Chapter 8: Before you start
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It's been a few hours since we returned to Lilith's apartment, Claire hasn't come back, so we are alone in this place.

When we arrived, Lilith insisted that I should lie down on the bed and rest although I don't really feel tired, she helped me to take off the clothes I had on me, they were dirty, tattered and with blood stains, although it was brief the exchange with Zekken my clothes ended up spoiled to that point, probably who had more relevance in that was Katrina

On the other hand Lilith mentioned something about helping me to heal the wounds I had on my body, after removing all my clothes I was naked just covering myself with the blanket that covered the bed, she lay down next to me, after removing all her clothes and together her body with mine, she insisted that having direct contact with my skin was necessary, of course, it didn't bother me, in fact I liked and was comfortable with that, I find no reasons or reasons for me not to like having a beautiful woman lying next to me, it's just charming

When Lilith embraced me a warm sensation began to run through my body as if slowly something was entering me, when I asked Lilith what she was doing, she said she was using her energy to stimulate my power so I could regenerate my wounds faster

Apparently demons have a regenerative factor although it is not as powerful as that of vampires or werewolves, yes, I was surprised when I learned that there were other races besides demons, although if I think about it a little, it is reasonable, the known races are:







7.-Spiritual foxes

8.-Ancestral cats

Although there are probably more races, apparently they are the most important, according to Lilith it is said that there are "Gods" but it dates from thousands of years ago and there is no real proof that they existed, in addition.

Each Race is guarded by a "King" or Representative of their race, each race has its own way of selecting the King either in strength, intelligence or any established field, the Kings or representatives of their respective race meet once every 100 years to discuss the future of each of them and keep peace in the supernatural world, although recently the "Hunters" have joined these meetings.

We lay there for several hours, talking to each other, while I stimulated my power, although in the course of the treatment I could feel that sensation similar to when I invoked the "Daughters of Leviathan" I could understand a little and I could feel the energy I had in my body, it was not easy, it took two hours just to be able to feel it and more hours just to be able to understand how to manipulate it slightly

Although at that point I could already use my energy and regenerate quickly, I decided not to do it and let Lilith continue with what she was doing, occasionally she came closer and kissed me lightly on the lips.

Lilith is warm and kind to me, although she occasionally speaks her possessive thoughts for me, she is really kind and loving

As I thought to myself Lilith spoke

-These things are likely to happen again-

Lilith spoke with regret and didn't look at me, she just rested her head on my chest.

-The attacks?

Lilith nodded her head before speaking.

-Although I don't think it's something common and routine, I'm worried that you'll get hurt again.

While Lilith was talking I remembered what Zekken said during our confrontation.

-What are the jewels of Avernus?

I asked curiously, while caressing Lilith's hair.

Lilith shuddered for a moment before answering.

-Where did you hear that?

-The guy standing next to that cat-eared woman said it, something about stealing the jewels of Avernus or something like that-?

Although I got a brief explanation from Katrina I want Lilith to confirm it to be sure about that.

Lilith sighs heavily before answering

-In hell there are 7 main families, a daughter of those families are given the title of "Jewels of Avernus", it can be for intelligence, influence, strength there can be several reasons, those daughters become attractive to everyone in hell, being friends with one, gives you status, being her family, gives you political power, and being her life partner, gives you everything, good or bad, it always comes-

It's not as simple as it seems

-I understand-

-And I am one of those "jewels".

That means she's very important, but... What is she doing here alone with a servant? Wouldn't she be safer in hell?

Lilith seems to notice my confused face

-You probably thought she'd be safer in hell than being here?


Lilith smiles bitterly

The earth, is hunter's territory, although there are other beings, it's much safer than being in hell, the "hunters" are a power, no race wants to go to war against them because of an oversight, although they are not exactly good, at least in this city you can walk freely-

Lilith smiles bitterly.

I can't see Lilith's face, but she seems frustrated with the situation, she was biting her lips hard.

-It's ok, don't worry-

I spoke trying to comfort her.

-Now I am here, even though I am weak right now, I will become strong enough, strong enough to be able to compete against a whole race if necessary.

Lilith turned her gaze towards me, she looked astonished as if she couldn't believe she was saying it, but suddenly she started to laugh.

-Right... you're that kind of person....

-If you get hit, hit back twice as hard, that's what my father used to say, although I never got to meet him.

My father died before I could be aware of myself, but somehow I get letters once a year since I was 12 years old, when my mother saw the letter, she said it was his handwriting and that he probably left it before he left.

-I know...

-Do you know?

For a moment I was confused by Lilith's answer.

-I know several things about you and that's one of them, I know you're 180 CM, blood type B-, you never let yourself be intimidated and always responded to provocations, giving back more than what you were given, you have some friends but you're only close to two, you like to eat and read novels especially the ones about Japan-

-Well, you know things....

Although I didn't know my blood type myself...

-That's natural...

Lilith smiled for a moment

-Let's go out-

I said looking at the window, it was already dark, we have spent so many hours here, together...

-Are you sure?

-Yes, it's been a long time since I've been out at night.

Lilith looked doubtful but ended up accepting, she got up from the bed, went to the closet, took out two sets of clothes and placed them on the bed.

When I got up to take them and change, I could see a white t-shirt, black pants, a pair of black boots along with a black trench coat that came up to the middle of my knee, it's a style I hadn't used before, but I liked it,,, I dressed quickly

When I looked back at Lilith, she was already dressed, I was surprised, the elegant aura she always had, was replaced by a casual aura.

She was wearing a black strappy blouse, under a red cardigan that matched her eyes, along with black shorts, but what stood out the most were the fishnet stockings that reached almost mid-thigh, along with casual shoes, that matched perfectly with her clothes.

-You really look beautiful-

I said without thinking as I saw Lilith's new look.

-I can say the same about you-?

She gave a seductive smile and came closer to me to kiss me, we parted after a few seconds and I said

-Let's go-

I went out together with Lilith from the apartment


It was about 10 o'clock at night, it was the weekend and the streets were being passed by people looking for fun for the night.

-What do you want to do?

Lilith asked as we watched the people walking from the top of a building.

-Anything, I just don't want to be cooped up.

I said before something caught my attention.

Four men were jumping on top of the buildings, while they seemed to be agitated, I turned my eyes to Lilith, it seems she noticed it too since she was looking in her direction

-Do you want to see?

Lilith asked, she seemed curious about the situation.

I nodded my head and strengthened my body with energy, my innate physical capabilities were increasing considerably since I understood how to use my power, it's as if my body was adapting to the constant changes I was receiving.

When Lilith started to move I followed her, at the beginning it was complicated to jump over the buildings, but after doing it a few times I got used to it, we chased them for a few minutes trying to keep our distance without losing the trail, apparently Lilith is quite good at tracking presences, it's curious...

The four guys, arrived to a church in the center of the city, it was being remodeled so no one was inside, or at least I thought so, the main door opened, a pale and sickly looking man appeared, he seemed to be about 40 years old and was wearing a black priest suit, they talked for a few seconds before letting them in.

-It looks like they will do something entertaining.....

Lilith said as she seemed to be interested in entering.

-Then let's go.

She looked at me in surprise before smiling and her eyes sparkled for a moment.

-It will be fun.