5. Brother, Past Is Past
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Nicholas pushed his hands on the pockets of his wool trousers and studied her. A cool smile on his lips but not on his eyes. Sena dropped her head to her hands. 

Help, this guy is planning something! 

He saw her nervous reaction and thought it was interesting but he quickly shifted his expression. 

“You don’t have to be so wary, I told you I’m not anyone suspicious and to keep you from further misunderstanding, I admit I’m aware of who you are.” He began in a calming friendly tone but instead of being calm Sena felt shortness of breath. 

“Miss Sena Erde, was it?”

“I-It is. How did you know?” she croaked the words out. She hoped that did not sound too awful.

“I’ve seen photos,” he answered vaguely. “Sena.”

Her quiet heart issued a loud thump. He called out her name is such a deep voice that made her whole body tingle. Since when did her name sound so obscene? 

“Stop that.”

“Stop what?” 

“My name, don’t call my name.”

His enthusiasm faltered seeing her react abnormally. “You didn't tell me last night, or even this morning after you-- mmph.”

His words were cut short when her palms covered his mouth. Her eyes glaring at him like flashlights. 

I knew it, this guy is here to slowly torture me! 

Nicholas was amused looking at her horrified face. Teasing her a little, he ran the tip of his tongue on her delicate palm. Sena quickly withdrew and threw a vicious glare at him but the tips of her ears turned pink making her look totally unconvincing.

He leaned closer and whispered. “... after you woke up and ran away from my bed.”

Ha, did I ever say I’ll stay? 

Nicholas looked at her changing facial expression from embarrassment, vigilance, anger to shock then back to embarrassment again.  

“You know me.” Sena looked at the man standing next to her accusingly. “But you said nothing.”

If he dared answer ‘because you didn’t ask’ she swore she is going to punch his face bloody. 

“Although I may have recognized you I hesitated to ask. It’s a bit dark you see.” Nicholas was amused by her temper. Those pale green large almond eyes looked at him pointedly he could have a hole in the face by now. Hard to imagine that they were sparkling with droplets of tears just last night. 

Sena tried to put on a blank mask but failed spectacularly. He knew and yet he approached her. A very very bad feeling started to come over her as she thought of the hidden schemes the enemies cooked up.  

Right now, she felt like she is the very definition of stupid. What did she do? Just give her a brick to smack her head into! 

She did not consider the tiny possibility that he might be one of the guests. She cursed herself a thousand times for making this blunder. Oh, what's the use? What's done is done. It was supposed to be an eventful night, but as she looked at him the memory is slowly turning into a fiasco she will never forget for the rest of her days. 

“I apologize if you found my going away rude,” she whispered in a mosquito-like voice as her palms grew wet. 

Everything about his actions, the way he approached her is now turning her into a mass of tangled nerves. For the next few seconds, Sena said something she shouldn’t have.

“Don’t be. I just hoped you could have--”

“Well, last night’s over. You’re a man, don’t start sounding like an abandoned lover.” 

Nikki made no visible negative reaction but the look in his eyes hardened like shards of ice. It was too late to take that back. 

Sena's head is in a mess recalling the traps and pitfalls from her previous life, she began acting as a defensive cat. She thought that if she could play this right, this person will leave her alone once she shows him she is not interested in continuing that tryst.

Most people in their circle are like that. Mature, intelligent… practical. No need to pine over someone not interested. Sena just hopes he is that kind. And she also hopes he believes she is that kind.  

She leaned on the counter and smiled at the bartender making the other drop the stainless shaker, “You understand why I didn’t introduce myself, right?” 

Nicholas flexed his jaw and shot the bartender an annoyed look. 

Instead of nodding, in a slightly melancholic tone, he said. “I guessed as much. It’s just that,” he turned his head and gave her a hesitant smile. “Calling your name would sound nice too.”

Heat rushed to her face but she endured from touching it. 

“W-What made you think that will even slightly change things?”

“A hunch. Before and during the ceremony I noticed that you smile every time your name’s being called.”

Smiling has become a bad habit of hers. People think she is naturally warm, the truth is that it’s only more of an automatic reflex because of her job. It lacked half the sincerity.

“Isn’t it the most natur--” 

“You brighten up every time they call your name. Especially the groom.”

A cold feeling swirled in her chest. This punk, his action and words don’t match. Although he smiles, his eyes were as vague as the horizon. “What are you trying to imply?”

She’s not going to be labelled as a third party again, is she? 

“I don’t mean anything.” he raised both his hands but she’s not going to fall for that again.

Sena tossed her head back and broke into a throaty laugh, “Heck, that dude’s not even a mile near my strike zone.”

Nicholas wore a hooded expression. Underneath the seemingly blank facade, his eyes flickered and the corners of his lips turned up subtly. “I was just teasing you. It didn’t mean anything.”

“Which is the way it should be.” 

Nicholas put an elbow down to the counter and supported his chin, his hip leaning on the barstool. This time he did not shy away, he boldly looked at her, slowly encroaching on her flimsy defence. Tension pervaded the atmosphere while Sena sat as stiff as a board pretending to look nonchalant. 

“You’re quite hard to crack, I guess I should be happy to be within your strike zone at least.”

“What made you think you were within my strike zone?”

He chuckled lightly, “You’re going to deny it? I have evidence.” 

Her face turned crimson. “Ha, so what? Ain’t gonna happen again.” 

“Gads, you’re savage.” Nicholas snickered seeing her pull a petulant look with a very red face. “But still, a hit is still a hit, and we hit off splendidly.”

Why does he still look great even when snickering? She scowled at him.

“Truth is, I’m still bothered why you sat there at the beach looking like that last night.” What he said next shook her up. “It was probably arrogant of me to think that I could make you smile.”

That stumped the sharp-tongued Sena completely. Did she really look that bad? 

Nicholas straightened his back, looked at his vantablack Endeavor watch and his face fell. He seems to be on schedule. 

At least he’s honest enough to say what on his mind, she on the other hand cowardly slink back behind the false bravado. She hated herself even more.

Mature and practical? She has a long way to go. 

“I, you know… I had a great time last night.” Was all she managed to say.

Nicholas started on his way as he awkwardly waved his hand off. “Well, that should make me feel glad at least. I have no intention of bothering you since you already cleared your head so be assured. Laters.”

Clear my head?

And he continued onward silently bringing with him the brief memory of last night’s encounter.

Nicholas’ straight and wide back, they seem hunched now. In a span of twelve hours and tequila-soaked fun she knew he is assertive as he is lively. Sena doesn't remember him being this way. He was carefree and spirited even when she rudely drove him off. He smilingly pulled her into the crowd and entertained the lonesome her.

Wait! Does she actually feel bad for that guy!? 

Sena you dummy. You were suspecting him a while ago. Go and bang your head on a wall or something. 

She was berating her soft-heartedness but she couldn’t take her eyes off the leaving fellow. 

His back, they were steady and strong. Sena stood unable to sort out her thoughts, her emotions are still in disarray. He was fun but from this angle, he looked incredibly lonely. It tugged on her heart.

“T-Thank you… for last night.”

For the last time, he waved without looking back.