Chapter 9: kidnapping
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When we jumped from the building we were in to get to the outskirts of the church being remodeled, Lilith did something with her hand and said that it was to erase our presence.

For some reason the streets around it were empty, no cars, no people, particularly curious given that we were in the center of the city.

We went around the church and entered through the back door, there were several staircases and open windows.

When we entered we came to a sort of cellar, several vases and pots were being stored on wooden shelves, it looked dusty, I can assume it's not a regularly busy place

But when I saw a big tray made of marble, I had a bad feeling, it's very similar to those things where priests immerse babies at the time of baptizing them in church, it was filled with a clear liquid, probably holy water

I walked towards it, but Lilith stopped me.

-You shouldn't touch that... it's especially effective for dealing with us.

When I heard that, I stopped instantly and turned my gaze to her.

-Does it hurt?

-Too much-

Lilith shuddered for a moment, before fixing her gaze on the door.

-Don't touch these things, they seem to be blessed by angels.

An annoyed look formed on Lilith's face.

Oh I heard something interesting there, the girl we met today also had wings, but these were dark, that's an Angel? A fallen Angel?

Lilith walked towards the door and I followed her.

She slowly opened the door and we came to a hallway, it was dark, but I could see very clearly, when I looked towards the walls, they were stained with blood marks, as if something or someone had been dragged and was clinging desperately to the walls

I did not feel repulsion or fear at the sight of blood, I felt excited, we went out into the corridor and walked slowly, for a minute, keeping an eye out for any possible presence near the place.

We arrived to a kind of balcony, it seems that this church has a subway floor, there are several long wooden benches, an altar and several decorations such as paintings, torches, silver swords and a large crucifix made of wood of 3 meters in the center of everything, around it there were 9 beings standing with their hands together as if they were praying to some God.

We crouched down so we could cover ourselves and not be seen easily, although our presence was supposed to be erased, it is not superfluous to be cautious.

Lilith was staring at each one of them.

-There are the 4 guys we saw a moment ago.

Lilith said muttering to me

Somehow she could identify them, but they all had a hooded robe that covered them completely, they seemed to be muttering and I didn't understand what they were saying, just by their build I can assume that they are all men.

Suddenly the giant crucifix in the center lit up and a pillar of fire was generated, it started to move freely all over the place through the guys around it


From the pillar of fire a face formed and began to speak to the 9 guys who had knelt in front of him.

His features were curious, he had a kind of horn on his forehead and 4 fangs were coming out of his mouth, they looked like these demon masks that are usually sold in oriental festivals.

One of the guys took off his hood and answered, on his head they had a pair of sharp ears that seemed to be foxes.

His orange hair is very peculiar

-The preparations are done and we are just waiting for your orders to start moving.

-Well, Marcus is in position and ready to intercept his target, he is on standby, meet the first two targets before contacting him.


The 9 kneeling guys nodded in unison and stood up quickly.

By the way, don't forget to take care of those two on the balcony over there


After saying that, a fireball shot out towards us.


Lilith cursed and formed a water shield in front of us, to cover us from the fire.

-I didn't expect them to find us.

We quickly got up and jumped out of the window behind us.


When Lilith and Lucas left the church, the fire face on the crucifix continued to give instructions to complete their mission.

The fiery face on the crucifix continued to give instructions to complete his mission

-Divide into two groups, that girl who created the Water shield, must be Lilith Leviathan and the man next to her must be her "Chosen One."

The man with fox ears and orange hair spoke.

-Is it permitted to use lethal force?

-I allow it.

When the fiery face answered his question, the fox-eared man gave a big smile as he looked around at his companions.

-Still, it is preferable that she be brought in alive!

As the fiery face gave its signal, a column of fire rose from the crucifix and destroyed the roof of the church, revealing the night sky.

-Failure is not an option.

Said the fiery face before disappearing, the crucifix was charred and ashes began to fall all over the place.

The 9 men jumped out and went out through the opening made in the church roof.

-Let the hunt begin.


Lilith and I were jumping over the buildings one after another.

-Who are they?

I asked worried while looking at Lilith's back.

-I don't know... they don't seem to be hunters.

Fuuu it's my first day and several things have already happened, it's exciting, but potentially deadly.

Suddenly Lilith stops at the top of a building and stops moving, she looks at the surroundings before turning her gaze to me

-They are following us and we can hardly lose them, the only thing left to do is to face them.

Lilith clicks her tongue in annoyance before speaking again.

-It will be dangerous and troublesome if we get to fight in the city, we'll have to go to an empty place, follow me.

Lilith changed direction and we started to move towards the outskirts of the city.

After a few minutes we arrived to a vacant lot, with half-built houses in the surroundings.

-Stay behind me -

For some reason I started to feel annoyed, this situation, it's annoying... having to protect myself, how pathetic....

I didn't move, and stayed at Lilith's side.

-I refuse-

I said firmly, Lilith seemed to want to reply but she remained silent and said nothing.

I don't want to be protected, even if it means to die, I have my pride.

And a couple of seconds later 4 hooded men arrived, but without giving any choice, they jumped towards us.

Lilith had water surrounding her body ready to attack, but suddenly someone came and attacked 2 of the 4 men that were in the place, her blond hair and blue eyes shined in the dark night and her blue tracksuit seemed to camouflage in the darkness.


I said the name of the girl I had seen in the morning, however I could not be distracted for long, the man in front of me had a crucifix in his hand and seemed to have a white aura surrounding him, not knowing how to react I jumped backwards while I formed a small drop of water on the tip of my index finger, filling it with as much power as I could, I shot it towards the head of the man who was rushing towards me.

From one moment to the next, the drop of water pierced his head and the man fell limp to the ground, while blood began to gush out of the hole in his head.

Lilith quickly took care of the guy who was attacking her.

However what surprised me the most was to see Valery, who had one of the hooded guys on the ground, while he had his foot on his chest, threatening to crush him at any moment

Valery pulled the hood off his head, it was the same guy with fox ears that we saw in the church

He had a surprised look on his face

-What is the daughter of Belial doing in this place?

-Why are you looking for us?

Valery talks to the fox-eared guy, but gets no answer.

I looked at Lilith looking for an answer, however she turned her eyes to the other side evading my gaze.

-Did you know?

I asked curiously


-Did you know it?

That would explain why Lilith was sulking when we saw her in the morning.

When I looked back at Valery she had already finished with the fox-eared guy, she looked annoyed, it seemed she couldn't get the answer she was looking for.

When she noticed my stare, she turned around and seemed to want to leave.

But when I started to walk towards her, something appeared in front of me, a silver hair and a pair of blue eyes stared at me, she was wearing her maid's costume.


I said confused, I hadn't seen her since the morning, she was supposed to have things to do and she had left.

Lilith and Valery noticed Claire's presence and were surprised to see her in front of me.

-I apologize, Mr. Lucas.

Claire leaned slightly towards me, when I turned my gaze to Lilith trying to find an answer everything became cloudy.

[NA: All month of December daily chapters]