." Guild Girl starts.

Rhea Scout smiles and rubs his hands together. "Bring it on!"

"Bring it on!"

Rhea continues. "Let's just skip sapphire and emerald and go straight to ruby... no, bronze, even!"

Guild Girl keeps her stoic smile as she looks through some papers. "No, that's not how this works. Your leather armor and boots... Those are new, right?"

"Oh, you can tell?" Rhea puts his feet on the table in front of him. "They're excellent quality. I had them matted. They're a perfect fir for me."

"How is it that you seem to be doing so well for yourself when the same quests are available to everyone?"

"Oh, uh... Well, that's, uh... I actually had my family send me some money."

"That's a lie." Guild Girl's colleague claims.

Rhea grows nervous. "Huh?"

Colleague holds onto a small sword with balance scales attached to it. "I swear on the name of the Supreme God that what he just said was a lie."

Guild Girl reads a paper

Guild Girl reads a paper. "It appears that you acquired some new gear in the raid at those ruins the other day." She looks at Rhea. "Oh, I get it! You told the others that you were going to scout, found a treasure chest, kept it for yourself, and sold the contents!"

Rhea sweats as he holds up his hands in defense. "N-N-No, I-I would never..." He bows his head. "I-I'm sorry!"

"This is truly a problem. It's because of guys like you that so many people have prejudiced views against other rheas and scouts." Guild Girl says as Rhea grows angry. "But since it's your first offense, just demoting you to porcelain and banning you from adventuring in this town will suffice."

Rhea looks up at Guild Girl. "H-Hang on a second! That's messed up! I'm getting kicked out just because I kept a treasure chest to myself?!"


"'Just'? Are you stupid? Those who betray other people's trust don't deserve to be adventurers." Guild Girl says and Rhea grits his teeth in anger. "You are hereby demoted on the grounds of falsifying a reward, though you may stick around if you'd like."

Rhea angrily glances at Guild Girl's Colleague, yet she holds up her necklace. "Don't get any silly ideas." She says.

Rhea then grows hopeful as he looks towards Owl and Goblin Slayer. "C-Come on, Goblin Slayer! Owl! You're both fellow adventurers of this town!"

"What?" Slayer questions. "We're just observers. Nothing more and nothing less."

"Yup." Owl smiles innocently. 

Rhea losses all hope. "But you're both adventurers..."

"We are, but you tricked your fellow adventurers. 

Rhea shivers in anger. "D-Damn it!" He goes to grab his knife, but gets a vision of him getting stabbed in the heart by a golden spear from Owl. 

Rhea starts to sweat as he looks at Owl innocently smiling at him. A golden halo barely shines above Owl for a few seconds.

Rhea then just stands up and stomps out of the room. "You'll regret this!"

Guild Girl smiles stoically. "I think not."

"That was pleasant." Owl states and Guild Girl sweats drops along with her Colleague.



Guild Girl has her head laying on her desk as her Colleague, Owl and Slayer stand beside her.

"That was so scary..." Guild Girl whines. Then she glances up at Slayer and Owl. "Thank you two so much."

"I didn't do anything." Slayer states.

"I really didn't do anything." Owl states.

Guild Girl smiles. "That's not true. When I was going through the training courses at the capital, it was awful. All those creeps who couldn't open their mouths without making lewd remarks... And the ones who wanted to hit on me..."

"There are so many of those in the capital." Colleague comments. 

"I'd have to deal with people like that on my own, so..." Guild Girl sits up and looks towards the two adventurers. "I feel so much more relaxed just having people I trust acting as observers."

"Really?" Slayer asks.

"Yes, absolutely."

"If we're done here, we're leaving." 

"O-Oh, sure. If you go to the front desk, they should give you your compensation..."

"Okay..." Owl responds as he and Slayer leave the room.

Guild Girl stands up. "U-Um!"

Slayer and Owl and turns to her.

"What?" Slayer asks.

"Uh, um..." Red dusts Guild Girl's cheeks. "Good work today."

"Yeah, you, too."

Slayer and Owl leave the room, leaving Guild Girl and her Colleague alone.

Guild Girl sighs and rests her head back on her desk, her Colleague pats her back. 

"Good work." Colleague says. "That rhea's probably going to try something again."

"But surviving adventurers are rare these days." Guild Girl comments. "What he did wasn't clearly illegal... It'd be worse if he gave up on being an adventurer and became an actual troublemaker."

"Well, the adventurers run the gamut from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil."

"As long as they're adventurers, they're allowed to make that choice. Thank you for everything."

Colleague waves her hand. "It was nothing. It's just my job as a priest for the Supreme God, so it's no problem at all."

Guild Girl looks at her colleague. "And from the perspective of the God of Law, how do you think I handled that?"

"Most people seem to misunderstand the God of Justice. You see that all the time in plays." Colleague clears her throat. "Justice is not about striking down evil, but making people aware that evil exists in the world."

"That's a lovely way of thinking." Guild Girl sits up.

"If you can put it into practice. I'm still nowhere near the Sword Maiden, not even close. She was one of the adventurers that defeated the Demon Lord. The Sword Maiden, a servant of the all-powerful Supreme God. I admire her so much. I do believe if Owl stays on his path of serving the Supreme God, he'll be one day recognized as a Saint for all the work he does helping people."

 Colleague sighs and continues. "Well, all I have to do is see through lies, so I have it easy. You still have work, right?

Guild Girl sadly smiles. "I have to get started on the paperwork to demote him..."

"So... that other guy's the one you like? Goblin Slayer?"

"Huh? U-Um..." Guild Girl blushes. "Y-Yeah, so what?

Colleague giggles. "You always had a soft spot for straight-laced people, even back at the capital."

"I mean, I wondered if there were more stoic adventurers around... But maybe he's a bit too stoic..."

"I'm glad you seem happy. So, don't you have work to do?"

"Yeah, I need to stop thinking about silly things and get to work."

Slayer suddenly appears back in the door. "Hey."

 Guild Girl panics and Owl pokes his head in. "Wh-Wh-Wh-What s it, Goblin Slayer?"

"What else?" Slayer sets a letter on her desk. "We're going to slay some goblins."

"That quest listing... It's a special one that arrived on a parcel carriage from far away." Guild Girl opens the letter and reads through it. "It's specifically asking for Owl and Goblin Slayer? Who could it be from?"

"Asking specifically for me?" Owl questions as he slowly walks into the room. "And it's from the Capital? Weird."

A halo barely shines above Owl for a few seconds, before it disappears. 



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